Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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Fact remains that Christians and Jews have been a much more positive influence upon civilization than any other groups.

Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanovic, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.

not so exciting------Levites have a common male ancestor. -----and that is about it.
Brahmins are ENTIRELY INTERMARRIED----------if you are calling "SORBS" a caste you are claiming that they are an intermarried group which does end up
making situations of common genes HIGHLY LIKELY ------SO???????
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau is definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.
Contrary to your opinions, and popular opinion in the West, Hinduism is likely superior over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much closer to science than the Abrahamic faiths. (Having similar theories to even the Big Bang, and Multiverses etc. etc)
Heck, even the Reincarnation part makes a lot of sense, because of the lack of permanence (Changing World in nature)
as well as the fact that energy / matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Also India never invaded another nation, nor had any major wars, of genocide events. (Unlike Western Europeans, Arabs, Jews, and Russians)

Even when people think of peace activists they think of Indian Ghandi.

India was at one time extremely advanced, like the Indus Valley civilization, even considered by Jewish Oppenheimer as a precursor / influence of Atomic theories.

Indian / Hindus also had contributed the basis of early rocketry, even the most important non-White / Non-Jewish Physicists have been Indian, like Nath Bose, or Raman, as has the Indian inventor of the pentium tech, like Vinod Dham.

sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanovic, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.

not so exciting------Levites have a common male ancestor. -----and that is about it.
Brahmins are ENTIRELY INTERMARRIED----------if you are calling "SORBS" a caste you are claiming that they are an intermarried group which does end up
making situations of common genes HIGHLY LIKELY ------SO???????

The theory is that Serbs / Croats were a Slavic high caste that actually go back to Samaritans a Scythian sort of tribe.

Although modern Serbs / Croats of the Balkans are largely the mix of these Slavic high caste people with Albanian / Bosnian type of Balkan original peoples.
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply
sobie----you got a few facts RIGHT-----but overall---your post is gibberish.
A very good example -----a little knowledge is dangerous. Indians are caucasions------and are recognized by jewish physicists as HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED ----
for thousands of years-------ask my brother One of the most idiotic claims
by muzzies is their claim that THEY INVENTED ALGEBRA------nope---algebra
was brought from India to Babylon by ------jewish spice traders---actually even
before the rapist of Arabia was born-------but it came to be known as "algebra"
which is an Arabic word------because LATER books on the subject were written
in muslim dominated Iraq in Arabic. The brilliance of INDIA shows up ---in
somewhat tangential allusion in the Talmud

The high caste Hindus (Brahmin's) and high caste (Jews) Levites, as well as high caste Slavs (Sorbs / White Serbs) are all extremely high in R1a haplogroup, approaching levels at 60% +

you should try to learn the DEFINITION OF CASTE "levite" is not a caste----
take it from me-----I BONAFIDE LEVITE. Brahmin is a caste. I have no idea
what a "SORB" is

Brahmins have twice the R1a haplogroup as do lower caste Indians, as for Ashkenazis the Levites have 4 times more R1a than do regular Ashkenazis, and Ashkenazis have 2 times more R1a than Sephardi Jews.
As for Slavs, Sorbs / White Serbs are the highest in R1a, they are actually the founders, and high castes of Slavic society, they founded Lusatia, and Serbia.

Sorbs / Serbian heritage include Nikola Tesla, Leibniz, Milkanovich, Pupin, Kocor, Mato Kosyk, Stepanovic, Hempt, Pantic etc. etc.

not so exciting------Levites have a common male ancestor. -----and that is about it.
Brahmins are ENTIRELY INTERMARRIED----------if you are calling "SORBS" a caste you are claiming that they are an intermarried group which does end up
making situations of common genes HIGHLY LIKELY ------SO???????

The theory is that Serbs / Croats were a Slavic high caste that actually go back to Samaritans a Scythian sort of tribe.

Although modern Serbs / Croats of the Balkans are largely the mix of these Slavic high caste people with Albanian / Bosnian type of Balkan original peoples.

you got a link to your proposed link between Scythians and Samaritans?
anything at all?
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
anyone know what "FREUD WAS EXAGERRATED" mean?

Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.
Freud is well known because of his position in time period, as well as his theories, some in the right direction, some in the wrong direction, not necessarily as important, as well known.

you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
you need a bit more education

Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.
Polish / Jewish Flatau's definitely more realistically important than Freud, even if Freud's theories are more interesting.

Flatau created the first brain atlas, pioneered migraine research, pioneered fiber research in the spinal cord, and pioneered research in several neurological-diseases.

neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
neuroanatomy is a WHOLE DIFFERENT FIELD----as compared to psychiatry.
It is true that Freud was a neurologist-----as was Charcot-----but their innovative
work is not at all comparable. The "more important" does not apply

Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.
Robert Remak was also a Jewish / Polish neurologist, and important.

Keep in mind Remak looks Polish, rather than Jewish.

As for Flatau he looked like a half Pole half Armenian or something.
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.

I think that's basically bull-crap, especially in the U.S.A Polish neighborhoods.

Actually Italians are more known for this, like ones in Bensonhurst murder of Yosef Hawkins, or Howard Beach hate crime attacks, not to mention in White Plains school riots when they attacked Blacks.

Although, the Polish neighborhood near Buffalo did have a lawsuit for teasing Blacks on the job, not surprising, however there was no actual violence.
Therefor I could care less.

As well as that Jewish delivery boy in NYC for a Polish restaurant, who won a million dollar lawsuit, for being teased by his Polish bosses.
Which is BULL.

No one actually ever gave a shit when Poles were teased by other peoples, so why should I give a damn about others?
My wife and I look Polish.

Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.

I think that's basically bull-crap, especially in the U.S.A Polish neighborhoods.

Actually Italians are more known for this, like ones in Bensonhurst murder of Yosef Hawkins, or Howard Beach hate crime attacks, not to mention in White Plains school riots when they attacked Blacks.

Although, the Polish neighborhood near Buffalo did have a lawsuit for teasing Blacks on the job, not surprising, however there was no actual violence.
Therefor I could care less.

No one actually ever gave a shit when Poles were teased by other peoples, so why should I give a damn about others?
Italians stopped doing that about 20 years ago.
I would not be afraid to walk around an Italian neigborhood because they’d all ask me if I’m an accountant or a lawyer.
Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.

I think that's basically bull-crap, especially in the U.S.A Polish neighborhoods.

Actually Italians are more known for this, like ones in Bensonhurst murder of Yosef Hawkins, or Howard Beach hate crime attacks, not to mention in White Plains school riots when they attacked Blacks.

Although, the Polish neighborhood near Buffalo did have a lawsuit for teasing Blacks on the job, not surprising, however there was no actual violence.
Therefor I could care less.

No one actually ever gave a shit when Poles were teased by other peoples, so why should I give a damn about others?
Italians stopped doing that about 20 years ago.
I would not be afraid to walk around an Italian neigborhood because they’d all ask me if I’m an accountant or a lawyer.

I beg to differ, in the early 2000's I saw an Italian guy attack a Black for being Black in the Putnam Lake park, then around 2010 in the Putnam Lake castle bar, an Italian guy attacked a Black once again for being Black.

Not to mention the mini riot I saw in the early 2000's, with many skate-boarders attacking a Black guy, and calling him a brown piece of shit, in Putnam Lake, as they threw rocks, bottles, and shot off fire-works at him.
(About half of these skate-boarders were Italians)
Prove it with a picture.
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.

I think that's basically bull-crap, especially in the U.S.A Polish neighborhoods.

Actually Italians are more known for this, like ones in Bensonhurst murder of Yosef Hawkins, or Howard Beach hate crime attacks, not to mention in White Plains school riots when they attacked Blacks.

Although, the Polish neighborhood near Buffalo did have a lawsuit for teasing Blacks on the job, not surprising, however there was no actual violence.
Therefor I could care less.

No one actually ever gave a shit when Poles were teased by other peoples, so why should I give a damn about others?
Italians stopped doing that about 20 years ago.
I would not be afraid to walk around an Italian neigborhood because they’d all ask me if I’m an accountant or a lawyer.

Poland's sometimes is still called the safest European place for Jews.

Keep in mind hate crimes in general in Poland are super low by European standards, even ones against Jews.

I spoke of this here.

Germany 13X more anti-Semitic incidences than Poland
For obsessive/compulsive Nazi boy?
I think not.

The difference between Jews and Poles.
If I walked into a Polish neighborhood with my yalmulke I would be beaten to death.

The Jews I've met online have been more rabidly anti-Polish, than the Poles I've met online against Jews.

Actually I'm the only Pole who's anti-Jewish on this forum, anyways.

Some of the so called people of Polish heritage like Bear, or Pete, or Lystratra or WTF's her name, all sound like Jews, they're all more pro-Jewish than pro-Polish.
I’m talking real life.
Polish teenagers will murder any non-Pole who walks onto their turf.

I guess Poles will have to start building more hospitals, libraries and museums.

I think that's basically bull-crap, especially in the U.S.A Polish neighborhoods.

Actually Italians are more known for this, like ones in Bensonhurst murder of Yosef Hawkins, or Howard Beach hate crime attacks, not to mention in White Plains school riots when they attacked Blacks.

Although, the Polish neighborhood near Buffalo did have a lawsuit for teasing Blacks on the job, not surprising, however there was no actual violence.
Therefor I could care less.

No one actually ever gave a shit when Poles were teased by other peoples, so why should I give a damn about others?
Italians stopped doing that about 20 years ago.
I would not be afraid to walk around an Italian neigborhood because they’d all ask me if I’m an accountant or a lawyer.

Poland's sometimes is still called the safest European place for Jews.

Keep in mind hate crimes in general in Poland are super low by European standards, even ones against Jews.

I spoke of this here.

Germany 13X more anti-Semitic incidences than Poland
Now let’s discuss your dating techniques and garnering yourself a career.
I certainly don't think that Germany's more anti-Jewish in attitudes than Poles, but I do believe those facts that Germany's more violently anti-Semitic, due to a mix of savage elements both Islamic, and German.

Just proof positive of Mediterraneans being a more savage, and brutal race than true Whites (Aryan - Cro-Magnons)

Germans are more Med than Poles.

Hitler especially was very Mediterranean for a German both in phenotype, and genotype having a E1b1b haplogroup found mostly in North Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle-East,

Hitler's not the only odd looking Nazi German.

Goebbels, Eichmann, Rudolf Hess, and Heydrich all looked pretty Jewish, Albanian or Greek.

As for Himler he looked like he was from Turkey, with a mix of Med, and Asiatic looks.
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