Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.
All those guys such except maybe for the first 2.

Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?
All those guys such except maybe for the first 2.

Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

Because Polish music sucks and won’t sell here.
Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.
All those guys such except maybe for the first 2.

Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Western Europeans seem much more like Negroid's than Poles, relying on what's popular to be best, looking like dumb doof's, they both have much curlier hair, and much more violent, aggressive temperaments too.
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

So you went through a book and were able to decide who was Jewish?

Is someone's religion that important to you for some reason?

What is that reason?

Don't be shy and regressive, say it :)
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.

Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?
Because Polish music sucks and won’t sell here.

Explain how Don Omar's Puerto Rican song in Spanish Danza Kuduro is better than Polish Wilki's Blue Sky song in English?

Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.

Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?
Because Polish music sucks and won’t sell here.

Explain how Don Omar's Puerto Rican song in Spanish Danza Kuduro is better than Polish Wilki's Blue Sky song in English?

Are you asking people to defend why they like one song better than another? Do you want to discuss production values or editing? Or are you having a logic failure here wanting to debate if someone liking something artistic is wrong?
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.

Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?
Because Polish music sucks and won’t sell here.

Explain how Don Omar's Puerto Rican song in Spanish Danza Kuduro is better than Polish Wilki's Blue Sky song in English?

Music, Shit4Brains, is subjective and most people outside of Poland do not find Polish music compelling.
Get it?
Of course’re a racist fuck brain.
All those guys such except maybe for the first 2.

Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?
Another thread where Sob shows his jealousy of Jews. Just what this forum needed. :290968001256257790-final:

Americans are usually dumb, just look at how many on this forum prefer Jewish anti-Christians over Polish Catholic's.

When it's Jews who did the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty bombing, Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg's treason over Nuclear events, and Jonathan Polllard spy event against the U.S.A.
Still better than Polacks. Why are you so jealous of Jews? They steal your bike?

I think Ryszard Kuklinski exposing Soviet secrets to America as a citizen of Poland vs Rosenberg's exposing American secrets to Soviets as American citizens, says it all.

I think the reason why Britain, and Germany have had a good deal of smart people, is only because they dumped all they're simpletons off on the U.S.A, leaving behind a concentration of the smart ones all in one spot.
Ya, the USA is so dumb, please remind me again when Poland, Britain and Germany landed on the moon?

Werhner Von Braun put a man on the Moon, he was an Eastern German from Polish majority city Poznan, in fact he was a little Polish for sure, being related to Polish King Mieszko, and also having a Polish origins surname of Von Gostkowski.

One thing is for sure though, Werhner Von Braun did what he did because of Polish - Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski's formulation of rocket theories in science.
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?

Another thread where Sob shows his jealousy of Jews. Just what this forum needed. :290968001256257790-final:

Americans are usually dumb, just look at how many on this forum prefer Jewish anti-Christians over Polish Catholic's.

When it's Jews who did the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty bombing, Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg's treason over Nuclear events, and Jonathan Polllard spy event against the U.S.A.
Still better than Polacks. Why are you so jealous of Jews? They steal your bike?

I think Ryszard Kuklinski exposing Soviet secrets to America as a citizen of Poland vs Rosenberg's exposing American secrets to Soviets as American citizens, says it all.

I think the reason why Britain, and Germany have had a good deal of smart people, is only because they dumped all they're simpletons off on the U.S.A, leaving behind a concentration of the smart ones all in one spot.
Ya, the USA is so dumb, please remind me again when Poland, Britain and Germany landed on the moon?

Werhner Von Braun put a man on the Moon, he was an Eastern German from Polish majority city Poznan, in fact he was a little Polish for sure, being related to Polish King Mieszko, and also having a Polish origins surname of Von Gostkowski.

One thing is for sure though, Werhner Von Braun did what he did because of Polish - Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski's formulation of rocket theories in science.
Who’s that, college dropout?
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?

luck of the birthplace.
All those guys such except maybe for the first 2.

Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Western Europeans seem much more like Negroid's than Poles, relying on what's popular to be best, looking like dumb doof's, they both have much curlier hair, and much more violent, aggressive temperaments too.

Black music.......Jazz, the Blues, Soul, Hip Hop
Is renowned around the world

Polish music.......Polka
Is laughed at
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?

You sound like that stupid f*ck Afro-American Assclapias.

People who think popularity is the sole measure of musical talent, are definitely more than a little stupid, and primitive.

If we went by musical talent by sales, then Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Stravinsky, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, etc. would be selling more records than Soulja Boy, 50 Cent, or Don Omar, that's just not the case, however.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?

You sound like that stupid f*ck Afro-American Assclapias.

People who think popularity is the sole measure of musical talent, are definitely more than a little stupid, and primitive.

If we went by musical talent by sales, then Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Stravinsky, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, etc. would be selling more records than Soulja Boy, 50 Cent, or Don Omar, that's just not the case, however.

Beethoven sucked.
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Western Europeans seem much more like Negroid's than Poles, relying on what's popular to be best, looking like dumb doof's, they both have much curlier hair, and much more violent, aggressive temperaments too.

Black music.......Jazz, the Blues, Soul, Hip Hop
Is renowned around the world

Polish music.......Polka
Is laughed at

As I said to you previously, the Polka is Czech in origins.

You are a major simpleton, at best.

You can be told things, and you don't further your intellect by research, or facts.

You're a sort of more bestial savage kind of Human, and exactly why I support a peaceful eugenics programs to make sure people like you aren't born in the future.
Karlowicz is great too.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Western Europeans seem much more like Negroid's than Poles, relying on what's popular to be best, looking like dumb doof's, they both have much curlier hair, and much more violent, aggressive temperaments too.

Black music.......Jazz, the Blues, Soul, Hip Hop
Is renowned around the world

Polish music.......Polka
Is laughed at

My favorite Jazz Musicians are Tomasz Stanko a Pole, and Chet Baker an a Southern Brit boy.

Americans are usually dumb, just look at how many on this forum prefer Jewish anti-Christians over Polish Catholic's.

When it's Jews who did the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty bombing, Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg's treason over Nuclear events, and Jonathan Polllard spy event against the U.S.A.
Still better than Polacks. Why are you so jealous of Jews? They steal your bike?

I think Ryszard Kuklinski exposing Soviet secrets to America as a citizen of Poland vs Rosenberg's exposing American secrets to Soviets as American citizens, says it all.

I think the reason why Britain, and Germany have had a good deal of smart people, is only because they dumped all they're simpletons off on the U.S.A, leaving behind a concentration of the smart ones all in one spot.
Ya, the USA is so dumb, please remind me again when Poland, Britain and Germany landed on the moon?

Werhner Von Braun put a man on the Moon, he was an Eastern German from Polish majority city Poznan, in fact he was a little Polish for sure, being related to Polish King Mieszko, and also having a Polish origins surname of Von Gostkowski.

One thing is for sure though, Werhner Von Braun did what he did because of Polish - Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski's formulation of rocket theories in science.
Who’s that, college dropout?

Hey, I made the Dean's List in college for good grades.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Why would American radio play Polish songs?

I mean just look at the anti-Polish sentiments all over this thread.

I mean the American radio will play Spanish garbage like Danza Kuduro in Spanish, but not Wilki a Polish rock piece in English?

American and British bands have global followings

Who the fuk ever heard of those Polack bands?

luck of the birthplace.

Absolutely, in the Anglosphere it's easier to make it in science, or music, writing, and the arts if you're part of the Anglosphere.

Not only have some other cultures achievements been ignored, but sometimes even ripped off.

Pole Michal Sedziwoj discovered oxygen in the turn of the 17th century, Anglos like Priestly took the credit for it.

Pole Jawoski discovered gut bacteria, and Anglos like Marshall, and Warren took the credit.

Ukrainian Ivan Puluj discovered X-Rays, and German Wihelm Rotegen took the credit.

Then there's Serbs Nikola Tesla's patents for radio, which Marconi stole and took the credit for.

Don't even get me started on the ignoring of Soviet rocket science, like how Korolev's team put up the first satellite Sputnik into space, or the first man, space station, and Lunar rover, and so forth into space.
Which is ignored.
Total drivel. Has Poland ever had a real rock band?

What are you smoking?
Everything from Classic rock like Lady Pank, Kult, Tomasz Nieman, Tadeusz Wozniak,and Budka Suflera, to modern Rock classics like Wilki, Myslowitz, Akurat, Coma, and Czeslaw Spiewa.


Western Europeans seem much more like Negroid's than Poles, relying on what's popular to be best, looking like dumb doof's, they both have much curlier hair, and much more violent, aggressive temperaments too.

Black music.......Jazz, the Blues, Soul, Hip Hop
Is renowned around the world

Polish music.......Polka
Is laughed at

As I said to you previously, the Polka is Czech in origins.

You are a major simpleton, at best.

You can be told things, and you don't further your intellect by research, or facts.

You're a sort of more bestial savage kind of Human, and exactly why I support a peaceful eugenics programs to make sure people like you aren't born in the future.

Stupid Poles can’t even create their own music
They have to mimick others

Blacks are creative in music, Poles just copy
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