Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

Con artist rewriting history.
There's no revision of history from me.
Ignores Stalin. USSR
I haven't ignored Stalin or the USSR (your ally by the way) but you didn't include him in the dialogue. We can include both subjects if you think it is relevant. Feel free to ask me anything about it .... if you dare.
Sell your BS to gullible youth
I haven't said anything about Stalin or the USSR to you. Give your fantasy a rest.

Dick and Jane.jpg
There's no revision of history from me.

I haven't ignored Stalin or the USSR (your ally by the way) but you didn't include him in the dialogue. We can include both subjects if you think it is relevant. Feel free to ask me anything about it .... if you dare.

I haven't said anything about Stalin or the USSR to you. Give your fantasy a rest.

View attachment 864168

Raghead humor from you.
Interesting.... Now if anyone here is knowledgeable enough to go back in time to these various dates and events in detail.....
Thanks for your considerate reply.

However, do I really need to explain the reasons or intentions to participate in discussions - such as in USMB to you? at least on my behalf?
On my part - I forward contents of issues known to me - therefore I refer as facts to them, it is then up to e.g. you, to check onto my statements, as to me just forwarding unsubstantiated bull like eagle1462010 - or as to the truth/facts my statements behold.

Having said that, one needs to differentiate between the "people" of a respective country and it's government - any fake democracy isn't acting onto behalf of it's people, but solely onto the interests of it's elitist circles - and the e.g. electoral system in the USA provides an even better base for those elitist bastards - then the usual election system of other fake democracies.

Therefore in regards to my statements, why don't you read up onto e.g. "Syngnam Rhee" - S-Korea's first president in 1948 by yourself? Who was this chap, how did he come to power, who supported him, what did he do? the same would apply to "Ngo Dinh Diem" - S-Vietnam's first president in 1955 and his followups, Gen. Nguyen Khanh, and Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu.

Syngnam Rhee (Korea)

Ngo Dinh Diem (Vietnam)

Pinochet (Chile) replacing democratic elected Allende via a CIA supported coup.

Allende (Chile)

And feel free to do just that with all the other names/persons I mentioned.

The US government (for whatever reasons) was not willing to sacrifice it's boy's to "help" and liberate Eastern Europe nor the previous Japanese occupied territories in Asia e.g. Korea. Thus creating a powerful Communist block initially directed by Stalin - known to be a ruthless dictator. Thus setting the basis of continuous wars for the next 35 years between USA (capitalist) sponsored countries against Communism sponsored countries and countries supportive of communism.

Upon 1989 with Communism having literally evaporated - the USA did not remain or return to being a neutral country - but continued to engage in it's hegemonic global policy against anyone opposing US hegemony - (so it never was about "helping others" as such, but simply $$$, since a communist country wasn't, isn't accessible to the US$ and thus it's global market control) ). Since 1989 the USA simply took advantage of being the sole remaining superpower. Till suddenly China started to appear on the horizon from 2000 onward and increasingly since 2015. However keep in mind that China since it's political reformation of the CPC in 1980 - has not engaged into a single war. And then look onto the USA's and it's serf NATO', and their common actions from 1989 till today.

So now, how did all these US government (elitist circles) conducted/initiated and supported wars, since 1945 benefit YOU - an American citizen?
They may have said that concerning the Jews yeah, but we as Americans said when we saw the Jews in the condition that they were in, "what a poor pitiful people these people are", and then we commenced to beating the hell out of those who said what you said these Germans had said when they looked upon these Jews in such a way.

There is a huge difference in context, and words mean things boy.

The Jews didn't commit atrocities on the German people that placed them into the situation that they were placed in, so they were innocent, and we as Americans protect the innocent.
No one gave a shit about Jews - neither before the Nazi's tried to exterminate them (around 6 million) - nor after 1945.
Are you aware that far more Slavic people (around 10-15 million) were murdered by the Nazi's? how come no one's heart bleeds for these Slavic people? Answer - they never had a political lobby in the USA in Britain, nor any other Western country.

To allow for the insane idea to let homeless European Jewish migrants after May 1945 - take possession of peoples land and homes who had been living there for the past 1600 years and much more, is simply preposterous. To simply (the USA) to acknowledge Israels self-declared independence in 1948, set the basis for an illegal state of Israel, and it's confrontation with the surrounding Muslim States and the factual local population - Arab Bedouins and the Palestinians.

Honestly - why didn't the USA allocate some mediocre 25,000mls2 in e.g. Arizona or Alaska or California as a homeland for those displaced 2 million Jewish people??
Why didn't Britain (in control of Australia) allow for some mediocre 25,000mls2 in 1945-1948? Thus both Britain and the USA avoiding the robbing of other peoples land and the following wars and persecution of homeless Palestinians? And please don't come up with that self written Jewish book and it's BC. 1150 claims.

However a State of Israel exists, and has in the meantime been acknowledged by the UN member States in vast majority. If Israel really want's peace (and not just take illegal possession) of all the former British Mandate territory of Palestine (a continuous process since 1948) + Israel having illegally annexed the Golan Heights - then why don't they simply allocate the Arab-Palestine territories as e.g. designated in the UN Partition Plan of 1947? which would represent far more territory then what the Palestinians are still fighting for. As such there would be enough "territorial" room to negotiate upon by both parties.

Offering the Palestinians the mediocre leftovers of Gaza (138mls2) whilst demanding another 3-4% of the separated West-Bank, is to be considered an "honest" attempt by Israel? and then used by Israel to state; the Palestinians refuse to accept our proposal. You got to be kidding me.

IMO - the " true solution" isn't a two state solution - but a single unified Jewish-Muslim Palestine. The only ones opposing that are the Zionists!! A radical faction such as Hamas or Islam Jihad, etc. could be easily subdued by the joint efforts of an Israeli-Palestinian Police and Army. But again the Zionist don't want that - all they want is a pure Jewish State, or at minimum an Israel controlled by Jews.

It took Ireland almost 700 years to regain it's independence from Britain via forming the Republic of Ireland - are any Protestants in Ireland being persecuted or suppressed? NO.
N-Ireland is still being "occupied" by Britain - has the Catholic IRA, or those Protestant Ulster brigades been active (terrorism) in the last 25 years? NO - because both Protestants and Catholics became sick and tired of them. When is N-Ireland going to be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?

Only when the English aka their Zionist like agenda towards other peoples territory is dropped.

Who are by far, the staunchest supporters of the Palestinian cause amongst Europeans and worldwide - yes exactly, the Irish, due to their own experience.
No one gave a shit about Jews - neither before the Nazi's tried to exterminate them (around 6 million) - nor after 1945.
Are you aware that far more Slavic people (around 10-15 million) were murdered by the Nazi's? how come no one's heart bleeds for these Slavic people? Answer - they never had a political lobby in the USA in Britain, nor any other Western country.

To allow for the insane idea to let homeless European Jewish migrants after May 1945 - take possession of peoples land and homes who had been living there for the past 1600 years and much more, is simply preposterous. To simply (the USA) to acknowledge Israels self-declared independence in 1948, set the basis for an illegal state of Israel, and it's confrontation with the surrounding Muslim States and the factual local population - Arab Bedouins and the Palestinians.

Honestly - why didn't the USA allocate some mediocre 25,000mls2 in e.g. Arizona or Alaska or California as a homeland for those displaced 2 million Jewish people??
Why didn't Britain (in control of Australia) allow for some mediocre 25,000mls2 in 1945-1948? Thus both Britain and the USA avoiding the robbing of other peoples land and the following wars and persecution of homeless Palestinians? And please don't come up with that self written Jewish book and it's BC. 1150 claims.

However a State of Israel exists, and has in the meantime been acknowledged by the UN member States in vast majority. If Israel really want's peace (and not just take illegal possession) of all the former British Mandate territory of Palestine (a continuous process since 1948) + Israel having illegally annexed the Golan Heights - then why don't they simply allocate the Arab-Palestine territories as e.g. designated in the UN Partition Plan of 1947? which would represent far more territory then what the Palestinians are still fighting for. As such there would be enough "territorial" room to negotiate upon by both parties.

Offering the Palestinians the mediocre leftovers of Gaza (138mls2) whilst demanding another 3-4% of the separated West-Bank, is to be considered an "honest" attempt by Israel? and then used by Israel to state; the Palestinians refuse to accept our proposal. You got to be kidding me.

IMO - the " true solution" isn't a two state solution - but a single unified Jewish-Muslim Palestine. The only ones opposing that are the Zionists!! A radical faction such as Hamas or Islam Jihad, etc. could be easily subdued by the joint efforts of an Israeli-Palestinian Police and Army. But again the Zionist don't want that - all they want is a pure Jewish State, or at minimum an Israel controlled by Jews.

It took Ireland almost 700 years to regain it's independence from Britain via forming the Republic of Ireland - are any Protestants in Ireland being persecuted or suppressed? NO.
N-Ireland is still being "occupied" by Britain - has the Catholic IRA, or those Protestant Ulster brigades been active (terrorism) in the last 25 years? NO - because both Protestants and Catholics became sick and tired of them. When is N-Ireland going to be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?

Only when the English aka their Zionist like agenda towards other peoples territory is dropped.

Who are by far, the staunchest supporters of the Palestinian cause amongst Europeans and worldwide - yes exactly, the Irish, due to their own experience.
Blah blah blah.
Your insane rant says you have a lot of concern about that tiny strip of sand in the ME.
...... I forward contents of issues known to me - therefore I refer as facts to them, it is then up to e.g. you, to check onto my statements ....... one needs to differentiate between the "people" of a respective country and it's government - any fake democracy isn't acting onto behalf of it's people, but solely onto the interests of it's elitist circles .....

So now, how did all these US government (elitist circles) conducted/initiated and supported wars, since 1945 benefit YOU - an American citizen?
Good post.
Muzzie history. S. Korea exists today because of us. Eastern Europe are countties again because of us.
Nonsense - your usual unsubstantiated bull. claims and statements.

S-Korea only came into existence, upon Stalin and the USA agreeing that the USSR could occupy the former Manchuria and Northern Korea. Formalizing the 38th parallel to be a border of influence. See Cairo Conference 1943 and Potsdam Conference 1945. Both conferences not involving the exiled Korean government. But agreeing onto a UNITED KOREA.

As such the US government did exactly the same thing as it had done to Eastern-Europe and East-Germany - instead of sacrificing US "boys" to "help" others, let the Soviets bleed instead.

The delegation by the exiled Korean government (in Chongqing at the time, the ROC ruled by the KMT) had declared a government of a United Peoples Republic of Korea on September 1945. Since this delegation comprised foremost of leftists - the US military government under Gen. Hodges refused to acknowledge this government. Furthermore declaring only the US Military government to be legal, and the United Korean government to be only recognized as a political party. Thus the USA set the basis for the later ensuing Korean war.

The USA was simply afraid - reluctant to acknowledge a United Korean government that might be "friendly" or adherent to Stalin and Mao. Just as with e.g. Vietnam.
Iran. The Shah was considered evil by Radical Islamist.
Also nonsense - the vast majority of the non-elitist Iranian society was in opposition to the Shah's suppressive regime, upheld foremost by the SAVAK - the Shah's Gestapo version - instituted and trained by the CIA and Mossad. (Do you know any Iranians?)
Had the USA promoted - insisted onto democratic elections "helping the people" - a moderate Western oriented government could have succeeded the Shah. Instead they allowed for the Shah's oppressive methods and thus promoted Islamic radicals to take over the opposition groups and parties.
We should have stomped you during Carter.
Who is YOU?
The Middle East will trigger WWIII because politicians stop us from fighting it as a War
No - the USA and it's "unconditional" support for a Nazi-like, Israeli Zionist faction, might evolve into the annihilation of Israel and it's folks.
Nonsense - your usual unsubstantiated bull. claims and statements.

S-Korea only came into existence, upon Stalin and the USA agreeing that the USSR could occupy the former Manchuria and Northern Korea. Formalizing the 38th parallel to be a border of influence. See Cairo Conference 1943 and Potsdam Conference 1945. Both conferences not involving the exiled Korean government. But agreeing onto a UNITED KOREA.

As such the US government did exactly the same thing as it had done to Eastern-Europe and East-Germany - instead of sacrificing US "boys" to "help" others, let the Soviets bleed instead.

The delegation by the exiled Korean government (in Chongqing at the time, the ROC ruled by the KMT) had declared a government of a United Peoples Republic of Korea on September 1945. Since this delegation comprised foremost of leftists - the US military government under Gen. Hodges refused to acknowledge this government. Furthermore declaring only the US Military government to be legal, and the United Korean government to be only recognized as a political party. Thus the USA set the basis for the later ensuing Korean war.

The USA was simply afraid - reluctant to acknowledge a United Korean government that might be "friendly" or adherent to Stalin and Mao. Just as with e.g. Vietnam.

Also nonsense - the vast majority of the non-elitist Iranian society was in opposition to the Shah's suppressive regime, upheld foremost by the SAVAK - the Shah's Gestapo version - instituted and trained by the CIA and Mossad. (Do you know any Iranians?)
Had the USA promoted - insisted onto democratic elections "helping the people" - a moderate Western oriented government could have succeeded the Shah. Instead they allowed for the Shah's oppressive methods and thus promoted Islamic radicals to take over the opposition groups and parties.

Who is YOU?

No - the USA and it's "unconditional" support for a Nazi-like, Israeli Zionist faction, might evolve into the annihilation of Israel and it's folks.
Palestinians are so proud they send their kids to die in tunnels!

The question then becomes: WHY were the police told to allow the criminal action to continue? It reminds me of the BLM riots. They allowed horrific criminal behavior to go on unabated. Yet, when trespassers entered the Capitol, they were thrown in jail for a year or more without a trial and many ultimately sentenced to prison.

I see a lot of double standards being applied by Democrats, depending on one’s political leanings.

P.S. A friend just called me, very upset. She was at the grocery store, looking at the Hanukah decorations, when a POS came up to her and made a nasty remark. THIS is how bad the antisemitism has become.
If something like that happens in front of me, I hope I don't go to jail.

I ain't havin' it, though. No. :nono:

I may not be Jewish, but they're an integral part of America, and I ain't havin' bullshit like that.

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