Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

The right loves this country in good times or bad

Libs only tolerate America when they get their way
And i might agree Mac

but this has not always been so

one would have to have lived the political swings.....

I object with anyone f*cking with our flag eagle

Yet what makes us a free country is their right to do so

Anything short of that is fascism

They have no right to fuck with the flag when it belongs to someone else, and is on their own property. And that’s what these pro-Palestinian, America-hating bigots did.
...... And that’s what these pro-Palestinian, America-hating bigots did.
A major problem is that at least a third of these antisemites are Muslims ...

You mean a Visa lists your religion? I highly doubt that is true.
Calling every Muslim an "antisemite" and "America-hating bigot" is what Lisa does to impress her fellow Hasbara trolls. The young ones are impressed but the more experienced ones see her as an uninspiring novice and an embarrassment with no future possibility of membership in Mossad. Alas, her biggest dream will never be fulfilled. :eusa_hand:
"Putting babies in ovens", a pretty telling statement. Of course there is no proof of that, hell, I haven't even seen it mentioned in press coverage or even IDF statements. It is precisely what you said it was, a throwback to the Holocaust.
My best guess is that she's quoting Nikki "Stains" Haley from one of her rehearsed, 'finger-poking-the-air' rally attempts.
Lisa is a sick, disturbed individual. Always playing the victim card.
Yep. But inspiring no one other than her own imagination between the sheets.
Did you catch this .....
No, I missed it ..... but .......
gather them up, take them as POW, and then cut off their legs with a shovel, and set them on fire while they are still alive.
... Holy shit! :omg:
That is some sick ass shit right there.
An understatement!
Honestly, I am surprised she hasn't moved to the West Bank to live in one of those illegal settlements with the people that think like her. And here is the thing, the very reason that Israel can continue to treat the Palestinians like they do, the reason that those settlers can burn Palestinian farmland, confiscate their wells, and kill them without repercussion, is because of "vermin", I will use the word of the day, like Lisa.
Yes, another "throwback to the Holocaust". If anyone is unsure of Zionism being neo-Nazi indoctrinated they need only follow the Zionist trail of rhetoric. Really, it's mostly "Mein Kampf" plagiarism.
And she will cry and bellyache about anti-Semitism when confronted with her immoral and self-absorbed attitude. But the thing is, she ain't hated because she is a Jew. She is hated because she is a racist ass bitch whose only empathy is parochial. She is no different than a white hooded Klansman terrorizing the black neighborhood. See, that Klansman is not racist because he hates black, he is racist because he so loves his whiteness. Maybe you can get the point, I know she won't.
Well, you've just put into words what I have been thinking but unable to formulate on my own. Given enough time I probably would have come up with "racist ass bitch" but I wouldn't have been able to support the thought as well as you've just done. :eusa_clap:
I think it is at least 1/3rd Arabs from other countries, funded by anti-Israel groups.

Based on what?

The question then becomes: WHY were the police told to allow the criminal action to continue? It reminds me of the BLM riots. They allowed horrific criminal behavior to go on unabated. Yet, when trespassers entered the Capitol, they were thrown in jail for a year or more without a trial and many ultimately sentenced to prison.

I see a lot of double standards being applied by Democrats, depending on one’s political leanings.

P.S. A friend just called me, very upset. She was at the grocery store, looking at the Hanukah decorations, when a POS came up to her and made a nasty remark. THIS is how bad the antisemitism has become.

I'm hearing reports of incidents like that from friends since the blow up in Gaza. I'm sorry it's happening.
Real source Surada? Shukran.
Nope. I was with Jewish friends yesterday. Several of them talked about nieces and 👴 grandchildren who have experience unkind remarks at college. Not overt but nonetheless unkind.

You have such a hateful attitude.
Bullshit. I will ask you the same question,

Why does that "make it worse"? And seriously, where is the documentation concerning the claim that "most" were immigrants or first generation Americans? What the hell, did the protestors enter through a gate producing their family tree? Oh wait, I know, Lisa saw pictures of them, and she can tell how long their family has been in the US by their LOOKS. Nothing racist about that, right?

This shit is beyond sick. For the uptenth time, what Hamas dis was terrible, it was a war crime. But they didn't do it because the people were Jews, they did because of years of mistreatment, years of Settlers stealing their land, burning their crops, harassing them, and yes, killing them. They did it because of the fact that Israel is an apartheid government, and if there was any doubt, that was removed when the Israeli government proclaimed that only the Jews have the right to self-determination.

The whole "anti-semite" charge is nothing more than a skirt that Israel and their supporters hide behind. Lisa is one of the biggest cowards that hides behind that skirt. Any criticism of Israel is automatically proclaimed as antisemitism. While ignoring the real illegal and immoral actions that the Israeli government commits. Mention that the Jewish settlements are illegal, that their residents routinely harass, and often kill, Palestinians in the West Bank with the tacit support of the IDF. "Antisemitism" they scream. They yield it like a get out of jail free card in a game of Monopoly, the only difference, they have an infinite supply.
Only by the actions of people, does it draw responses based on those actions. Israel is not an offensive nation attempting to colonize nor does it have imperial ambitions, but if anyone commits hateful actions towards Israel, then it will bring about Israel's quick decisive defensive measures in response too.
It’s surreal that the “pro Palestinian” side keeps denying Hamas’s militarization of hospitals.

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Hey, "hands up don't shoot" was the incessant cry of the leftist here, even after proven that the claim was totally false in which led to the movement called "defund the police". The defund movement has one goal I believe, and that is to disarm police in multiple ways as if it is some kind of leveling field that gives the criminals a sporting chance.

Now do you know of criminals that deserve a sporting chance, otherwise putting an emphasis on the word CRIMINAL ? I'm not talking about just shooting a person if they are a criminal, but rather I'm talking about not allowing the criminal to shoot first as if that is supposed to be some kind of option given them.
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Should all those who commit vandalism be deported?
If their actions include other nefarious actions that are intent on undermining America, then yes they should be dealt with in a manor relative to their complete actions. If deporting measures are needed, then they should be implemented accordingly.
The Zionists (with assistance from the United Snakes) have been attacking the Palestinians for more than 80 years. You seem to have no problem with that. If conquer, rule, and acquire is OK with you then if the Palestinians attack and conquer Israel (with assistance from Hamas, Hezbollah/Iran or even Russia) then it's fair business. Right? 🇵🇸
Go for it if you feel warm and fuzzy about it. Don't cry when your world begins to desolve around you.

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