Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

They have a right to destroy their OWN American flag. They do not have the right to steal someone else’s off their property and replace it with one of a foreign country.
I agree with you on the surface but I am suspicious. Not of what you say but of what you have omitted. Do you agree that if "they destroy" (or remove) "their OWN American flag" they have "the right" to replace it with any "foreign flag" of their choice?
Basically they're not grasping one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter Glas.....

The purpose of this obfuscation is to cloak agenda's in the guise of bigotry , beyond reproach

A grand example would be Zionism hiding behind the charge of anti-semitism

Question their agenda, and you're immediately condemned as a bigot

Conversely, it's become perfectly acceptable to paint every Palestinian a hamas tool

Historically, we've had many a Japanese , German, Italian example, which is merely repeating itself with the current target to validate the genocide we are supporting

:th_thgoodpost:You should copy and paste this response of yours once each week or (at least) once each month just to make sure no one can feign ignorance. :eusa_clap:
I agree with you on the surface but I am suspicious. Not of what you say but of what you have omitted. Do you agree that if "they destroy" (or remove) "their OWN American flag" they have "the right" to replace it with any "foreign flag" of their choice?
Yes, on their own property. They do not have the right to put it up on anyone else’s without their consent.
:th_thgoodpost:You should copy and paste this response of yours once each week or (at least) once each month just to make sure no one can feign ignorance. :eusa_clap:
Why? Savage Muslim terrorists who chop off Jewish babies heads, tear the limbs off children, put infants in ovens, and LAUGH while they’re doing it does not make them “freedom fighters” just because the antisemites call them that. They are still savage terrorists, and Israel will kill each and everyone one of them.

What would be poetic justice is if Israel were to gather them up, take them as POW, and then cut off their legs with a shovel, and set them on fire while they are still alive. Israel won’t lower themselves, however, to the savage level of the enemy.
The Democrats are giving priority to Muslim foreigners while allowing death threats to Jewish citizens to reach a fevered pitch. The leftists always side with the wrong people. Illegal aliens….criminal thugs….and HAMAS-supporting Muslims who make it dangerous for Jews to leave their houses.
The Democrats are giving priority to Muslim foreigners while allowing death threats to Jewish citizens to reach a fevered pitch. The leftists always side with the wrong people. Illegal aliens….criminal thugs….and HAMAS-supporting Muslims who make it dangerous for Jews to leave their houses.
It's Trump who said there were good people among the Jews will not replace us crowd. Try as you might Lisa being against Israel's murder and genocide of now tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians isn't anti-semtic.
'free' countries do not have political prisoners.....~S~
... and if they do have political prisoners then they are not 'free'. That also should apply to proxy states such as Sweden, Ecuador, and the UK, all of which have facilitated the US imprisonment of Julian Assange. But don't worry because in all such cases, the United Nations is working diligently to set them free ..... :bigbed:
... Savage Muslim terrorists who chop off Jewish babies heads, tear the limbs off children, put infants in ovens,
:laughing0301: If you ever find credible proof of it, let me know. But maybe you're talking about Mengele & Co. and you've mixed your info up in a once-a-month frenzy.
So we don’t arrest vandals and people who destroy public property if they’re liberals, and Jew-haters? These Muslims have no right to take down the American flag and trash the NYT building.

Israel has certainly spread their joy far and wide.
..... They do not have the right to steal someone else’s off their property and replace it with one of a foreign country. ... ALL should be arrested. Citizens go to jail and foreigners deported.
Petty thievery is not a serious crime and stealing a flag, therefore, isn't a deportable offense unless you have to crash the Whine House gates, shimmy up one of the columns, and pilfer that humongous piece of cloth fluttering atop the dome. No, the real crime is committed upon the unsuspecting neighbour who is beaten half to death or shot by the guy next door because the "wrong" flag found its way up his flagpole. :mad:
There were no insurrectionists and there was no riot. They were however over 100 serious property damaging fires, destroyed businesses, seriously physically battered people, and numerous law enforcement casualties that went unpunished in the several years prior to 1/6.
You can't escape the double standard or the Banana Republic Justice just because it's your party perpetrating it. I will repeat once again that anyone who went down to DC on that day with the express thought of trespassing on federal office property was an idiot. Anyone who thinks that they are being prosecuted for insurrection is also an idiot or a willfully blind shill. Now if you want to say they're being prosecuted for trespassing on federal property I have no argument with that in fact I would say that's where the sentence lengths are coming from.
That wasn’t a riot?
Trespassing is a misdemeanor in DC and punishable by no more than six months. The Democrats had them in jail awaiting trial longer than that! Clearly, double standards:

1) If white Americans trespass in protest of a questionable win by the Democrst in order to investigate further…..prison for years!

2) If foreigners from Muslim countries protest against Israel, scream “Death to Jews,” steal private property, and are so threatening that Jewish citizens are warned to stay in their houses….it’s all good.
Bullshit. The average sentence was 6 months you lying sack of shit.
Why aren’t these traitors being arrested? Most of them are foreign, they are driven by antisemitism, they are defacing private property and removing the American flag, and replacing it the Palestinian flag. It looks like an Islamic takeover of the United States, where Jews are told to shelter in place.

Jan 6th protestors languished in jail for years before a trial, and some received long prison sentences. So why the tolerance for anti-American, antisemitic Muslim foreigners and their enablers?

But you support these traitors.........who did the same?

Trespassing is a misdemeanor in DC and punishable by no more than six months. The Democrats had them in jail awaiting trial longer than that! Clearly, double standards:

1) If white Americans trespass in protest of a questionable win by the Democrst in order to investigate further…..prison for years!

2) If foreigners from Muslim countries protest against Israel, scream “Death to Jews,” steal private property, and are so threatening that Jewish citizens are warned to stay in their houses….it’s all good.
:laughing0301: If you ever find credible proof of it, let me know. But maybe you're talking about Mengele & Co. and you've mixed your info up in a once-a-month frenzy.
When there’s no way to justify what the savage Muslims did to innocent Jewish babies and children, all you’re left with is denial.

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