Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors,

I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
First of all, you haven't a FUCKING clue what I practice, or not, do you? Doesn't stop you from being a totally ass, does it?
That being said, you also have no FUCKING clue what was instilled into me (sic), at any age.

I know that you are an interfering busybody that Jesus will kill.

now as for the second accusation, I ASKED, Was the golden rule of Jesus instilled into you by practicing christian parents between the ages of 0 to 5?

Was it or wasn't it you bloody dickhead?
Unless Jesus is some kind of drug dealer, I'm not in fear of him killing me, for any reason. Second, whatever my parents believed, did not believe, or practice, has nothing to with my beliefs now. I most firmly believe in the Golden Rule, and Karma, if you prefer. I treat others as I would be treated, and it works very well for me.
You, however, seem rather confused as to what the Golden Rule is and what it means...not to mention, you have absolutely no clue about me and what I may, or may not, believe...or how I practice my beliefs.
It's OK. I understand you and your ilk...very well.
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
Its not for the taxpayer to fund a lifestyle choice.
Possibly not but the amount of money is piddling compared to the amount of money politicians spend fighting it.
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
First of all, you haven't a FUCKING clue what I practice, or not, do you? Doesn't stop you from being a totally ass, does it?
That being said, you also have no FUCKING clue what was instilled into me (sic), at any age.

I know that you are an interfering busybody that Jesus will kill.

now as for the second accusation, I ASKED, Was the golden rule of Jesus instilled into you by practicing christian parents between the ages of 0 to 5?

Was it or wasn't it you bloody dickhead?
Unless Jesus is some kind of drug dealer, I'm not in fear of him killing me, for any reason. Second, whatever my parents believed, did not believe, or practice, has nothing to with my beliefs now. I most firmly believe in the Golden Rule, and Karma, if you prefer. I treat others as I would be treated, and it works very well for me.
You, however, seem rather confused as to what the Golden Rule is and what it means...not to mention, you have absolutely no clue about me and what I may, or may not, believe...or how I practice my beliefs.
It's OK. I understand you and your ilk...very well.
You do not understand the followers of all and you will be cast on the fire.

If you were not made a christian between the ages of 0-5 then you are Jesus himself. Which you are not.

I've met you fake convert types. bunch of hypocritical pharisees. You have no idea the HARDSHIP of a life devoted to following Christ. Have you been crucified yet? NO and you never will, because you don't follow him.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
First of all, you haven't a FUCKING clue what I practice, or not, do you? Doesn't stop you from being a totally ass, does it?
That being said, you also have no FUCKING clue what was instilled into me (sic), at any age.

I know that you are an interfering busybody that Jesus will kill.

now as for the second accusation, I ASKED, Was the golden rule of Jesus instilled into you by practicing christian parents between the ages of 0 to 5?

Was it or wasn't it you bloody dickhead?
Unless Jesus is some kind of drug dealer, I'm not in fear of him killing me, for any reason. Second, whatever my parents believed, did not believe, or practice, has nothing to with my beliefs now. I most firmly believe in the Golden Rule, and Karma, if you prefer. I treat others as I would be treated, and it works very well for me.
You, however, seem rather confused as to what the Golden Rule is and what it means...not to mention, you have absolutely no clue about me and what I may, or may not, believe...or how I practice my beliefs.
It's OK. I understand you and your ilk...very well.
You do not understand the followers of all and you will be cast on the fire.

If you were not made a christian between the ages of 0-5 then you are Jesus himself. Which you are not.

I've met you fake convert types. bunch of hypocritical pharisees. You have no idea the HARDSHIP of a life devoted to following Christ. Have you been crucified yet? NO and you never will, because you don't follow him.
At no point do I recall claiming to be a christian, fake, or otherwise. But I do not need the crutch of approbation sought by those who claim the christian faith, or any other classified religious sect. That does not prevent my behaving in such a manner that others are respected and respect me in turn.
P.S. Since burning in hell would appear to mean I would spend and eternity interred with the likes of yourself, perhaps I will continue to remain unrepentantly un-christian.

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