Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record

Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Penelope----how does the fact that Saudi Arabia is a shariah cesspit monarchy impact on sally's comments on Iran? Saudi Arabia has been a shariah cesspit for some 14 centuries------
Iran was not always so afflicted. Long ago---when I was young
(and beautiful) I ran into lots of Iranians (jews started sending their kids out way back in the mid sixties) I was
told by many Iranians (who were mostly from Teheran----)
how MODERNISTIC are the girls of Iran ("shorter miniskirts"-- was one of the boasts---weird but true)

Saudi Arabia was never out of the dark ages and is still there---it is an entirely different situation
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Are you trying to hide what is going on in your former country, Penelope? Doesn't it bother you that Baha'i women are thrown in jail and raped before they are killed the next day because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin? I would think at least things like that would bother even you.

Strange how so many Iranian women are now living in the U.S. and enjoying all the rights that they didn't have in Iran when the crazies took over there. How come so many of them left, Penelope? There are loads of them living in my neighborhood and enjoying life here.

And one can only imagine what happens in the US. Maybe we should investigate. how many rapes we have here.

we do investigate rape in the USA----it is very difficult to investigate rape if rape goes unreported. Do you have any
idea of what happens to a muslim girl who claims rape in a muslim country? Way back when I was young (and beautiful) -------East and west Pakistan were engaged in war----the red cross reported at least 1/4 million rapes comitted
against east Pakistani girls in 1971 by the west Pakistani
soldiers. --------the girls were comitting suicide in droves----they were ROUTINELY abandoned by their own families if they came up pregnant----or even, in cases in which the rape
was known to have occurred if they did not come up pregnant. Naturally under such circumstances----not all girls are going to report a rape. Most in a conservative muslim country will not------especially if the rapist is a family member. gee you are dim
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Penelope----how does the fact that Saudi Arabia is a shariah cesspit monarchy impact on sally's comments on Iran? Saudi Arabia has been a shariah cesspit for some 14 centuries------
Iran was not always so afflicted. Long ago---when I was young
(and beautiful) I ran into lots of Iranians (jews started sending their kids out way back in the mid sixties) I was
told by many Iranians (who were mostly from Teheran----)
how MODERNISTIC are the girls of Iran ("shorter miniskirts"-- was one of the boasts---weird but true)

Saudi Arabia was never out of the dark ages and is still there---it is an entirely different situation

With Penelope dragging in Saudi Arabia, it certainly looks like she doesn't want the readers to know what is going on in her old country now. Those Iranian women certainly dressed like French chic. In fact I think a lot of them who could afford it would go to Paris for their clothes. Even here they dress very nicely and have much style, but Penelope is probably wearing a burkha down in Arkansas to show her allegiance to those crazy Ayatollahs and what they make women wear now in Iran.
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think they will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Kreuger is waiting behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayers
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think ISIS
will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. I bet that this nutty woman never heard of Ernie Pyle in World War II. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Krueger behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayer -- "Alhamdu-lil-laa-hil-la-dhi adh-haba 'a-nil."

I think many of the readers are on to the fact that Penelope is a one-man band who actually knows very little but pulls things out of the air if she feels it serves her purpose.. If she would only research the word "anti-Semitism," she would realize that it only applies to the Jews -- not Semitic people.

Why don't you research Semitic. He's probably in witness protection program and drinking beers down in the Pacific sun somewhere.

I don't think that anyone has seen a reader as ridiculous as Penelope on any of these forums. Reporters are beheaded, and this silly woman thinks the Jewish one is actually in some witness protection program. I guess about all the viewers can think about Penelope is that she is good for entertainment purposes, sort of like the stand-up comic of these forums.

As you all can see, Penelope is just too lazy to find out where the term anti-Semitism comes from. She would rather the viewers think that it applies to Semitic people, but that certainly is not the case. I am really surprised that we haven't read about any protest against the Jews in that little town in Arkansas. I guess there aren't too many Jews around for Penelope's gang to attack like her friends are doing in Europe.
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Are you trying to hide what is going on in your former country, Penelope? Doesn't it bother you that Baha'i women are thrown in jail and raped before they are killed the next day because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin? I would think at least things like that would bother even you.

Strange how so many Iranian women are now living in the U.S. and enjoying all the rights that they didn't have in Iran when the crazies took over there. How come so many of them left, Penelope? There are loads of them living in my neighborhood and enjoying life here.

And one can only imagine what happens in the US. Maybe we should investigate. how many rapes we have here.

Why, Penelope, we all know that there are rapes all around the world committed by people of all groups. However, put yourself in the shoes of a young Baha'i woman who knows she is going to be murdered and to have to endure having one of her guards rape her the night before. Perhaps the Baha'i women having to endure this doesn't bother you at all. It certainly doesn't seem to bother you that the Yazidi women are being raped by your new friends because you have been very, very quiet about what has happened to them.

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