Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

That’s the point. The Dems told the police to stand down as antisemites vandalized property. Lots of tolerance for Islamic terrorists supporters…..not so much for Grandma who walked into the Capitol after a security guard let her in. She went to jail. But the foreigners who hate Jews and damage property….eh.
Get over yourself you silly cow.
you used the word NEUROTIC----without a scintilla of knowledge in the
field of psychiatry----TYPICAL
TYPICAL of what ... you fail to state but your vocabulary is probably too shy to have a scintilla of insight in order to make the correct diagnosis. But what makes it easy (even for an unqualified citizen) is the fact that you are behaving in such a typically NEUROTIC fashion that it doesn't really matter if you are suffering from neurosis or just displaying the symptoms of some "related" NEUROTIC behaviour. In that case, the mental health community will forgive me and call it "close enough". 👴
I’m entitled to give my explanation ...
Naturally ..... but .....
... as to why radical left Jews ...
... you haven't established your accusation of them being "radical left". That is why I have revoked your 'entitlement'.
.... march alongside antisemites screaming “Death to Jews” - and you are entitled to disagree.
Read again what I wrote just above this comment about your 'entitlement'. You've lost it.
Spewing your obvious disdain for Jews
Holy shit. I must repeat, ”You are nobody. You have no knowledge, no insight, no experience, and no wisdom. As far as the subject goes you are worthless” - and what you just now wrote about my 'obvious disdain for Jews' proves it.
.... levying personal insults like saying “you are worthless” .....
What's good for the goose is good for the gander and you got "payback". So either bite the bullet or bite your tongue.
You are Jewish.

Is their a Swedish equivalent for the German word Undermensch?
The Swedish word would be undermänsklig translated to English as 'subhuman.' However he who debates via personal insult translates it as 'worthless' or 'stupid' it seems.
It is absolutely fascinating to me that a poster born and raised in Sweden could possibly come to the conclusion that NOT hating Jews is evidence that one is a Nazi.

This sure isn't the Swedish liberal society I remember from the sixties.
If you must know, I lived 20 years in the US. Does that help?
Oh my, oh my!

They're everywhere! Look out! It is on record that 87 % of all soft drink machines are anti-Semites too! As well as snow tyres, Biros, and breast-pocket handkerchieves!

Yep! Them too! :lol:
Antisemite must be the same as the word racist here in America then, because in America the leftist are calling everything but the kitchen sink racist now.
American Jews that put the interest of Israel ahead of the interest of the US are also traitors.
Is their a Swedish equivalent for the German word Undermensch?
The Swedish word would be undermänsklig translated to English as 'subhuman.' However he who debates via personal insult translates it as 'worthless' or 'stupid' it seems.
And there it is. "Worthless" doesn't mean "subhuman" or "Untermensch" but hey we've got to convince ourselves that GLASNOST is an anti-Semite so let's just say "worthless" does mean "subhuman" and "Untemensch" and then anytime we feel like it we can say, "It's already been proven that he's an anti-Semite!" The ploy has been working pretty well for nearly 80 years so let's stick with it. :lol:

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