Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

If that statement isn't some fake article - then that statement is bullocks and nonsensical. However that statement does not render nor reduce the issue of Israel committing deliberate war-crimes in Gaza, and being the cause of all this violence.
Be ready, because the war will continue, and if no surrender by Hamas comes, then that place will be leveled. FACT...

Call it whatever you want to call it, but war it definitely is, and war it definitely will be.
And what's this with people going into shops and loading up with everything they can carry, unopposed? I've seen several videos and I can't believe my eyes.
It's what the leftist Democrat's have caused, otherwise it's sort of like the same with Hamas and it's brainwashing of the people to agree too and/or support them after their manipulative lying sinks in. Democrat lower levels are truly gullible sheep just like the Palastinian's are. Funny how people become targets for destruction, and how they just can't see it coming. Once Beelzebub confuses them, and derails them, they become prone to sniffing up anything that farts in their general direction.
Nonsense - your usual unsubstantiated bull. claims and statements.

S-Korea only came into existence, upon Stalin and the USA agreeing that the USSR could occupy the former Manchuria and Northern Korea. Formalizing the 38th parallel to be a border of influence. See Cairo Conference 1943 and Potsdam Conference 1945. Both conferences not involving the exiled Korean government. But agreeing onto a UNITED KOREA.

As such the US government did exactly the same thing as it had done to Eastern-Europe and East-Germany - instead of sacrificing US "boys" to "help" others, let the Soviets bleed instead.

The delegation by the exiled Korean government (in Chongqing at the time, the ROC ruled by the KMT) had declared a government of a United Peoples Republic of Korea on September 1945. Since this delegation comprised foremost of leftists - the US military government under Gen. Hodges refused to acknowledge this government. Furthermore declaring only the US Military government to be legal, and the United Korean government to be only recognized as a political party. Thus the USA set the basis for the later ensuing Korean war.

The USA was simply afraid - reluctant to acknowledge a United Korean government that might be "friendly" or adherent to Stalin and Mao. Just as with e.g. Vietnam.

Also nonsense - the vast majority of the non-elitist Iranian society was in opposition to the Shah's suppressive regime, upheld foremost by the SAVAK - the Shah's Gestapo version - instituted and trained by the CIA and Mossad. (Do you know any Iranians?)
Had the USA promoted - insisted onto democratic elections "helping the people" - a moderate Western oriented government could have succeeded the Shah. Instead they allowed for the Shah's oppressive methods and thus promoted Islamic radicals to take over the opposition groups and parties.

Who is YOU?

No - the USA and it's "unconditional" support for a Nazi-like, Israeli Zionist faction, might evolve into the annihilation of Israel and it's folks.
Stalin was worse than Hitler. Made a pact with him to carve up Poland. Both sides invaded Poland which started WWII.

So not only do you defend Hamas....but you defend a Genocidal Maniac Stalin.

Fits your Sorry ass. S. Korea exists today because we told them and China to fuck off.

N. Korea exists today because Truman was an appeasement pussy
If that statement isn't some fake article - then that statement is bullocks and nonsensical. However that statement does not render nor reduce the issue of Israel committing deliberate war-crimes in Gaza, and being the cause of all this violence.
BS. They killing the enemy who slaughtered unarmed civilians. Hamas and Gaza can go to hell on your Fake ass outrage.

Your boys started this Tokoyo Rose.
And what's this with people going into shops and loading up with everything they can carry, unopposed? I've seen several videos and I can't believe my eyes.
It's what the leftist Democrat's have caused, otherwise it's sort of like the same with Hamas and it's brainwashing of the people ....
Don't try to give me your bull shit. I asked you a legitimate question. And I still want to know: Are the police not called in or do the thugs plan a quick grab & dash before the cops can get there? What about their gettaway car? Stolen? no registration number? No shop owner pulls out a 45 and sends them to hell or is that not legal? I saw one video where two Indian owners beat the crap out of a guy with a long wooden pole. Nice! :)
Don't try to give me your bull shit. I asked you a legitimate question. And I still want to know: Are the police not called in or do the thugs plan a quick grab & dash before the cops can get there? What about their gettaway car? Stolen? no registration number? No shop owner pulls out a 45 and sends them to hell or is that not legal? I saw one video where two Indian owners beat the crap out of a guy with a long wooden pole. Nice! :)
Just like Hamas, the Democrat's have been brainwashing the citizen's here to become very stupid also.
Just like Hamas, the Democrat's have been brainwashing the citizen's here to become very stupid also.
….and via the education system if they’re under 21, and via the media if they’re over.
I get it, you're full of shit and that's all you've got.
You don’t think leftist Jews marching along with pro-Palestinians, and Arabs themselves, while they scream “I stand with HAMAS!” and “Death to the Jews!!” are either stupid or brainwashed?
You don’t think leftist Jews marching along with pro-Palestinians, and Arabs themselves, while they scream “I stand with HAMAS!” and “Death to the Jews!!” are either stupid or brainwashed?

They’d be scooped up with the rest of them.

Their ideology wouldn’t save them.
Just like the Kapos. Didn’t save them.

I think with those, their days were numbered. They’d just extended their lifespans a litttle.

l was thinking more of the conversions to Catholicism. Not even that saved them. I remember seeing a section for Roman Catholic priests at Dachau. Their parents had been Jewish.
You don’t think leftist Jews marching along with pro-Palestinians, and Arabs themselves, while they scream “I stand with HAMAS!” and “Death to the Jews!!” are either stupid or brainwashed?
I don't know if they are "stupid or brainwashed" but reading your rhetorical comment about "leftists" convinces me that you are.
I don't know if they are "stupid or brainwashed" but reading your rhetorical comment about "leftists" convinces me that you are.
It’s the leftists who are joining with the “Death to Jews!” rallies - mostly college students brainwashed by their leftist professors.
I get it, you're full of shit and that's all you've got.
Care to address the post or act like a second grader trying to steal some poor kid's lunch money, and all because you THINK that you can ? Picking yourself back up off of the floor isn't a good look for you. 😂

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