Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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He was a History Teacher in prison, although he could've probably been a History professor.
You inferred quite a prestigious position months ago.
You even lie for your father.
Was he a prisoner?

He made in the 1990's about 100K a year, doing the job of teaching prisoners at BOCES.
Everybody in the 1990s made about 100K.

The median household income in 2015 was just over 55K a year.
Not for professionals.
I was on Wall Street and so were most of my friends.
Statistics are bullshit.

LOL, did you have your Elder's of Zion meeting on Wall Street?
You inferred quite a prestigious position months ago.
You even lie for your father.
Was he a prisoner?

He made in the 1990's about 100K a year, doing the job of teaching prisoners at BOCES.
Everybody in the 1990s made about 100K.

The median household income in 2015 was just over 55K a year.
Not for professionals.
I was on Wall Street and so were most of my friends.
Statistics are bullshit.

LOL, did you have your Elder's of Zion meeting on Wall Street?

I was there. Tons of Polish jokes flying around.
Stupid squabble, stupid thread. The OP is so ignorant that he does not know that there are Poles who are of the Jewish faith. In the end, who the hell cares? A person who does good, finds something that advances the human condition, is notable in history. Why does a person's religion matter?

It would be so much better to discuss which religions encourage education among young girls and boys and which try to impede it.
Sobie’s father hates Jews.

I know that Sobie does. I didn't know about his father. I was a history major so I know the origins of antisemitism, but intellectually and emotionally, I can't wrap my head around it. Why would anyone hate someone on the basis of religion and live to advance lies about other people? Build buildings in which to murder men, women, and children, and send trains to bring them to their deaths. I've seen the videos of what the Nazis did, and all that I can say is that I can hardly keep from vomiting at sight of them.

Each religion has a wealth of spirituality and wisdom acquired through the ages. Actually, it was a noted Christian theologian and author who told me, in a receiving line, (I'm paraphrasing here) that there is a ton of BS out there in the religion world, and you've got to parse it and go for the itty-bitty truth.

My dear, dear father (RIP) was an Irish Catholic. I came home from school one day at around age ten. One of my RC classmates had to told me that Jews were going to hell. I had a dear friend who was Jewish. My father dried my eyes when I went to him that night, distressed about this, and spoke words that have remained with me for all the decades that have followed: "do not believe everything that you hear."

We are all here together on this earth.
You’re intelligent when it comes to other topics.
Looks like you can`t answer my question because you are afraid you`'ll look stupid.
We get it...the Jews are responsible for everything evil that ever happened.
Every other religion shits perfection.
I’m sorry to inform you that the RCC caused every civilization on Earth to want to destroy religion.
Of course that had disastrous results.
But you just go on blaming the Jews.
Did I make a factual errors? If so point it out.
Shall I post a history site for you?

Stop acting dumb and study European History...
RCC, Czars and that order.
You context and chronological order.

I'm decent enough to admit to Catholic genocides, which include the Belgian Congo Genocide by King Leopold, or the Napoleonic Wars, the Spanish Colonialism of Latin America, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Crusades.

However, we're talking 2 - 10 million in the Belgian Congo, maybe 4- 6 in the Napoleonic Wars, maybe 8 - 15 million from Spanish colonialism (Although half might be by disease), maybe 5,000 - 200,000 in the Spanish Inquistion, and maybe 1 - 2 million in the Crusades.

Now compare to 80 - 400 million killed by Muslims in India.

Now compare to Communist China killing 40 - 80 million.

Now compare to Mongols killing 30 - 60 million in the Golden Horde + Timur Conquests etc.

Now compare to 30 - 60 million killed by Protestant British in India + Jewish Disraeli.

Now compare to Protestant majority Germans killing 30 - 60 million in 2 World Wars.

Now compare to Soviets killing 40 - 60 million.

Now compare to Buddhist / Secular Japan killing 15 - 25 million in World War 2.
The Napoleonic elite was kin to the French revolutionaries, who were anti-Christian. Napoleon himself was not Christian. He persecuted Christians.

The Spanish have been unfairly vilified by English historians. Most Native Americans died from Old World diseases brought accidentally by the Europeans.
Also consider: The Real Inquisition | National Review and Inventing the Crusades | Thomas F. Madden

Regarding King Leopold, we can ask was he really Catholic? Remember the late 1800s and early 1900s was the golden age of atheism and the European elite was often anti-Christian.

I would also argue that the British elite and especially the Nazis were anti-Christian: The Nazis and Christianity
What group is not hated by the Jews?

Israel admits forcibly injecting Ethiopian Jews with Depo-Provera

So much racism in Hollywood history.

Here's Jewish racist Al Jolson demeaning African Americans.
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On this and every other thread, there is an adamant refusal to break down the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) into the individual groups/cults/sects in which the people claiming membership in each of these religions reside.
luck of the birthplace.

Absolutely, in the Anglosphere it's easier to make it in science, or music, writing, and the arts if you're part of the Anglosphere.

Not only have some other cultures achievements been ignored, but sometimes even ripped off.

Pole Michal Sedziwoj discovered oxygen in the turn of the 17th century, Anglos like Priestly took the credit for it.

Pole Jawoski discovered gut bacteria, and Anglos like Marshall, and Warren took the credit.

Ukrainian Ivan Puluj discovered X-Rays, and German Wihelm Rotegen took the credit.

Then there's Serbs Nikola Tesla's patents for radio, which Marconi stole and took the credit for.

Don't even get me started on the ignoring of Soviet rocket science, like how Korolev's team put up the first satellite Sputnik into space, or the first man, space station, and Lunar rover, and so forth into space.
Which is ignored.
Before we get too friendly though, them Jewish comments you made in the initial post really turned me off to be honest. Are you ok with Jews?

Why is 2,000 years of rejecting the Love of Christ as a mish-mash of cultures who reject assimilation to the countries they lived in as an "Insult" to nations, somehow a culture worth preserving?

Keep in mind, Jews themselves often wish other groups the same fate, or ultimately their own.

Look at Barbara Spectre as an example.

Ah, so you don't think Jews are equal. Man, just spit it out. Be proud of who you are and what you believe unless you think you're wrong. Don't cower like a scared 5 year old girl!

I disagree with you and think racists are the scum of the earth.

BTW, you have a logic problem. Right or Wrong most folks are just the religion of their parents. That doesn't make them special,

Since when was anti-Jewish sentiments a form of "Racism", exactly?

What's wrong with Racism, anyways?

There's absolutely no evidence of racial equality.

What's wrong is my race of my superior ppl are going to get the upper hand some prime numbered day and smash your race of ppl who invested in the wrong type of nuclear power. 500 years later your race of ppl will get lucky thanks to geographic isolation or something and be superior. Modern America is great. A Bosnian and a Serb walk into a bar and get in a fight and break a shelf. The bar tender breaks it up, they apologize in hopes the cops don't come and the bartender says "if one of you two brothers were black I would have shot you but as it is I know brothers fight." Point is, except for the random NAZI we can't tell the difference between have the genocidal groups on the planet because blacks stick out soo obviously (not that picking on blacks is right. We just can't tell Aussies from Brits or Croats from Serbs or whatever on the whole) Maybe that will bring humanity together lol.

Its a long slippery slope to slavery and genocide. Humans apparently have it in us to want to pass on genetics most similar to their own. Its one of the things we must fight.
Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

"PS----HANDEL was jewish"

This is Cultural Appropriation and 100% INACCURATE of course like the majority of those who do the Cultural Appropriation thing.

He was Lutheran, his ENTIRE family going back many Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran. The two academically acknowledged biographic books about him also corroborate that his ENTIRE family going back Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran - "Handel" by Donald Burrows and "Handel: The Man and His Music" by Jonathan Keates.

Re. Chopin he produced some exquisite music of course near all for solo piano, but I especially think "Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65" written in 1846 for cello and piano is exceptional.

"Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65"

I. Allegro moderato in G minor.
II. Scherzo in D minor, Trio in D major.
III. Largo in B-flat major.
IV. Finale. Allegro in G minor, ending in G major.

Duration = 30 minutes 5 seconds.

Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

Chopin was a Nazi pig?
How do you explain that one?

I've never heard this, although I know Wagner was a bit of an anti-Semite, and also was the favorite composer of the Nazis.

Richard Wagner was and IS a God, Richard Wagner the greatest composer of soul music ever, music from his soul to our soul, immense, passionate, dramatic, genius and Music of the Gods composed by a God himself.
Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

Chopin was a Nazi pig?
How do you explain that one?

I've never heard this, although I know Wagner was a bit of an anti-Semite, and also was the favorite composer of the Nazis.

Richard Wagner was and IS a God, Richard Wagner the greatest composer of soul music ever, music from his soul to our soul, immense, passionate, dramatic, genius and Music of the Gods composed by a God himself.

I thought this was a Classical thread, it is not, I was about to post something from Henryk Górecki but as not a Classical thread I will not, why waste something so great to be posted in a big argument thread.
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Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

Chopin was a Nazi pig?
How do you explain that one?

I've never heard this, although I know Wagner was a bit of an anti-Semite, and also was the favorite composer of the Nazis.

Richard Wagner was and IS a God, Richard Wagner the greatest composer of soul music ever, music from his soul to our soul, immense, passionate, dramatic, genius and Music of the Gods composed by a God himself.

It is a matter of taste----Moloch is a "god" too------he thrives on the burnt up bodies of little babies-------TOSS 'em in to the fiery pit and join your "god" in a
fantastic orgasm
Absolutely, in the Anglosphere it's easier to make it in science, or music, writing, and the arts if you're part of the Anglosphere.

Not only have some other cultures achievements been ignored, but sometimes even ripped off.

Pole Michal Sedziwoj discovered oxygen in the turn of the 17th century, Anglos like Priestly took the credit for it.

Pole Jawoski discovered gut bacteria, and Anglos like Marshall, and Warren took the credit.

Ukrainian Ivan Puluj discovered X-Rays, and German Wihelm Rotegen took the credit.

Then there's Serbs Nikola Tesla's patents for radio, which Marconi stole and took the credit for.

Don't even get me started on the ignoring of Soviet rocket science, like how Korolev's team put up the first satellite Sputnik into space, or the first man, space station, and Lunar rover, and so forth into space.
Which is ignored.
Before we get too friendly though, them Jewish comments you made in the initial post really turned me off to be honest. Are you ok with Jews?

Why is 2,000 years of rejecting the Love of Christ as a mish-mash of cultures who reject assimilation to the countries they lived in as an "Insult" to nations, somehow a culture worth preserving?

Keep in mind, Jews themselves often wish other groups the same fate, or ultimately their own.

Look at Barbara Spectre as an example.

Ah, so you don't think Jews are equal. Man, just spit it out. Be proud of who you are and what you believe unless you think you're wrong. Don't cower like a scared 5 year old girl!

I disagree with you and think racists are the scum of the earth.

BTW, you have a logic problem. Right or Wrong most folks are just the religion of their parents. That doesn't make them special,

Since when was anti-Jewish sentiments a form of "Racism", exactly?

What's wrong with Racism, anyways?

There's absolutely no evidence of racial equality.

What's wrong is my race of my superior ppl are going to get the upper hand some prime numbered day and smash your race of ppl who invested in the wrong type of nuclear power. 500 years later your race of ppl will get lucky thanks to geographic isolation or something and be superior. Modern America is great. A Bosnian and a Serb walk into a bar and get in a fight and break a shelf. The bar tender breaks it up, they apologize in hopes the cops don't come and the bartender says "if one of you two brothers were black I would have shot you but as it is I know brothers fight." Point is, except for the random NAZI we can't tell the difference between have the genocidal groups on the planet because blacks stick out soo obviously (not that picking on blacks is right. We just can't tell Aussies from Brits or Croats from Serbs or whatever on the whole) Maybe that will bring humanity together lol.

Its a long slippery slope to slavery and genocide. Humans apparently have it in us to want to pass on genetics most similar to their own. Its one of the things we must fight.

Why would anyone think Racism is necessarily linked to violence?

What most of the genocides are really done for is greed, rather than racism.
Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

Chopin was a Nazi pig?
How do you explain that one?

I've never heard this, although I know Wagner was a bit of an anti-Semite, and also was the favorite composer of the Nazis.

Richard Wagner was and IS a God, Richard Wagner the greatest composer of soul music ever, music from his soul to our soul, immense, passionate, dramatic, genius and Music of the Gods composed by a God himself.

If Karlowicz hadn't died kind of young, he might've been like another Wagner.

He composed this piece at age 21.

Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

"PS----HANDEL was jewish"

This is Cultural Appropriation and 100% INACCURATE of course like the majority of those who do the Cultural Appropriation thing.

He was Lutheran, his ENTIRE family going back many Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran. The two academically acknowledged biographic books about him also corroborate that his ENTIRE family going back Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran - "Handel" by Donald Burrows and "Handel: The Man and His Music" by Jonathan Keates.

Re. Chopin he produced some exquisite music of course near all for solo piano, but I especially think "Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65" written in 1846 for cello and piano is exceptional.

"Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65"

I. Allegro moderato in G minor.
II. Scherzo in D minor, Trio in D major.
III. Largo in B-flat major.
IV. Finale. Allegro in G minor, ending in G major.

Duration = 30 minutes 5 seconds.

My guess is that Irosie meant Mendelsohn, rather than Handel was Jewish.
(But, who knows)
Considering Irosie blames Poland so much for the Holocaust, and the Pogroms, and even the Catholic faith.
I don't really know what this creature thinks.
Stupid squabble, stupid thread. The OP is so ignorant that he does not know that there are Poles who are of the Jewish faith. In the end, who the hell cares? A person who does good, finds something that advances the human condition, is notable in history. Why does a person's religion matter?

It would be so much better to discuss which religions encourage education among young girls and boys and which try to impede it.
Sobie’s father hates Jews.

I know that Sobie does. I didn't know about his father. I was a history major so I know the origins of antisemitism, but intellectually and emotionally, I can't wrap my head around it. Why would anyone hate someone on the basis of religion and live to advance lies about other people? Build buildings in which to murder men, women, and children, and send trains to bring them to their deaths. I've seen the videos of what the Nazis did, and all that I can say is that I can hardly keep from vomiting at sight of them.

Each religion has a wealth of spirituality and wisdom acquired through the ages. Actually, it was a noted Christian theologian and author who told me, in a receiving line, (I'm paraphrasing here) that there is a ton of BS out there in the religion world, and you've got to parse it and go for the itty-bitty truth.

My dear, dear father (RIP) was an Irish Catholic. I came home from school one day at around age ten. One of my RC classmates had to told me that Jews were going to hell. I had a dear friend who was Jewish. My father dried my eyes when I went to him that night, distressed about this, and spoke words that have remained with me for all the decades that have followed: "do not believe everything that you hear."

We are all here together on this earth.

Oh please, you might love, love, love Jews, but you certainly have no problems taking swipes at Poles, Catholics, Evangelicals, etc. etc.

It seems you don't walk the walk, but do attempt to talk the talk of BS.

Hypocrite, to say the very least.
Jewish Composers

George Gershwin
Irving Berlin
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein

Composers of Polish heritage are far better, including Chopin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Penderecki, Lutosławski,Szymanowski, Glinka, Panufnik, Wojciech Kilar, Paderewski, Taddeusz Baird,Moniuszko, Karlowitz, Bacewicz,, Wieniawski, and Stokowski.

if poles did not like their music------they would find a putative----GREAT, GREAT, GREAT jewish grandma. PS----HANDEL was jewish----I never heard of some
of the guys on your list------AND A PLAYED BOTH PIANO AND VIOLIN <<sorta>>> chopin was a Nazi prig

"PS----HANDEL was jewish"

This is Cultural Appropriation and 100% INACCURATE of course like the majority of those who do the Cultural Appropriation thing.

He was Lutheran, his ENTIRE family going back many Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran. The two academically acknowledged biographic books about him also corroborate that his ENTIRE family going back Centuries was Evangelical Lutheran - "Handel" by Donald Burrows and "Handel: The Man and His Music" by Jonathan Keates.

Re. Chopin he produced some exquisite music of course near all for solo piano, but I especially think "Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65" written in 1846 for cello and piano is exceptional.

"Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65"

I. Allegro moderato in G minor.
II. Scherzo in D minor, Trio in D major.
III. Largo in B-flat major.
IV. Finale. Allegro in G minor, ending in G major.

Duration = 30 minutes 5 seconds.

My guess is that Irosie meant Mendelsohn, rather than Handel was Jewish.
(But, who knows)
Considering Irosie blames Poland so much for the Holocaust, and the Pogroms, and even the Catholic faith.
I don't really know what this creature thinks.

sorry sobie-----BOTH. Handel's father "converted" ------as to Mendelsohn----
he just kept the problem LOW KEY. I never BLAMED Catholicism on the
poles------that religion was FOISTED on da poor innocent polacks so they could
be part of the "HOLEY" roman empire. Polacks are catholic like Mexicans are catholic. -----do not despair-----MADAME CURIE was a polack thru and thru----smart girl
Before we get too friendly though, them Jewish comments you made in the initial post really turned me off to be honest. Are you ok with Jews?

Why is 2,000 years of rejecting the Love of Christ as a mish-mash of cultures who reject assimilation to the countries they lived in as an "Insult" to nations, somehow a culture worth preserving?

Keep in mind, Jews themselves often wish other groups the same fate, or ultimately their own.

Look at Barbara Spectre as an example.

Ah, so you don't think Jews are equal. Man, just spit it out. Be proud of who you are and what you believe unless you think you're wrong. Don't cower like a scared 5 year old girl!

I disagree with you and think racists are the scum of the earth.

BTW, you have a logic problem. Right or Wrong most folks are just the religion of their parents. That doesn't make them special,

Since when was anti-Jewish sentiments a form of "Racism", exactly?

What's wrong with Racism, anyways?

There's absolutely no evidence of racial equality.

What's wrong is my race of my superior ppl are going to get the upper hand some prime numbered day and smash your race of ppl who invested in the wrong type of nuclear power. 500 years later your race of ppl will get lucky thanks to geographic isolation or something and be superior. Modern America is great. A Bosnian and a Serb walk into a bar and get in a fight and break a shelf. The bar tender breaks it up, they apologize in hopes the cops don't come and the bartender says "if one of you two brothers were black I would have shot you but as it is I know brothers fight." Point is, except for the random NAZI we can't tell the difference between have the genocidal groups on the planet because blacks stick out soo obviously (not that picking on blacks is right. We just can't tell Aussies from Brits or Croats from Serbs or whatever on the whole) Maybe that will bring humanity together lol.

Its a long slippery slope to slavery and genocide. Humans apparently have it in us to want to pass on genetics most similar to their own. Its one of the things we must fight.

Why would anyone think Racism is necessarily linked to violence?

What most of the genocides are really done for is greed, rather than racism.

I'll give you that greed is involved.

racism and violence go hand in hand.

Here, go watch this and read between the lines: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Wikipedia
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