Jewish free zones on campus.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

I have to note I first heard about this in a thread on another message board which was begun by Mark Levin. I found the news shocking and distressing.

It leads to some questions:

Do our liberals and progressives support this new kind of “sorting people out in the basis of race, nationality, and religion?”

Isn’t it odd that, back in the old days, “bussing” was used to compel the desegregation of people but that, now, it is morally wrong to compel integration?

Which side should observant liberals and progressives come down on?

Liberals like to deny that they are the ones most likely to be “fascist,” but didn’t Nazi Germany begin its very existence based on denying rights to Jews entirely on the basis of “Jewishness”?

I have to note I first heard about this in a thread on another message board which was begun by Mark Levin. I found the news shocking and distressing.

It leads to some questions:

Do our liberals and progressives support this new kind of “sorting people out in the basis of race, nationality, and religion?”

Isn’t it odd that, back in the old days, “bussing” was used to compel the desegregation of people but that, now, it is morally wrong to compel integration?

Which side should observant liberals and progressives come down on?

Liberals like to deny that they are the ones most likely to be “fascist,” but didn’t Nazi Germany begin its very existence based on denying rights to Jews entirely on the basis of “Jewishness”?
Is this an example of a "Black" free zone?
Is this an example of a "Black" free zone?
Imagine their surprise if they showed up and rather than having no one even say anything to them, they were shot dead, EVERY ONE OF THEM.
I wonder what it will take before American Jews stop their majority support for the Democrat party? It's amazing to me that they still vote in a major bloc for that party even when members like the "Squad" are so overtly engaged in Jew hatred.
there is an adage in Hebrew Literature which translates roughly: A CUSTOM IS STRONGER THAN
I wonder what it will take before American Jews stop their majority support for the Democrat party?

Having grown up in and around San Francisco, I can state that Berkeley didn't get like this in during a Democrat administration, or a Republican administration. Berkeley is, and had been for a long time, a place where they take an idea, any idea, and twist it into something completely unrecognizable. They took "The Free Speech Movement" and twisted it into 1984-style censorship.

Berkeley is a moral compass, it always points South. Berkeley is a cautionary tale that clearly demonstrates that total lack of an objective standard of reason ALWAYS leads to violence and anarchy.

Don't put a lot of faith in the oft-quoted "fact" A lot of Jews do support Democrats. A lot of us support Republicans. There is no real way to know to any degree of accuracy exactly how many are in each camp. Jewish support of the Democrats goes back a long time and is a complex relationship. The vast majority (really vast) support the State of Israel and are really offended by domestic antisemitism and any party that openly supports hostility to Israel and encourages antisemitism will lose Jewish voters.
Do our liberals and progressives support this new kind of “sorting people out in the basis of race, nationality, and religion?”
They are not liberals and they are not progressives. They are Democrats. Democrats have been doing this since the inception of the Democratic party. There's nothing new about their abject racism.

The Democratic party has always been the party of bigotry, discrimination and racism.

I have to note I first heard about this in a thread on another message board which was begun by Mark Levin. I found the news shocking and distressing.

It leads to some questions:

Do our liberals and progressives support this new kind of “sorting people out in the basis of race, nationality, and religion?”

Isn’t it odd that, back in the old days, “bussing” was used to compel the desegregation of people but that, now, it is morally wrong to compel integration?

Which side should observant liberals and progressives come down on?

Liberals like to deny that they are the ones most likely to be “fascist,” but didn’t Nazi Germany begin its very existence based on denying rights to Jews entirely on the basis of “Jewishness”?
Throughout my studies in the field of sociology the major contributing factor I could find regarding the problem of human to human confrontation was/is narcissism. As bad as narcissism is for a couple(lovers etc.) when one or the other is afflicted with narcissism, in a group of people, a narcissistic Dominant person within said group can destroy multiple peoples lives. There are nine levels of narcissism. If a person is diagnosed with any five of the nine symptoms they are medically listed as NPDP(Narcissistic Personality Disorder Positive). The below link is an excellent short essay on the subject.

Imagine their surprise if they showed up and rather than having no one even say anything to them, they were shot dead, EVERY ONE OF THEM.
It is a good thing, you and I are not retail business owners, with our life savings tied up in operating the business, isn't it?
Why did the OP hide this in Political Satire?!

It‘s real, people. Like the early days of Nazi Germany, the leftists at Berkeley have created ”Jewish-free” zones. So while leftists Pat themselves on the back as being so opposed to racism, they revel in antisemitism not seen since the days of Hitler,

According to the OP's article Jews weren't banned from attending the event.
The event organizers just wouldn't invite pro Zionist and pro Israel people be speakers. Be they Christian, Jewish, or secular atheists.
Calling this political stance anti-semitic is blatantly false. ... :cool:
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According to the OP's article Jews weren't banned from attending the event.
The event organizers just wouldn't invite pro Zionist and pro Israel people be speakers. Be they Christian, Jewish, or secular atheists.
Calling this political stance anti-semitic is blatantly false. ... :cool:
Throughout my studies in the field of sociology the major contributing factor I could find regarding the problem of human to human confrontation was/is narcissism. As bad as narcissism is for a couple(lovers etc.) when one or the other is afflicted with narcissism, in a group of people, a narcissistic Dominant person within said group can destroy multiple peoples lives. There are nine levels of narcissism. If a person is diagnosed with any five of the nine symptoms they are medically listed as NPDP(Narcissistic Personality Disorder Positive). The below link is an excellent short essay on the subject.

thanks---no doubt in your studies you learned that
a personality disorder is not a "DISEASE"
There are two things behind this:

1) the leftist professors to side with the ones in the inferior position, regardless of who is in the right, and thus they side with Palestinians and Muslims and against the more advanced, accomplished Israelis and Jews.

2) The tons of money pouring into leftist college campuses from anti-Israel and rich Arab countries to convince them to indoctrinate the next generation against Israel

I have to note I first heard about this in a thread on another message board which was begun by Mark Levin. I found the news shocking and distressing.

It leads to some questions:

Do our liberals and progressives support this new kind of “sorting people out in the basis of race, nationality, and religion?”

Isn’t it odd that, back in the old days, “bussing” was used to compel the desegregation of people but that, now, it is morally wrong to compel integration?

Which side should observant liberals and progressives come down on?

Liberals like to deny that they are the ones most likely to be “fascist,” but didn’t Nazi Germany begin its very existence based on denying rights to Jews entirely on the basis of “Jewishness”?

This is disgusting.

Isn't Berkeley a public university? Isn't that public land?

Time for the Jews to learn open air preaching. :) :) :)
This is disgusting.

Isn't Berkeley a public university? Isn't that public land?

Time for the Jews to learn open air preaching. :) :) :)
It’s time for more Jews to vote Republican.

Trump had an EO in place that withheld federal funds from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. He wanted it to become permanent legislation, as dId Republicans in Congress. But it couldn’t get out of committee because the Democrats were blocking it. Even leftist Jews like Schumer didn’t want to support it. Their reason: it would offend the Muslim stidents.
It’s time for more Jews to vote Republican.

Trump had an EO in place that withheld federal funds from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. He wanted it to become permanent legislation, as dId Republicans in Congress. But it couldn’t get out of committee because the Democrats were blocking it. Even leftist Jews like Schumer didn’t want to support it. Their reason: it would offend the Muslim stidents.

Agreed. I was being tongue in cheek about open air preaching, it does seem tempting to have a bunch of Jews start reading Hebrew in the public space. You have a RIGHT to do it!

This kind of stuff makes me so mad. It's the most unamerican thing imaginable.
Agreed. I was being tongue in cheek about open air preaching, it does seem tempting to have a bunch of Jews start reading Hebrew in the public space. You have a RIGHT to do it!

This kind of stuff makes me so mad. It's the most unamerican thing imaginable.
And what makes it worse is that Democrats keep lambasting Trump voters as being the antisemites.

i was out at dinner a couple of weeks ago when a Democrat at the table told me I better hide my “Jewishness” when I went on a trip to a red state because it was full of Trump voters! Don’t these idiots see that the danger to advancing antisemitism lies with Democrats in official positions - like leftist college professors?

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