Jewish Londoners ‘make plans to flee capital’ amid huge antisemitism wave.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Growing numbers of Jewish families are considering fleeing London for abroad because of rising antisemitism in the capital, campaigners warned on Tuesday as they demanded tougher action to combat intimidation and hate.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism said some Jewish residents had already left because of fears for their safety.

Growing numbers of Jewish families are considering fleeing London for abroad because of rising antisemitism in the capital, campaigners warned on Tuesday as they demanded tougher action to combat intimidation and hate.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism said some Jewish residents had already left because of fears for their safety.

Yep, the world is spiraling into yet another anti Jewish pogrom. Fascists do what fascists do.
Growing numbers of Jewish families are considering fleeing London for abroad because of rising antisemitism in the capital, campaigners warned on Tuesday as they demanded tougher action to combat intimidation and hate.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism said some Jewish residents had already left because of fears for their safety.

Can't say I blame them. They should rename London to Little Baghdad on the Thames.
All anti-Semites should be deported back to their dreadful homelands.

They come to London because their own countries are so horrible, and then they have the temerity to harass genuine British citizens?

What a nerve!!!
China promoted Merkel as the great leader of the West. She encouraged unfettered immigration from the M.E and elsewhere without restrictions. Remember, at the time the U.K being in the E.U provided access to ALL other nations. This is where much of U.Ks immigration arose from, through Germany and elsewhere.

"Don't share our values? "Don't speak our language?" " Don't have skills for a modern economy"? No problem. Frighteningly if it weren't for Trump the word "China" might not even have been uttered in political circles.

Now as we look back we see how effective their campaigns were in installing the weakest most obedient politicians. Major cities in Europe are now Flop Houses for the worlds poor, many who despise the very nations they go to. Judeo-Christian values will remain in decline and politicians think they can outsmart this shift.

The U.K already has a far-left party that may even win the next election so we haven't seen anything yet. The Dems in the U.S are also increasingly becoming far-left, their influence spreading, especially to the young.
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Can't say I blame them. They should rename London to Little Baghdad on the Thames.

The big issue is the behaviour of the London police.

Have you read the latest about the ‘openly Jewish’ (the policeman’s words) man threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road?
I’m afraid America is about six months behind London. Liberals can simply look to London to see what happens when you allow swarms of antisemitic Muslims into the country - and they’re racing ahead to have it here.

That is why leftist universities have turned into Jew-hating breeding grounds: Arab money has flooded in, influencing the curriculum, student clubs, and selection of administrators. (No surprise the president of Columbia, for example, is a Muslim immigrant.)
I’m afraid America is about six months behind London. Liberals can simply look to London to see what happens when you allow swarms of antisemitic Muslims into the country - and they’re racing ahead to have it here.

That is why leftist universities have turned into Jew-hating breeding grounds: Arab money has flooded in, influencing the curriculum, student clubs, and selection of administrators. (No surprise the president of Columbia, for example, is a Muslim immigrant.)

There’s talk circulating that Hamas has infiltrated the British media.
The big issue is the behaviour of the London police.

Have you read the latest about the ‘openly Jewish’ (the policeman’s words) man threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road?

q: How did the “openly Jewish” man in London get to the side of the rode?

a: He put his yarmulke in his pocket before he approached the intersection.
There’s talk circulating that Hamas has infiltrated the British media.
I can believe it - and I believe it’s hapoened in America, too.

And WHY, I ask, is America hosting the U.N.? They are infiltrated by antisemites, and some of them actually were among the savages on October 7th.

q: How did the “openly Jewish” man in London get to the side of the rode?

a: He put his yarmulke in his pocket before he approached the intersection.

“Openly” Jewish.
What does that even mean?

That Jews should go underground? Hide their identity?
No one goes up to some one in head coverings or burkas, and threatens them with….. whatever.
Some of us have been warned not to wear a Jewish star in public.

I’ve taken off my Hai necklace. And l bet half of them don’t know what that is, the ignorance is astounding.

I’m not even in the UK. The Israeli flag is still flying in the town square. But has that turned into an empty gesture?
^ Lisa:

Can you believe this latest, from the Metropolitan Police?

‘We will continue to review the circumstances’.​
I’ve taken off my Hai necklace. And l bet half of them don’t know what that is, the ignorance is astounding.

I’m not even in the UK. The Israeli flag is still flying in the town square. But has that turned into an empty gesture?
Well, it’s a positive that the Israeli flag has been allowed to fly without the antisemites destroying it. But I wonder how long that will last…
The big issue is the behaviour of the London police.

Have you read the latest about the ‘openly Jewish’ (the policeman’s words) man threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road?

The London police make Canadian police seem like kindergarten teachers.
^ Lisa:

Can you believe this latest, from the Metropolitan Police?

‘We will continue to review the circumstances’.​
Woah. They have to really downplay the antisemitism - and make sure it doesn’t look like they’re siding with a Jew - for fear the Muslims and their supporters will launch another riot.

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