Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

That's what I'd like to know.

That's exactly what German soldiers were thinking when they saw the starving and ragged Jews in the death camps. "What a bunch of filthy people these Jews are!"
They may have said that concerning the Jews yeah, but we as Americans said when we saw the Jews in the condition that they were in, "what a poor pitiful people these people are", and then we commenced to beating the hell out of those who said what you said these Germans had said when they looked upon these Jews in such a way.

There is a huge difference in context, and words mean things boy.

The Jews didn't commit atrocities on the German people that placed them into the situation that they were placed in, so they were innocent, and we as Americans protect the innocent.
They may have said that concerning the Jews yeah, but we as Americans said when we saw the Jews in the condition that they were in, "what a poor pitiful people these people are", and then we commenced to beating the hell out of those who said what you said these Germans had said when they looked upon these Jews in such a way.
What?! You just now said : ⬇️
They could be great examples to the Palastinian's on how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle ... The Palastinian plight and it's religious ways seem to hold them back in life, so they hate anyone who makes them feel less in life, especially when they see a better way to live just outside their lifestyles, but are told they are not to have that or go near onto it. ... If I were living in a slum, .... then I would be turning to my leadership and asking WTH ? ... I'm thinking that the Palastinian's should be making friends with them, and learning from them, and becoming prosperous like they are. If they can help the Palastinian's get out of their slum, and out of this cycle of a death cult they seem to have been engaging in, then let them go towards the light, and let them stop trying to build tunnels like rats, and live like rats live in their primitive communities.
⬆️ You called the Palestinians filthy, unhealthy, hateful, slum-dwelling, primitive, tunnel rats. That's what "You as an American" said. No, "what a poor pitiful people these people are".
The Jews didn't commit atrocities on the German people that placed them into the situation that they were placed in,
📢 The Jews are committing atrocities on the Palestinian people that placed them into the filthy, unhealthy, tunnel slum situation they are placed in.
... so they were innocent, and we as Americans protect the innocent.
... so the Palestinians are innocent and "you as an American" are spitting on them and claiming it's their own fault. I think you are completely daft. ✔️

What?! You just now said : ⬇️

⬆️ You called the Palestinians filthy, unhealthy, hateful, slum-dwelling, primitive, tunnel rats. That's what "You as an American" said. No, "what a poor pitiful people these people are".

📢 The Jews are committing atrocities on the Palestinian people that placed them into the filthy, unhealthy, tunnel slum situation they are placed in.

... so the Palestinians are innocent and "you as an American" are spitting on them and claiming it's their own fault. I think you are completely daft. ✔️
Ohhh so another leftist knucklehead that doesn't understand the difference in the actions found between the two groups being talked about, and how one differs from the other as based upon those actions.

No, you said that the Germans looked upon the Jews as being filthy ghetto rats, and I said that "when we looked upon the Jews, instead we saw an innocent poor pitiful beat down bunch of people by no fault of their own in that horrid situation. So we commenced to kicking some German ace in regards to what they had done to the Jews, and also for how they viewed them at that time.

The Palastinian's however, well they are another type of people (likened to Cain in the Bible), altogether....... Wherefore as with their actions, they do bring about their sorrows and shame, and so when they are looked upon by the civilized people in the world, it is that the sympathy falls flat in a comparison type of way, otherwise when judging or comparing the two like we are.
What?! You just now said : ⬇️

⬆️ You called the Palestinians filthy, unhealthy, hateful, slum-dwelling, primitive, tunnel rats. That's what "You as an American" said. No, "what a poor pitiful people these people are".

📢 The Jews are committing atrocities on the Palestinian people that placed them into the filthy, unhealthy, tunnel slum situation they are placed in.

... so the Palestinians are innocent and "you as an American" are spitting on them and claiming it's their own fault. I think you are completely daft. ✔️
⬇️... your senseless response .... ⬇️
Ohhh so another leftist knucklehead that doesn't understand the difference in the actions found between the two groups being talked about, and how one differs from the other as based upon those actions.

No, you said that the Germans looked upon the Jews as being filthy ghetto rats, and I said that "when we looked upon the Jews, instead we saw an innocent poor pitiful beat down bunch of people by no fault of their own in that horrid situation. So we commenced to kicking some German ace in regards to what they had done to the Jews, and also for how they viewed them at that time.

The Palastinian's however, well they are another type of people (likened to Cain in the Bible), altogether....... Wherefore as with their actions, they do bring about their sorrows and shame, and so when they are looked upon by the civilized people in the world, it is that the sympathy falls flat in a comparison type of way, otherwise when judging or comparing the two like we are.
You are an absolute idiot. An absolute racist idiot. And a Nazi too! ⚠️
All to help other's to our demise, but that's what you do when trying to be a Godly people.
The USA didn't help anyone from 1945 onward - but supported oppressive head of states that oppressed and terrorized their own people.
Thus the USA getting into wars with those opposing the ones the USA favored and favors.

Starting off with S-Korea, a hopeless corrupt and oppressive government, supporting right-wing terrorists to attack Cuba, installing butchers like Allende and the Shah of Iran, supporting a hopeless corrupt and oppressive dictator in South-Vietnam, whilst attacking "illegally" Laos and Cambodia, supporting an oppressive dictator in Iraq who had attacked Iran and was murdering off Kurds. Creating Al Queda and the Taliban, in order to get at the USSR in Afghanistan. Inciting South-Africa to support the CIA created UNITA in Angola - and when things got hot the USA ran off. - suddenly claiming to be anti-Apartheid after Reagan had been replaced with Clinton. Getting involved into Libya's civil-war and thus creating uncontrolled mass-immigration streams into Europe. Supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurds and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria.

Presently supporting an oppressive dictator in Egypt - an oppressive wannabe dictator in Israel, and an oppressive Saudi-government that practices and promotes Sharia-law. And supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurd's (US allies in Iraq, Syria and Iran) and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria. Using Ukraine's political nationalist factions to have a go at Russia.

And Russia's attack in 2014 Crimea and 2022 Ukraine - IMO in breach with international law, however incited and caused by the USA's imperialistic and hegemonic global policy to expand NATO and US control. Constantly spreading bullshit and lies about China wanting to attack Taiwan - who supported and created those factions now in control of Mali etc? and so on and so on.

Help?? towards world peace and stability? my ass.
Last edited:
All to help other's ....
The USA didn't help anyone from 1945 onward - but supported oppressive head of states that oppressed and terrorized their own people.
Thus the USA getting into wars with those opposing the ones the USA favored and favors.
I’ve always figured from about 1950 onward but you may be right.
Starting off with S-Korea, a hopeless corrupt and oppressive government ...
... supporting right-wing terrorists to attack Cuba ...
Yes, but you left out the fact that the US (and Kennedy by default) supported their puppet Batista and the American Mafia that controlled Cuba’s natural resources prior to the Cuban Revolution, which itself, was formed with the purpose of putting a stop to the treachery.
... installing butchers like Allende ...
... and the Shah of Iran ...
Well, “SUPPORTING” really is the wrong choice of word. It was the American CIA who destroyed Mohammad Mosaddegh’s Democratic government of Iran and put (created) the tyrannic Shah in the first place with CIA ‘Operation TP Ajax’. So, saying the US “supported” him is weak by definition. The Shah was the CIA’s puppet.
... supporting a hopeless corrupt and oppressive dictator in South-Vietnam ...
Ditto from the previous paragraph. South Vietnam itself was a fake creation of the US and so was its puppet “oppressive dictator”. So again, “SUPPORTING” is a weak choice of words.
... whilst attacking "illegally" Laos and Cambodia ...
... supporting an oppressive dictator in Iraq who had attacked Iran ...
Creating Al Queda and the Taliban, in order to get at the USSR in Afghanistan.
Inciting South-Africa to support the CIA created UNITA in Angola - and when things got hot the USA ... suddenly claiming to be anti-Apartheid ...
Getting involved into Libya's civil-war and thus creating uncontrolled mass-immigration streams into Europe.
Maybe even “creating” Libya’s civil war?
Supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurds ...
I confess my ignorance of that.
... and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria.
Using Ukraine's political nationalist factions to have a go at Russia.
Again, the correct term is “creating” rather than “using” considering the CIA orchestration of destroying the Democratically elected government and putting shit-face Zoolinsky in as their puppet.
Constantly spreading bullshit and lies about China wanting to attack Taiwan - who supported and created those factions now in control of Mali etc? and so on and so on.
Yes. But I must say that you've left out -

  • the illegal invasion of Grenada,
  • the illegal invasion of Irak,
  • the illegal invasion of Serbia,
  • the illegal assassination of Osama bin Laden,
etc. etc. etc.
Help?? towards world peace and stability?
The USA didn't help anyone from 1945 onward - but supported oppressive head of states that oppressed and terrorized their own people.
Thus the USA getting into wars with those opposing the ones the USA favored and favors.

Starting off with S-Korea, a hopeless corrupt and oppressive government, supporting right-wing terrorists to attack Cuba, installing butchers like Allende and the Shah of Iran, supporting a hopeless corrupt and oppressive dictator in South-Vietnam, whilst attacking "illegally" Laos and Cambodia, supporting an oppressive dictator in Iraq who had attacked Iran and was murdering off Kurds. Creating Al Queda and the Taliban, in order to get at the USSR in Afghanistan. Inciting South-Africa to support the CIA created UNITA in Angola - and when things got hot the USA ran off. - suddenly claiming to be anti-Apartheid after Reagan had been replaced with Clinton. Getting involved into Libya's civil-war and thus creating uncontrolled mass-immigration streams into Europe. Supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurds and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria.

Presently supporting an oppressive dictator in Egypt - an oppressive wannabe dictator in Israel, and an oppressive Saudi-government that practices and promotes Sharia-law. And supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurd's (US allies in Iraq, Syria and Iran) and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria. Using Ukraine's political nationalist factions to have a go at Russia.

And Russia's attack in 2014 Crimea and 2022 Ukraine - IMO in breach with international law, however incited and caused by the USA's imperialistic and hegemonic global policy to expand NATO and US control. Constantly spreading bullshit and lies about China wanting to attack Taiwan - who supported and created those factions now in control of Mali etc? and so on and so on.

Help?? towards world peace and stability? my ass.
Interesting.... Now if anyone here is knowledgeable enough to go back in time to these various dates and events in detail, otherwise in order to counter ole Kruska, then have at it, because I'm not knowledgeable enough to have the historical details or understanding of the events in which Kruska lays out in length to be found in his post.

Without doing a very indepth analysis of your post as it is written Kruska, then I really can't comment in a way that counters what you say off of the top of my head in depth, but I will say that I'm wise enough to know that we did have something that went horribly wrong in the late 50's and throughout the 60s in which we are suffering from to this very day... No we aren't perfect, and yet we have been blessed in a lot of ways because of our willingness to sacrifice as American citizen's for other nations, and this we have done as U.S. citizen's when called upon by our government to do so during many historical events throughout time.

No we aren't perfect, but in contrast we aren't the worst either when looking into the global leadership roles, especially when it comes to wars and the treatment of it's own citizen's in those wars throughout history.

I have to believe that it's our spirit as a people that has gotten us out of a lot of troubled situations we probably shouldn't have gotten ourselves into, and yes it takes time, but eventually the bad leadership dissipates over time, just like it does at any given time in other nation's around the globe, otherwise when they end up with bad and corrupt leadership's within their midst, the same as we have.
Interesting.... Now if anyone here is knowledgeable enough to go back in time to these various dates and events in detail ...... because I'm not knowledgeable enough to have the historical details or understanding of the events in which Kruska lays out in length to be found in his post.
Read post #228 and all will be revealed to you. :)
The USA didn't help anyone from 1945 onward - but supported oppressive head of states that oppressed and terrorized their own people.
Thus the USA getting into wars with those opposing the ones the USA favored and favors.

Starting off with S-Korea, a hopeless corrupt and oppressive government, supporting right-wing terrorists to attack Cuba, installing butchers like Allende and the Shah of Iran, supporting a hopeless corrupt and oppressive dictator in South-Vietnam, whilst attacking "illegally" Laos and Cambodia, supporting an oppressive dictator in Iraq who had attacked Iran and was murdering off Kurds. Creating Al Queda and the Taliban, in order to get at the USSR in Afghanistan. Inciting South-Africa to support the CIA created UNITA in Angola - and when things got hot the USA ran off. - suddenly claiming to be anti-Apartheid after Reagan had been replaced with Clinton. Getting involved into Libya's civil-war and thus creating uncontrolled mass-immigration streams into Europe. Supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurds and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria.

Presently supporting an oppressive dictator in Egypt - an oppressive wannabe dictator in Israel, and an oppressive Saudi-government that practices and promotes Sharia-law. And supporting an oppressive Turkey government that attacks and murders off Kurd's (US allies in Iraq, Syria and Iran) and "illegally" attacked and occupied parts of Syria. Using Ukraine's political nationalist factions to have a go at Russia.

And Russia's attack in 2014 Crimea and 2022 Ukraine - IMO in breach with international law, however incited and caused by the USA's imperialistic and hegemonic global policy to expand NATO and US control. Constantly spreading bullshit and lies about China wanting to attack Taiwan - who supported and created those factions now in control of Mali etc? and so on and so on.

Help?? towards world peace and stability? my ass.
Muzzie history. S. Korea exists today because of us. Eastern Europe are countties again because of us.

Iran. The Shah was considered evil by Radical Islamist. The same ones now after the 12th Imam to end the world.

We should have stomped you during Carter.

The Middle East will trigger WWIII because politicians stop us from fighting it as a War
Interesting.... Now if anyone here is knowledgeable enough to go back in time to these various dates and events in detail, otherwise in order to counter ole Kruska, then have at it, because I'm not knowledgeable enough to have the historical details or understanding of the events in which Kruska lays out in length to be found in his post.

Without doing a very indepth analysis of your post as it is written Kruska, then I really can't comment in a way that counters what you say off of the top of my head in depth, but I will say that I'm wise enough to know that we did have something that went horribly wrong in the late 50's and throughout the 60s in which we are suffering from to this very day... No we aren't perfect, and yet we have been blessed in a lot of ways because of our willingness to sacrifice as American citizen's for other nations, and this we have done as U.S. citizen's when called upon by our government to do so during many historical events throughout time.

No we aren't perfect, but in contrast we aren't the worst either when looking into the global leadership roles, especially when it comes to wars and the treatment of it's own citizen's in those wars throughout history.

I have to believe that it's our spirit as a people that has gotten us out of a lot of troubled situations we probably shouldn't have gotten ourselves into, and yes it takes time, but eventually the bad leadership dissipates over time, just like it does at any given time in other nation's around the globe, otherwise when they end up with bad and corrupt leadership's within their midst, the same as we have.
We have no reason to apologize to the America Sucks Crowd.

They play this game day in day out. There purpose is deception and to turn the world against Israel.
Muzzie history. S. Korea exists today because of us. Eastern Europe are countties again because of us.

Iran. The Shah was considered evil by Radical Islamist. The same ones now after the 12th Imam to end the world.

We should have stomped you during Carter.

The Middle East will trigger WWIII because politicians stop us from fighting it as a War
Thanks Eagle, keep up the good fight brother because their propaganda is thick. A coming together is needed in America after the failed presidency of OBiden is finally over, but you watch, the enemies of America will try everything they can to continue to exploit his weakness until he's gone. May the good Lord be with us, and may his mercy endure as a healer for a world in tears.
We have no reason to apologize to the America Sucks Crowd.

They play this game day in day out. There purpose is deception and to turn the world against Israel.
Agree Eagle, they are truly deceivers by what I've constantly heard coming out of their own mouths. The denial's of fact's are the most obvious, especially when they double down due to their devilish pride in which won't let them admit to their wrongs.
S. Korea exists today because of us.
No, North Korea exists because of you.
Eastern Europe are countties again because of us.
No, Eastern Europe is at war again because of you.
Iran. The Shah was considered evil by Radical Islamist.
No. The Shah was evil by any standard. Particularly by the Democratic population that the CIA destroyed in order to put the Shah on Washington’s puppet status. “Radical Islamists” is the consequence of the US destroying Iran’s Democracy.
The same ones now after the 12th Imam to end the world.
No, there is no Imam who wants to end the world but if push comes to shove from the Unites Snakes then Iran may have no choice. The US is threatening the world with nuclear war in order to “get its way”. If the US can do it with impunity so can Iran, or N. Korea, or Russia, or China, or …….. anyone who’s got “the bomb”. You've set the standard yourself.
We should have stomped you during Carter.
“Stomped” who? The CIA? The Military-Industrial Complex? Hmmmm, not a bad idea and it’s not too late.
The Middle East will trigger WWIII because politicians stop us from fighting it as a War
No, the Middle East wants peace and prosperity. It is the United Snakes (and Western dupes such as NATO) who want WWIII.
No, North Korea exists because of you.

No, Eastern Europe is at war again because of you.

No. The Shah was evil by any standard. Particularly by the Democratic population that the CIA destroyed in order to put the Shah on Washington’s puppet status. “Radical Islamists” is the consequence of the US destroying Iran’s Democracy.

No, there is no Imam who wants to end the world but if push comes to shove from the Unites Snakes then Iran may have no choice. The US is threatening the world with nuclear war in order to “get its way”. If the US can do it with impunity so can Iran, or N. Korea, or Russia, or China, or …….. anyone who’s got “the bomb”. You've set the standard yourself.

who? The CIA? The Military-Industrial Complex? Hmmmm, not a bad idea and it’s not too late.

No, the Middle East wants peace and prosperity. It is the United Snakes (and Western dupes such as NATO) who want WWIII.
Con artist rewriting history. Ignores Stalin. USSR

Sell your BS to gullible youth That dog dont hunt here.

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