Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

It is not true you stupid shit. Thousands of BLM protestors have been both arrested, and convicted. Some facing sentences of twenty years or more. The longest January 6 sentence is 18 years, the average is around six months.

None of them were arrested for sedition or insurrection because, quite frankly, there is a huge difference in ransacking business and committing acts of vandalism and attempting to stop the government from doing their job through violence and intimidation. That fact that you can't see that pretty much confirms you have your head so far up your ass that you are literally eating shit.

Thousands? Show me
It is not true you stupid shit. Thousands of BLM protestors have been both arrested, and convicted. Some facing sentences of twenty years or more. The longest January 6 sentence is 18 years, the average is around six months.

None of them were arrested for sedition or insurrection because, quite frankly, there is a huge difference in ransacking business and committing acts of vandalism and attempting to stop the government from doing their job through violence and intimidation. That fact that you can't see that pretty much confirms you have your head so far up your ass that you are literally eating shit.

It is true you stupid shit...
In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted......the real story comes after the fact where the HUUUGE DOUBLE STANDARD IS LOUD AND CLEAR. The J6 prosecutions are political in nature. Trespassing is wrong....but it's not sedition.
What the antisemite is missing - or pretending not to know - is that is exactly what his HAMAS heroes did to innocent Jews, including children. One of the savages DID put a baby in the oven, while tying the father to a chair so he’d be forced to hear and watch his child’s agony, and while the savage ALSO raped the wife. Then, once the baby was dead, and the parents knew about it, the Muslim savage killed them both.

THIS is the level of barbarism and savagery that Israel dealt with on Oct 7th, and the monsters have threatened to do it again and again until every Israeli has been killed. Israel must do, and is doing, everything necessary to make sure the Muslim terrorists are all wiped out.

And yet, the antisemites here have more outrage for good Jewish Americans than the barbarians who tortured To death every Jew they could find, laughed about it, and then called their parents to brag about it.
You are making that shit up out of whole cloth.

Beer told the Sun that he does not know if the baby was placed there by Hamas or the parents who were trying to protect the child from the assailants who broke into their home and killed them before setting the house on fire.

Beer explained that since all the witnesses were dead, there was no way to find out if Hamas turned the oven on or if the baby died when they set the home ablaze after killing the parents. We cannot confirm if Hamas baked a baby alive in an oven.

You have actually fabricated the whole scenario. Baby in oven, mother raped, then both killed. As the source clearly indicated, no way to know what happened.

I am happy to condemn the actions of Hamas on October 6. One doesn't need exaggerate or fabricate incidents in order to condemn those actions. What I am not willing to do is accept the outright LIE, that those attacks were conducted because the victims were Jews. That is not the case, and that has been verified by statements made by Hamas concerning the attacks.

Those attacks were conducted because of the mistreatment of the Palestinian people, by Israel, for almost eighty years. By making the claims it is because they are Jewish, Israel and their supporters deny the very cause of the problem. Maybe Israel will wipe out Hamas. Do they really thing that is going to end their problems? Bombing millions of civilians, killing thousands of babies, continuing to blockade Gaza, continuing to expand the settlements on the West Bank, continuing, and actually exacerbating the apartheid government of Israel will just result in another Hamas popping up. Address the sickness, not the symptoms.
You are making that shit up out of whole cloth.

Beer told the Sun that he does not know if the baby was placed there by Hamas or the parents who were trying to protect the child from the assailants who broke into their home and killed them before setting the house on fire.

Beer explained that since all the witnesses were dead, there was no way to find out if Hamas turned the oven on or if the baby died when they set the home ablaze after killing the parents. We cannot confirm if Hamas baked a baby alive in an oven.

You have actually fabricated the whole scenario. Baby in oven, mother raped, then both killed. As the source clearly indicated, no way to know what happened.

I am happy to condemn the actions of Hamas on October 6. One doesn't need exaggerate or fabricate incidents in order to condemn those actions. What I am not willing to do is accept the outright LIE, that those attacks were conducted because the victims were Jews. That is not the case, and that has been verified by statements made by Hamas concerning the attacks.

Those attacks were conducted because of the mistreatment of the Palestinian people, by Israel, for almost eighty years. By making the claims it is because they are Jewish, Israel and their supporters deny the very cause of the problem. Maybe Israel will wipe out Hamas. Do they really thing that is going to end their problems? Bombing millions of civilians, killing thousands of babies, continuing to blockade Gaza, continuing to expand the settlements on the West Bank, continuing, and actually exacerbating the apartheid government of Israel will just result in another Hamas popping up. Address the sickness, not the symptoms.
The IDF are addressing the sickness right now.
You are making that shit up out of whole cloth.

Beer told the Sun that he does not know if the baby was placed there by Hamas or the parents who were trying to protect the child from the assailants who broke into their home and killed them before setting the house on fire.

Beer explained that since all the witnesses were dead, there was no way to find out if Hamas turned the oven on or if the baby died when they set the home ablaze after killing the parents. We cannot confirm if Hamas baked a baby alive in an oven.

You have actually fabricated the whole scenario. Baby in oven, mother raped, then both killed. As the source clearly indicated, no way to know what happened.

I am happy to condemn the actions of Hamas on October 6. One doesn't need exaggerate or fabricate incidents in order to condemn those actions. What I am not willing to do is accept the outright LIE, that those attacks were conducted because the victims were Jews. That is not the case, and that has been verified by statements made by Hamas concerning the attacks.

Those attacks were conducted because of the mistreatment of the Palestinian people, by Israel, for almost eighty years. By making the claims it is because they are Jewish, Israel and their supporters deny the very cause of the problem. Maybe Israel will wipe out Hamas. Do they really thing that is going to end their problems? Bombing millions of civilians, killing thousands of babies, continuing to blockade Gaza, continuing to expand the settlements on the West Bank, continuing, and actually exacerbating the apartheid government of Israel will just result in another Hamas popping up. Address the sickness, not the symptoms.

Human shield using filth! The sickness is being addressed as we speak....Hamas is the persecutor of Palestine because they are not vested there you screwball! The Hamas big boys all live outside the border in luxury while the people they use as human shields suffer you gutless moral pancake!
Human shield using filth! The sickness is being addressed as we speak....Hamas is the persecutor of Palestine because they are not vested there you screwball! The Hamas big boys all live outside the border in luxury while the people they use as human shields suffer you gutless moral pancake!
No, the sickness is not being addressed. I mean how stupid can one be. Did we learn nothing from 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hell, not like Vietnam wasn't a lesson that we failed to learn the first time.

Are the illegal settlements in the West Bank going to be abandoned and the land turned back over to the Palestinian people?

Is the blockade of Gaza going to be lifted?

Are Jewish settlers, that harass and kill Palestinians in the West Bank, that burn farmland and confiscate wells--are they finally going to be prosecuted?

And probably, most of all, will the LAW that Israel passed stating that only, ONLY, Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel, be revoked.

See, rather you believe it or not, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Imagine, you are a Christian, living in Israel. The government can stroll up, force you to leave your home because a bunch of drug-dealing murdering Jewish gangsters, fleeing prosecution in the US, have showed up and need a place to live. And unlike the whole baby cooked in the oven bullshit, that is REAL.
No, the sickness is not being addressed. I mean how stupid can one be. Did we learn nothing from 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hell, not like Vietnam wasn't a lesson that we failed to learn the first time.

Are the illegal settlements in the West Bank going to be abandoned and the land turned back over to the Palestinian people?

Is the blockade of Gaza going to be lifted?

Are Jewish settlers, that harass and kill Palestinians in the West Bank, that burn farmland and confiscate wells--are they finally going to be prosecuted?

And probably, most of all, will the LAW that Israel passed stating that only, ONLY, Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel, be revoked.

See, rather you believe it or not, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Imagine, you are a Christian, living in Israel. The government can stroll up, force you to leave your home because a bunch of drug-dealing murdering Jewish gangsters, fleeing prosecution in the US, have showed up and need a place to live. And unlike the whole baby cooked in the oven bullshit, that is REAL.

Eradication is what Hamas has earned.

I object with anyone f*cking with our flag eagle

Yet what makes us a free country is their right to do so

Anything short of that is fascism

BTW. Was it their flag or someone elses flag. There is a difference skippy
A very apt point eagle

What exactly do citizens pledge to?

I'll wager any symbol serves only the symbol minded.....

So in the aspect do you get into destroying the flag??

Now. I got a store. Example. I bought a flag and flew it every day outside my store.

Do they have the right to tear down my my store... And replace it with a Pali flag.

And why not. Would I be justified saying get the fuck away from my flag and my store or Im gonna stomp you?
I object with anyone f*cking with our flag eagle

Yet what makes us a free country is their right to do so

Anything short of that is fascism

Libs have a right to hate America and desecrate the flag if they are citizens

Or so say 5 morons in black robes

But that does not apply to foreigners while they are guests in this country
So in the aspect do you get into destroying the flag??

Now. I got a store. Example. I bought a flag and flew it every day outside my store.

Do they have the right to tear down my my store... And replace it with a Pali flag.

And why not. Would I be justified saying get the fuck away from my flag and my store or Im gonna stomp you?
You're free to 'stomp' anyone who desecrates your property eagle, that is not my point here, thx ~S~
Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America | USCIS

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
Libs have a right to hate America and desecrate the flag if they are citizens

Or so say 5 morons in black robes

But that does not apply to foreigners while they are guests in this country
Oh, you don't think the right has problems with America , as does the left Mac?


Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America | USCIS

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
You might consider sending a copy of that to Congress eagle.....~S~
Human shield using filth! The sickness is being addressed as we speak....Hamas is the persecutor of Palestine because they are not vested there you screwball! The Hamas big boys all live outside the border in luxury while the people they use as human shields suffer you gutless moral pancake!
Where did the US president and his cabinet ministers live, when the US Army committed the atrocities and war-crimes committed at My Lai?? and all those other US war-crimes throughout the world?

340 million Americans hid behind the US Armed Forces - upon illegally attacking Iraq and Afghanistan and thus murdering, killing tens of thousands of civilians.

BTW how many troops and US$ has/had Israel (the cause of all this shit) committed towards the international community in "the war against terrorism" ??? Answer ZERO

Anyway since you are incapable of anything esle - keep posting your meaningless, ridiculous and one-sided "opinions".

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