Jewish Man Reveals Identity of the Antichrist

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I believe it was divine providence that I found this video this evening. Had it not been for the title which included "JEWISH MAN REVEALS"..... I most likely would not have viewed it. I'm very glad that I did.
Wow, Jeremiah you are so stupid/gullible. Don't you realize this man is trying to divide Christians. Trying to get Christians fighting each other.

If you are a Christian you have to be some special kind of moron to support Israel. Israelis despise Christians and yet demand Christians pay for Israeli atrocities and die in Israeli wars.

Christians Discriminated Against by Israel
An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties:The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans
The Israel Lobby

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Jeremiah, let me take a's the Pope. ...... :cool:

Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

For your information there was a succession of eighty popes - that 80 POPES IN THE VATICAN ONE AFTER ANOTHER, Stat, that systematically tortured to death, buried alive, burned at the stake JEWS, PROTESTANTS and NON CATHOLICS over a period of 605 YEARS - 68 million people to be clear and don't you ever forget it!

Don't you ever trust the Roman Catholic System or This Pope! I'm telling you that for your own good! The Roman Catholic Vatican has more Jewish Blood on its hands than any other institution on earth! Don't you ever trust them!!!
Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets..

Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.
I believe it was divine providence that I found this video this evening. Had it not been for the title which included "JEWISH MAN REVEALS"..... I most likely would not have viewed it. I'm very glad that I did.
Wow, Jeremiah you are so stupid/gullible. Don't you realize this man is trying to divide Christians. Trying to get Christians fighting each other.

If you are a Christian you have to be some special kind of moron to support Israel. Israelis despise Christians and yet demand Christians pay for Israel's atrocities and die in Israel's wars.

Christians Discriminated Against by Israel
An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties:The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans
The Israel Lobby
:bs1: :alcoholic: :cuckoo:
Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets..

Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.
? ? ?
Wrong. It's a lie out of the pits of hell and it is time for all people who desire to make it to heaven to come to Jesus Christ and obey the Word of God! NOT THE ANTICHRIST ROMANIST SYSTEM AND THEIR POPE!

It's a one way ticket to hell, Toro! Get out of there!!!!

I will pray for yoar soul tonight.

But I don't think it will save you from the fires of Hell!

God does not hear the prayers of the wicked, Toro. You must be born again. Otherwise you are shut off from God and remain condemned in your sins. Read John Chapter 3 of the New Testament. You need to be born again. You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and stay in the Catholic Church. You need to get out of there and come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Renounce Catholicism. Choose life. God loves you. Don't stay in there - Come out from among them and be ye separated. Call on the name of the LORD and you shall be saved.

I prayed to God the other night, and He answered me.

I was very humbled that God would speak to me.

He told me that the true path was through Catholicism, and that Evangelicals were very gullible and were being led astray be Satan. He gave an example. God said that The Rapture is merely a ruse planted by Satan for gullible evangelicals to be turned away from the true path of God.

I will pray for your soul tonight.

That wasn't God. That was a demon. God would not tell you something that isn't in His Word. READ THE KING JAMES BIBLE.

It is you who is being led astray by Satan.

God does not like sectarianism. And your whole being is sectarianism. Satan divides Christians. And YOU are the most decisive Christian here.

I will pray for you, but I implore you to repent, and stop you ways.
Catholicism is not Christianity. It is the enemy of Christianity and the enemy of the Jews! Your church has more Jewish and Protestant Blood on its hands than any other group on earth!! Your Romanist Catholic Vatican are a bunch of mass murdering psychopaths bent on ruling the world by forced conversion! Join them or else!

They failed in the Inquistions, they failed in WWI, WWII with their golden child Hitler and they are going to fail again because the Messiah is going to come and defend His people, Himself!

To call the Roman Catholic Institution a church is a Stretch. Its a cult of Satan and it should have been shut down and driven out of every country after WWII.

How often I've met people like you who were raised in Catholic tradition - family tradition - no one does it like the Roman Catholics - especially when the history is Roman Catholic going back hundreds of years. I know all about it. I came from such a family and was happy as a lark to say farewell to them and hello to the Family of God!

You're going to have to make a choice. Dead religion or a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Choose life, Toro. Even if it costs you being disowned by family. No one is going to do your time in hell for you. No one. Choose life. If I didn't care about your soul? I'd tell you to stay there and enjoy yourself. But I do care. I care enough to tell you there is no salvation in the Romanist Institution and that it is an evil bunch you follow. EVIL! Get out of there for the love of God.
Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.
Incorrect numb nuts.

Mary married Joseph before Jesus was born.

Thus, Jesus was born with a father in the home.

And would not qualify as a bastard child under Jewish law. ...... :cool:
So do you just believe anyone with a webcam and a youtube account, or do you limit yourself to just those that reinforce the hatred on your heart?

We'll pray for you Jeremiah
Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets..

Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.
? ? ?
Yeshu son of Mary of 100 bc the one stoned and "hanged on a tree" on passover was the one venerated by Rome because he was half Roman (father was Roman soldier Pantheras)
and because his Hanotzrim cult already believed in sun worship and underworld teachings making it easy to converge with the mystery religions. This is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly, (he didn't want her to be stoned.) This is why the RCC that lifts high the harlot, is called the harlot church. Hence a bastard child forbidden from entering the temple-Deut.
This Yeshu is not the same as the crucified by Rome Yehuda the Galilean in the time of Herod and Lysanias, nor the figure by the Jordan river who's apostles were martyrs.
Yeshu was false prophet becausr when he fled Jannaeus revolt towards Egypt he picked up forbidden sorcery maggic tricks used to deceive snd teaching like underworld beliefs of life in death and sun worship. The Cult believed their god was that mystical light rwys between the sun and earth. Hence the RCC iconographs of Luciferous light radiating from the heart and images of Jesus and saying in the NT that the morning star (lucifrr)was in their hearts and that Jesus was Lucifer
-rev 22:16
Sunni man because Mary and the soldier were not married it's considered a bastard child even if she was married to somone else+ remember the 10 commandments that's why she is called the stray (Stada).
Oh that's right you are a lawless people, how is that working out for you guys?

But let's say through subjective opinion we give you your argument, you would only have proved Jesus isn't a Jew not of the lineage of Aaron required for Christian messianic claims.
I believe it was divine providence that I found this video this evening. Had it not been for the title which included "JEWISH MAN REVEALS"..... I most likely would not have viewed it. I'm very glad that I did.
Wow, Jeremiah you are so stupid/gullible. Don't you realize this man is trying to divide Christians. Trying to get Christians fighting each other.

If you are a Christian you have to be some special kind of moron to support Israel. Israelis despise Christians and yet demand Christians pay for Israeli atrocities and die in Israeli wars.

Christians Discriminated Against by Israel
An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties:The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans
The Israel Lobby

She's a friggin' nut.
I get a kick out of these threads!!! Youze guyz are hysterical!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

HaShev, Jeremiah, thanks for the laughs!! :thup:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ahaaaa Thunder so you are saying when Christianity says they do not hate the siner they hate the sin that is a lie?
That they do hate the people they claim they are saving?
Let's use an even standard, when I reach and teach I am willing to be unpopular for the truth so that is love for those I sacrifice my time, research, and patience with, that is by far not hatred.
You will love those who tellyou what you want to hear and see them as loving butvthey are the true haters. The ones in affiliation pride validating their mistakes by signing everyone up to their gang. That is not love, learn the difference.
One of the Best arguments for pretrib I have heard is,,,if there isnt one then everyone knows when it will happen which is clearly against scripture.
I have never really understood this 'antichrist' stuff. So if Jesus hugs the Pope do they both disappear in a cloud of smoke and we are left with Moses and Elijah?
I subscribed to Steven Ben-Nun for a while. I unsubscribe about the time he moved to Israel. God wanted in to stay in the U.S.. Levites are never allowed to think for themselves. They do make excellent musicians though.
All Jews are the anti Christ.

Boo! Scared of the big bad Jewish man?

You obviously didn't listen to the video, Penelope.
Jeremiah, let me take a's the Pope. ...... :cool:

Yepp. The Pope is the bad guy, this time.

Oh, brother...

Before hearing this Jewish man and his study of the Scriptures in Obadiah and Daniel I had believed that this Pope Francis was most likely the Beast prophesied in Revelation. I was close but missed it. I believe this Jewish man is right on the mark. The world won't recognize him but those who belong to God will, Stat. I had a huge check in my spirit about the man from the day I layed eyes on him. When I look at him? I see pure evil. I am just being honest with you. I do.

Hardly Jewish. Did you not read his bio at his website? Born a Jew, came "to Christ" at 7. If that is the case, then it is unlikely that he was even bar-mitzvah'd.
God's representative on earth.


Repent, ye sinners, and accept Rome as your guide to heaven!

So, you are saying POP

He was accused of being a paedophile. Open your eyes. Christ does not need a Vicar nor did He ever appoint one. Peter was called to preach to the Jews. Not the Romans. According to the bible there is no account of Peter having ever went to Rome even once! Paul was sent to the Romans! Not Peter. Peter's was buried in Israel. They found his tomb and the Vatican was once again proved a liar. Stop worshipping men and come to Jesus Christ! You are blind!


So you are saying Pope Francis but you keep showing pictures of Pope Benedict (see him making out with a kid).
What's up with that? Which Pope, or is it multiple choice?

Aren't they all the same???

Yeshua himself said that no man shall know the day of his coming. And the New Testament is replete with warnings about false prophets..

Yeshu was a false prophet, Jesus isn't even based on just Yeshu.
Yeshu would not be allowed in the Temple because remember Deut says a bastard child is not allowed to enter the temple.

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