Zone1 Jewish Rabbi Buys Pornhub

Using the bible-a day for a year rule-- Daniel 9:24-27
70 weeks = 490 years
455 bce, the word to restore Jerusalem
406 bce Jerusalem rebuilt
62 weeks=434 years
one week = 7 years
29 ce-Messiah arrives
33 ce Messiah cut off
36 CE end of the 70 weeks.
Seems like an arbitrary starting point. Why not the destruction of the 1st or 2nd Temple? Why not the founding of Israel?
So you think God sent Netanyahu? Is he Jesus' brother?
I am an atheist - so no. But according to Jewish scripts and the definition of their Messiah - Netanyahu fits the description.

As such radical Zionist fanatics could very well forward such a claim. (AFAIK it doesn't state that the Messiah has to or is going to be a "decent" person). - but one that makes Israel strong and powerful and rids it of their enemies - as such Jesus (preaching peace, harmony and equality") obviously didn't fit the Jewish expectation, and ended up on a cross.
Didn't really clear up anything. People have been interpreting Daniel differently since it was written. People can see in it what they want to see in it.
The Holy spirit guides the teachers who have Jesus.
Sigh. Believe as you wish, but let other do the same without your interfering nosiness.
God commanded to expose the darkness. Ephesians 5:11)
One of the reasons they hated Jesus and murdered him and his followers back then. He said his followers would be hated by the world( ones living in darkness)
That is what Satan wants you to think.
I know its fact. Jesus compared these last days to Noah's day-Luke 17:26) Jesus is correct.
Have you seen this world lately? All mortals have a form of love, even those in Noah's day did. Jesus taught, the same love for family and friends must go to ones enemies as well, this world returns premeditated evil for evil and hatred by throwing Jesus away.
We have a ways to go.

How did they weaponise porn to corrupt the mind & heart?
Take over Palestinian television stations

Broadcast pornographic movies and programs in Hebrew.

Most of the viewers are children!


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