Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

Savage Muslim terrorists who chop off Jewish babies heads, tear the limbs off children, put infants in ovens ......

:laughing0301: If you ever find credible proof of it, let me know. ......

When there’s no way to justify what the savage Muslims did to innocent Jewish babies and children, all you’re left with is denial.
Those who cannot provide credible proof of their assertions are the ones who are "left with denial". Didn't your parents or teachers ever tell you that? Are you serious?! :auiqs.jpg:
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A major problem is that at least a third of these antisemites are Muslims on student visas, and the liberal universities will fight against deporting them. If it means that as a result antisemitism reaches a fevered pitch not seen since the Holocaust, oh well.
You mean a Visa lists your religion? I highly doubt that is true.
First of all there were no insurrectionists. Therefore zero insurrectionists received a jail sentence. There were many thousands of arsonists, looters, batterers and vandals in the several years prior to January 6th who received absolutely nothing. Conclusion: Banana Republic Justice.

Caveat: Anyone who went down to Washington DC with the express idea of trespassing on federal office property is an idiot. So I don't feel particularly sorry for them. However I'm not going to mask the truth nor am I going to mask the double standard or the motive behind it.
There have been January 6th convictions on seditious conspiracy which is damn near the same thing as insurrection. And here again, appearing for the umpteenth time in this thread alone, is the complete falsehood

There were many thousands of arsonists, looters, batterers and vandals in the several years prior to January 6th who received absolutely nothing
No, dumbshit, THOUSANDS were arrested.

I mean enough already. If your argument hinges on a complete falsehood, maybe you might not want to make that argument.
:laughing0301: If you ever find credible proof of it, let me know. But maybe you're talking about Mengele & Co. and you've mixed your info up in a once-a-month frenzy.
"Putting babies in ovens", a pretty telling statement. Of course there is no proof of that, hell, I haven't even seen it mentioned in press coverage or even IDF statements. It is precisely what you said it was, a throwback to the Holocaust.

Lisa is a sick, disturbed individual. Always playing the victim card. Did you catch this,

gather them up, take them as POW, and then cut off their legs with a shovel, and set them on fire while they are still alive.

That is some sick ass shit right there. Honestly, I am surprised she hasn't moved to the West Bank to live in one of those illegal settlements with the people that think like her. And here is the thing, the very reason that Israel can continue to treat the Palestinians like they do, the reason that those settlers can burn Palestinian farmland, confiscate their wells, and kill them without repercussion, is because of "vermin", I will use the word of the day, like Lisa.

And she will cry and bellyache about anti-Semitism when confronted with her immoral and self-absorbed attitude. But the thing is, she ain't hated because she is a Jew. She is hated because she is a racist ass bitch whose only empathy is parochial. She is no different than a white hooded Klansman terrorizing the black neighborhood. See, that Klansman is not racist because he hates black, he is racist because he so loves his whiteness. Maybe you can get the point, I know she won't.
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There have been January 6th convictions on seditious conspiracy which is damn near the same thing as insurrection. And here again, appearing for the umpteenth time in this thread alone, is the complete falsehood

No, dumbshit, THOUSANDS were arrested.

I mean enough already. If your argument hinges on a complete falsehood, maybe you might not want to make that argument.
There have been January 6th convictions on seditious conspiracy which is damn near the same thing as insurrection. And here again, appearing for the umpteenth time in this thread alone, is the complete falsehood

No, dumbshit, THOUSANDS were arrested.

I mean enough already. If your argument hinges on a complete falsehood, maybe you might not want to make that argument.
It appears for the umpteenth time because by and large it's true. There were literally hundreds of demonstrations very few of them included arrests. Many of them enjoyed stand-down orders from the local authorities.
The DOJ never got involved. None of them were accused of sedition or insurrection.

So take your accusation and shove it right up your phony ass. Your inference that the double standard is not true is just false. The reason why most people believe there's a double standard is simple... there is one.
It appears for the umpteenth time because by and large it's true. There were literally hundreds of demonstrations very few of them included arrests. Many of them enjoyed stand-down orders from the local authorities.
The DOJ never got involved. None of them were accused of sedition or insurrection.

So take your accusation and shove it right up your phony ass. Your inference that the double standard is not true is just false. The reason why most people believe there's a double standard is simple... there is one.
It is not true you stupid shit. Thousands of BLM protestors have been both arrested, and convicted. Some facing sentences of twenty years or more. The longest January 6 sentence is 18 years, the average is around six months.

None of them were arrested for sedition or insurrection because, quite frankly, there is a huge difference in ransacking business and committing acts of vandalism and attempting to stop the government from doing their job through violence and intimidation. That fact that you can't see that pretty much confirms you have your head so far up your ass that you are literally eating shit.
It is not true you stupid shit. Thousands of BLM protestors have been both arrested, and convicted. Some facing sentences of twenty years or more. The longest January 6 sentence is 18 years, the average is around six months.

None of them were arrested for sedition or insurrection because, quite frankly, there is a huge difference in ransacking business and committing acts of vandalism and attempting to stop the government from doing their job through violence and intimidation. That fact that you can't see that pretty much confirms you have your head so far up your ass that you are literally eating shit.
There have been less than 100 Burn Loot Murder arrests and imprisonments. Not “thousands”
gather them up, take them as POW, and then cut off their legs with a shovel, and set them on fire while they are still alive.


Wow. It looks like somebody's hallucinating again.

Med check time. Just sit still for a while, and the nice nurse will be there soon with her tray of pretty pills. We know how much you like the nice nurse and all those pretty pills.

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Wow. It looks like somebody's hallucinating again.

Med check time. Just sit still for a while, and the nice nurse will be there soon with her tray of pretty pills. We know how much you like the nice nurse.

What the antisemite is missing - or pretending not to know - is that is exactly what his HAMAS heroes did to innocent Jews, including children. One of the savages DID put a baby in the oven, while tying the father to a chair so he’d be forced to hear and watch his child’s agony, and while the savage ALSO raped the wife. Then, once the baby was dead, and the parents knew about it, the Muslim savage killed them both.

THIS is the level of barbarism and savagery that Israel dealt with on Oct 7th, and the monsters have threatened to do it again and again until every Israeli has been killed. Israel must do, and is doing, everything necessary to make sure the Muslim terrorists are all wiped out.

And yet, the antisemites here have more outrage for good Jewish Americans than the barbarians who tortured To death every Jew they could find, laughed about it, and then called their parents to brag about it.
What the antisemite is missing - or pretending not to know - is that is exactly what his HAMAS heroes did to innocent Jews, including children. One of the savages DID put a baby in the oven, while tying the father to a chair so he’d be forced to hear and watch his child’s agony, and while the savage ALSO raped the wife. Then, once the baby was dead, and the parents knew about it, the Muslim savage killed them both.

THIS is the level of barbarism and savagery that Israel dealt with on Oct 7th, and the monsters have threatened to do it again and again until every Israeli has been killed. Israel must do, and is doing, everything necessary to make sure the Muslim terrorists are all wiped out.

And yet, the antisemites here have more outrage for good Jewish Americans than the barbarians who tortured To death every Jew they could find, laughed about it, and then called their parents to brag about it.

I really would think that the mods ought to be able to screen out the kind of hallucinating crazy that Winston obviously has going on.

Shouldn't there be some kind of radar that beeps when that kind of two-year-old shit flinging tantrum comes withing range?

"Putting babies in ovens", a pretty telling statement. Of course there is no proof of that, hell, I haven't even seen it mentioned in press coverage or even IDF statements. It is precisely what you said it was, a throwback to the Holocaust.

Lisa is a sick, disturbed individual. Always playing the victim card. Did you catch this,

gather them up, take them as POW, and then cut off their legs with a shovel, and set them on fire while they are still alive.

That is some sick ass shit right there. Honestly, I am surprised she hasn't moved to the West Bank to live in one of those illegal settlements with the people that think like her. And here is the thing, the very reason that Israel can continue to treat the Palestinians like they do, the reason that those settlers can burn Palestinian farmland, confiscate their wells, and kill them without repercussion, is because of "vermin", I will use the word of the day, like Lisa.

And she will cry and bellyache about anti-Semitism when confronted with her immoral and self-absorbed attitude. But the thing is, she ain't hated because she is a Jew. She is hated because she is a racist ass bitch whose only empathy is parochial. She is no different than a white hooded Klansman terrorizing the black neighborhood. See, that Klansman is not racist because he hates black, he is racist because he so loves his whiteness. Maybe you can get the point, I know she won't.

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