Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

uhm......well......uhm.......sheeeeesh-----GAUGUIN liked the Polynesian girls-----
and the islands with the BIG FRONDS. Malinowski had positive things to say
about the TROBRIANDERS of the south pacific. ---------Korean food is all
the rage now
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Eh, Jews, Germans, English, French, Belgians, Russians, and Spaniards all might have contributed much intellectual accomplishments, they have been pretty dang aggressive too, having a lot of immorality as well.

That's why I'm more proud of Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, and a few others in the Intermarium nations, they have had a lot of morality, and didn't do much wrong at all.
Not even close, and dirty Western Europeans stole a bunch of things from Eastern Europeans, in the first place.

TV was being worked on / invented by 3 people of Polish heritages, Jan Szczepanik, Paul Nipkow, and Jullian Ochorowicz before Scottish James Baird claimed to have invented it.

The first practical hand-hand movie camera was by Polish Kazimierz Proczynski, and Lumiere Brothers took the credit.

Diobridges were invented by Karol Polak, but Geo Graetz took the credit.

Oxygen was discovered by Polish Michal Sedziwoj, but Joseph Priestly took the credit.

Gut bacteria was discovered by Walery Jaworski, but Warren, and Marshall took the credit.

Piled higher and higher------I am a neuroscientist--------one of the profs in
my department----- ( A POLE BY BACKGROUND) loved the HISTORY OF
NEUROSCIENCE ----and even he giggled at the outrageous claims made
by POLES AND RUSSIANS as to the contributions of----Poles and Russians to
the science. In fact, the French, the British and the Austrian jews got
you beat by miles------even the SCOTS have it way over da poles. It is true
that there were some jewish Russians involved-------but a few of them committed
suicide before the friggen poles got them (sorry----its been more than 40 years
since I studied this stuff and cannot remember names------not that I was ever any
good with Russian and Polish names)

Try studying modern Neuroscience without studying Adrenaline discovered by Polish Napoleon Cybulski.
But, also the Babinski sign, by Polish Joseph Babinski.
Also Polish, and Jewish origins Edward Flatau was important, having created the first brain atlas.

right---and that's about it-----the BABINSKI REFLEX-----about as many polish
neuroscientists as jewish mafia gangsters---------and MYRIADS of jewish
neuroscientists around the world over the past 200 years--------sheeeesh ---
BIG TIME----one spinal reflex out of dozens. The French got you beat by
miles-----GILLES DE LA TOURETTE was French ----so was Charcot-----Freud
was Austrian (tell lucy) (for the record---neither Gilles nor Charcot were jews
but Freud was)

Poles have done well in Anthropology too, including Bronislav Malinowski considered the most important 20th century Anthropologist along with Jewish Franz Boas, however Franz Boas is exaggerated, and dishonest, and biased in a Liberal direction big time.

Although, Personally I think the best Polish Anthropologist is Jan Czekanowski, he had some great details on European races, probably better than even Coon, or Gunther.

Even one of the pioneers of Anthropologist Rudolf Virchow was presumably at least partially of a Polish origins.

Then there's Maria Czaplicka, and Feliks Koneczny.

Koneczny was really good at cultures, having founded a lot of civilization research into categories.

for those interested in LOSING YOUR TASTE for the study of anthropology----
BRONISLAW MALINOWSKI. It was so dull that most of the kids in my
college SOCIOLOGY class just refused to read it. Of course-----avid reader
me-----read that dull uninspired tome from cover to cover. Nothing Brilliant
about it. Margaret Meade was a lot more talented (American---not jewish)

Margaret Mead - Wikipedia
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

The decay, decline, and fall of Western society is also largely on the basis of Jewish / Western European Liberal activists, as well as Capitalist pig degenerates.

But, ultimately Poland, and Hungary are the biggest champions of Western civilization as we speak.
With Czechs, Austrians, Slovaks, Romanians, Italians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Croats, and Finns etc. etc. not far behind.

But, even Indians are probably more likely to support Western civilization than Jews / Western Europeans are now-a-days.

In fact, even some Muslims are, like Tatars, Turks, Albanians, Bosniaks etc.

As do probably Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese etc. etc.

The only people who are as anti-Western civilization, as Jews, Anglos, French, and Germans are actually Arabs, Iranians, Afghans, Mexicans, etc. etc.

Heck, actually the more Americanized, and or Whiter Mexicans are often more pro-West than Jews in the U.S.A.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.
Judaism believes in reincarnation.
The Hindus got their beliefs from Avraham went he sent Hagar’s children East.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.
Judaism believes in reincarnation.
The Hindus got their beliefs from Avraham went he sent Hagar’s children East.

The Christians are supposed to believe in reincarnation as the Gnostic Bible states, but the Gnostic bibles were left out.
Probably because they could scare more members into Christianity by a permanent basis of Hell, than by Reincarnation.

That's why Bible Literalists shouldn't be taken all too seriously.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

From everything I've read Freud's overrated, the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego are actually kind of out-dated, as for his perverse ideals of looking at phallus shaped objects, that was always off the deep end.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

From everything I've read Freud's overrated, the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego are actually kind of out-dated, as for his perverse ideals of looking at phallus shaped objects, that was always off the deep end.

the fact -----when it comes to PHALLUS symbols-------they are an overwhelming
issue in Hindu art and even the RELIGION. Try not to delve into subjects WAY
BEYOND YOU. The Id, Ego, Super-ego-----is a construct------not a HOLY
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.
Judaism believes in reincarnation.
The Hindus got their beliefs from Avraham went he sent Hagar’s children East.

The Christians are supposed to believe in reincarnation as the Gnostic Bible states, but the Gnostic bibles were left out.
Probably because they could scare more members into Christianity by a permanent basis of Hell, than by Reincarnation.

That's why Bible Literalists shouldn't be taken all too seriously.
It’s from Genesis.
I have zero interests in Gnostic anything.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is
This is what happens when one becomes a master of targeted points.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanovic, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.
Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanowicz, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.
Yawn...nobody cares.
Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanowicz, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.
Yawn...nobody cares.

White Serbs number 50,000, or so, and have contributed Leibniz a founder of binary code, and calculus, as well as Kocor, Mato Kosyk.

Leibniz is more important than any Jewish scientist I can think of, including Einstein.

Serb NikolaTesla's R1a haplogroup is M-458 highest in Europe in White Serbs of Lusatia, second in line are Poles from between Krakow - Warsaw - Lublin, and then Czechs.
sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanowicz, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.
Yawn...nobody cares.

White Serbs number 50,000, or so, and have contributed Leibniz a founder of binary code, and calculus, as well as Kocor, Mato Kosyk.

Leibniz is more important than any Jewish scientist I can think of, including Einstein.

Serb NikolaTesla's R1a haplogroup is M-458 highest in Europe in White Serbs of Lusatia, second in line are Poles from between Krakow - Warsaw - Lublin, and then Czechs.
Yawn...can carry on a discussion without relying on cut/paste?
Do you try to pick up girls in bars with web links?
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