Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

I agree with you on the surface but I am suspicious. Not of what you say but of what you have omitted. Do you agree that if "they destroy" (or remove) "their OWN American flag" they have "the right" to replace it with any "foreign flag" of their choice?
They can if they are Americans, but that's up to them. No foreign national is allowed to do it, otherwise it is an act of disrespect by a guest that has no right to the rights Americans have, otherwise until they become an American themselves in that regard, and therefore earn their rights as Americans to do so.

If Americans choose to fly their flag of choice, then it is illegal for them to fly the American flag beneath their flag.
Those who cannot provide credible proof of their assertions are the ones who are "left with denial". Didn't your parents or teachers ever tell you that? Are you serious?! :auiqs.jpg:
Just because they won't allow you into the viewing room to watch the unedited versions of Hamas atrocities, doesn't mean the acts didn't take place because you say so. For the deniars that were allowed, well they came out with a totally different outlook on Hamas after that sitting. Best get your facts straight, and if you need help then just reach out to anyone that viewed those videos uncut.
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Where did the US president and his cabinet ministers live, when the US Army committed the atrocities and war-crimes committed at My Lai?? and all those other US war-crimes throughout the world?

340 million Americans hid behind the US Armed Forces - upon illegally attacking Iraq and Afghanistan and thus murdering, killing tens of thousands of civilians.

BTW how many troops and US$ has/had Israel (the cause of all this shit) committed towards the international community in "the war against terrorism" ??? Answer ZERO

Anyway since you are incapable of anything esle - keep posting your meaningless, ridiculous and one-sided "opinions".
If we used your bull shite talking points to reduce our forces and actions to help others in the world, then that would accomplish your anti-American goals now wouldn't it ????
The right loves this country in good times or bad

Libs only tolerate America when they get their way
And that's only if leftist can use their ways to transform America. If that gets blocked, then they turn into these extremist that begin their misleading manipulative countering campaigns in order to try and immediately address this problem that they run into. We are actually battling with evil spirits and principalities that exist on high grounds that were taken while American's slept.
Just because they won't allow you into the viewing room to watch the unedited versions of Hamas atrocities, doesn't mean the acts didn't take place because you say so. For the deniars that were allowed, well they came out with a totally different outlook on Hamas after that sitting. Best get your facts straight, and if you need help then just reach out to anyone that viewed those videos uncut.
Wait. Videos that haven't been released to the general public? You mean like January 6th videos? Those kinds of videos?
Only by the actions of people, does it draw responses based on those actions. Israel is not an offensive nation attempting to colonize nor does it have imperial ambitions, but if anyone commits hateful actions towards Israel, then it will bring about Israel's quick decisive defensive measures in response too.
Not attempting to colonize? Do tell? Just exactly what do you call those illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank?
For the uptenth time, what Hamas dis was terrible, it was a war crime. But they didn't do it because the people were Jews, they did because of years of mistreatment, years of Settlers stealing their land, burning their crops, harassing them, and yes, killing them. They did it because of the fact that Israel is an apartheid government, and if there was any doubt, that was removed when the Israeli government proclaimed that only the Jews have the right to self-determination.

The whole "anti-semite" charge is nothing more than a skirt that Israel and their supporters hide behind. ....... Any criticism of Israel is automatically proclaimed as antisemitism. While ignoring the real illegal and immoral actions that the Israeli government commits. Mention that the Jewish settlements are illegal, that their residents routinely harass, and often kill, Palestinians in the West Bank with the tacit support of the IDF.
Very well stated. :eusa_clap:
Only by the actions of people, does it draw responses based on those actions.
That’s what Hamas, Hezbollah, et. al. are doing. They are responding to the actions of the Zionist Nazis.
Israel is not an offensive nation attempting to colonize ...
Are you seriously saying that? :auiqs.jpg:
... nor does it have imperial ambitions ...
It is connected at the hip with US imperialism.
... but if anyone commits hateful actions towards Israel ...
Who said anything about “hateful”? If you steal my bicycle and it is necessary for me to punch you out in order to get it back it doesn’t necessarily mean that I “hate” you. I just want my bicycle.
... then it will bring about Israel's quick decisive defensive measures in response too.
“Decisive”? Don’t delude yourself. Do you know why? It’s because if you commit actions towards the Palestinian people then there will be defensive measures by earnest participants in response too. But it could be that your TV has been on the blink since the 7th. of October and so you are unaware of Palestinian "defensive measures in response" to Nazi Zionism's colonizing.

Get real. 🇵🇸

The Zionists (with assistance from the United Snakes) have been attacking the Palestinians for more than 80 years. You seem to have no problem with that. If conquer, rule, and acquire is OK with you then if the Palestinians attack and conquer Israel (with assistance from Hamas, Hezbollah/Iran or even Russia) then it's fair business. Right? 🇵🇸
Go for it if you feel warm and fuzzy about it.
"Warm and fuzzy" is an exaggeration but you are often prone to extremist whines such as, "Love it or Leave it" and "Far right or Far left" and "With us or against us".

Get real. 🇵🇸
I agree with you on the surface but I am suspicious. Not of what you say but of what you have omitted. Do you agree that if "they destroy" (or remove)"their OWN American flag" they have "the right" to replace it with any "foreign flag" of their choice?
They can if they are Americans .....
What? :oops:
No foreign national is allowed to do it ...
Says who?
... otherwise it is an act of disrespect ...
Maybe yes, maybe no. You need to ask the owner.
... by a guest that has no right to the rights Americans have, otherwise until they become an American themselves in that regard, and therefore earn their rights as Americans to do so.
I hope (for the sake of your country) that this is bull shit.
If Americans choose to fly their flag of choice, then it is illegal for them to fly the American flag beneath their flag.
"Illegal"? OMG! If that's true then you may just as well hoist your true colours:

american nazi flag.jpg
Those who cannot provide credible proof of their assertions are the ones who are "left with denial". Didn't your parents or teachers ever tell you that? Are you serious?!
Just because they won't allow you into the viewing room to watch the unedited versions of Hamas atrocities, doesn't mean the acts didn't take place because you say so. For the deniars that were allowed, well they came out with a totally different outlook on Hamas after that sitting.
Doubling down on slanderous rumours and still providing no credible proof offers less credibility than the original.
Best get your facts straight, and if you need help then just reach out to anyone that viewed those videos uncut.
You need to see and hear the reports that have debunked the whole kit & caboodle. If you need help then just reach out to anyone that viewed those videos uncut.

Get real. 🇵🇸
If we used your bull shite talking points to reduce our forces and actions to help others in the world, then that would accomplish your anti-American goals now wouldn't it ????
The murderous actions the USA government took in e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (just to name a few) were "to help others" ? :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:- just how arrogant and insane are you?
The murderous actions the USA government took in e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (just to name a few) were "to help others" ?
Oh, how nice it is to breathe some fresh air for a change. Thank you! :eusa_clap:
just how arrogant and insane are you?
Well ........... the dictionary offers no equivalent extreme worthy of answering your question accurately. :dunno:
Not attempting to colonize? Do tell? Just exactly what do you call those illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank?
They could be great examples to the Palastinian's on how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle, otherwise by them drawing from the Israeli's civilized way of life when looking into those lifestyles and modern advances that are evident in those alleged settlements you call illegal. The Palastinian plight and it's religious ways seem to hold them back in life, so they hate anyone who makes them feel less in life, especially when they see a better way to live just outside their lifestyles, but are told they are not to have that or go near onto it.

I look at it this way - If I were living in a slum, and across the hill I saw a shining community of lights and modern living, then I would be turning to my leadership and asking WTH ? Why can't we live and have things like that, and don't give me this talk that they are evil Satan spawns and we must resist them, because I'm seeing something totally different when I look into their lifestyles and modernized communities. I'm thinking that the Palastinian's should be making friends with them, and learning from them, and becoming prosperous like they are. If they can help the Palastinian's get out of their slum, and out of this cycle of a death cult they seem to have been engaging in, then let them go towards the light, and let them stop trying to build tunnels like rats, and live like rats live in their primitive communities.
The murderous actions the USA government took in e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (just to name a few) were "to help others" ? :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:- just how arrogant and insane are you?
All to help other's to our demise, but that's what you do when trying to be a Godly people.
Not attempting to colonize? Do tell? Just exactly what do you call those illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank?
That's what I'd like to know.
They could be great examples to the Palastinian's on how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle .....
That's exactly what German soldiers were thinking when they saw the starving and ragged Jews in the death camps. "What a bunch of filthy people these Jews are!"
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They could be great examples to the Palastinian's on how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle, otherwise by them drawing from the Israeli's civilized way of life when looking into those lifestyles and modern advances that are evident in those alleged settlements you call illegal. The Palastinian plight and it's religious ways seem to hold them back in life, so they hate anyone who makes them feel less in life, especially when they see a better way to live just outside their lifestyles, but are told they are not to have that or go near onto it.

I look at it this way - If I were living in a slum, and across the hill I saw a shining community of lights and modern living, then I would be turning to my leadership and asking WTH ? Why can't we live and have things like that, and don't give me this talk that they are evil Satan spawns and we must resist them, because I'm seeing something totally different when I look into their lifestyles and modernized communities. I'm thinking that the Palastinian's should be making friends with them, and learning from them, and becoming prosperous like they are. If they can help the Palastinian's get out of their slum, and out of this cycle of a death cult they seem to have been engaging in, then let them go towards the light, and let them stop trying to build tunnels like rats, and live like rats live in their primitive communities.
Great, those Jewish settlements are shining examples of how a modern society should operate. For the most part, they are kibbutz--agricultural communities where, now wait for it, THE PROFITS ARE SHARED. They are flippin COMMUNIST COMMUNES. You flippin numbnuts are a damn hoot. Anyone defending the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and especially anyone that holds them up as some kind of utopia that Palestinians should emulate, had better not, EVER, screech about socialism, or communism, again.
They could be great examples to the Palastinian's on how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle, otherwise by them drawing from the Israeli's civilized way of life when looking into those lifestyles and modern advances that are evident in those alleged settlements you call illegal. The Palastinian plight and it's religious ways seem to hold them back in life, so they hate anyone who makes them feel less in life, especially when they see a better way to live just outside their lifestyles, but are told they are not to have that or go near onto it.

I look at it this way - If I were living in a slum, and across the hill I saw a shining community of lights and modern living, then I would be turning to my leadership and asking WTH ? Why can't we live and have things like that, and don't give me this talk that they are evil Satan spawns and we must resist them, because I'm seeing something totally different when I look into their lifestyles and modernized communities. I'm thinking that the Palastinian's should be making friends with them, and learning from them, and becoming prosperous like they are. If they can help the Palastinian's get out of their slum, and out of this cycle of a death cult they seem to have been engaging in, then let them go towards the light, and let them stop trying to build tunnels like rats, and live like rats live in their primitive communities.
Read the Likud Charter. They are like Nazis.

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