Jewish State Not A Fantasy


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
:clap2:Israel has been proclaimed a Jewish State.

MOSCOW, November 23 (Sputnik) – The Israeli cabinet has approved a controversial bill that officially defines Israel as a Jewish state, AFP reports.

15 ministers have approved the compromised version of the legislation, proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after what the Jerusalem Post described as a shouting match between the ministers.

"Israel is a Jewish democratic state. There are those who want democracy to take precedence over Judaism, and those who want Judaism to take precedence over democracy," Netanyahu said before the cabinet meeting, as quoted by the Jerusalem Post. "In the law that I am bringing, both principles are equal and must be given equal consideration," he stressed.

Netanyahu s Cabinet Approves Bill Defining Israel as Jewish State
And if you think it's a fantasy, there are ways to remind you....


So, there is no Palestine. There is only one state controlling the area, and it is called Israel with a majority that is not Jewish most of which cannot vote. They call this an "own goal" where I come from.
So, there is no Palestine. There is only one state controlling the area, and it is called Israel with a majority that is not Jewish most of which cannot vote. They call this an "own goal" where I come from.

Wow, you set a world record, five false statements in almost four sentences.
There are ways to get the message across to those who don't have the best of intentions for the Jewish state.


Racist, delusional fucktarded idiots who don't realize they have small middle eastern penises in their anus are so proud.
So, there is no Palestine. There is only one state controlling the area, and it is called Israel with a majority that is not Jewish most of which cannot vote. They call this an "own goal" where I come from.

At last Mohamed admits that there is no state of Palestine and that Israel controls the area. This is because Israel had the intelligence to proclaim independence, defeat the combine armies of the arab league and then negotiate mutual borders. Israel controls the arab muslims in as much as they have them under military law, they have their own government which is ineffective and incompetent so rely on Israel for everything They can not vote in Isreal's elections for the same reason they cant vote in Pakistani or UK elections, I will let you work it out and why you have just scored a home goal
How come Israel has been insisting that Hamas recognise Israel as a Jewish State when even their own law makers have not yet?
At last the Zionists have come clean with the intentions they had all along, no more hiding, obfuscating and hypocrisy.
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At last the Zionists have come clean with the intentions they had all along, no more hiding, obfuscating and hypocrisy.
Neither are the Ayrabs. They tell it like it is.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Arab: The "Jewish State " kerfuffle

Arabs have been unanimous in rejecting the idea of Israel being a "Jewish state." Their reasons are that, by definition, a Jewish state would be discriminatory against Arabs and Muslims.

If you define "Jewish" in purely religious terms, that would mean that any state that defines itself as "Islamic" is, by definition, equally guilty of this discrimination. If you define "Jewish" in ethnic or national terms, then any state that defines itself as "Arab" would be equally guilty of the racism that Israel is being accused of.

Time to check out the official hypocrisy of Israel's critics, and note the deafening silence towards this supposed Arab and Islamic racism:

Jordan's constitution:
Article 1
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an independent sovereign Arab State. It is indivisible and inalienable and no part of it may be ceded. The people of Jordan form a part of the Arab Nation, and its system of government is parliamentary with a hereditary monarchy.
Article 2
Islam is the religion of the State and Arabic is its official language.Egypt's constitution:
With its unique location and history, Egypt is the Arab heart of the world.
Article 1:The Arab Republic of Egypt is a sovereign, united, indivisible State, where no part may be given up, having a democraticrepublican system that is based on citizenship and rule of law.

The Egyptian people are part of the Arab nation seeking to enhance its integration and unity.

Article 2:
Islam is the religion of the State and Arabic is its official language. The principles of Islamic
Sharia are the main source of legislation.

Read more at:
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Hypocrisy thy name is Arab The Jewish State kerfuffle
Racist, delusional fucktarded idiots who don't realize they have small middle eastern penises in their anus are so proud.
Gay forum is this way --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
How come Israel has been insisting that Hamas recognise Israel as a Jewish State when even their own law makers have not yet?

Now you said something which actually made sense.

That's why we should hope for that law to take place sooner rather than later.
And if you think it's a fantasy, there are ways to remind you....



What Rude-ee seems to forget is that for every "before" shot there's an "after" shot



And how many times again have Arab IslamoNazis gotten their asses kicked by tiny Israel?

Remember how you guys took your shoes off and started kissing Israeli soldiers in the desert, begging for mercy? Don't tell me Israel has to teach you animals another "lesson". I wouldn't be surprised.



I think Israel doing such things will likely hasten its end.
It is becoming increasing difficult for the propagandists to present Israel as democratic, modern or decent.

But such moves will also strengthen the right wing / Zionist nut-jobs in Israel. And with them in the driving seat Israel will move ever faster into the chasm.
And if you think it's a fantasy, there are ways to remind you....



What Rude-ee seems to forget is that for every "before" shot there's an "after" shot



And how many times again have Arab IslamoNazis gotten their asses kicked by tiny Israel?

Remember how you guys took your shoes off and started kissing Israeli soldiers in the desert, begging for mercy? Don't tell me Israel has to teach you animals another "lesson". I wouldn't be surprised.




And how many times did the Germanic tribes get their arses kicked by the Romans? Wonder whatever happened to the Roman Empire....
And if you think it's a fantasy, there are ways to remind you....



What Rude-ee seems to forget is that for every "before" shot there's an "after" shot



And how many times again have Arab IslamoNazis gotten their asses kicked by tiny Israel?

Remember how you guys took your shoes off and started kissing Israeli soldiers in the desert, begging for mercy? Don't tell me Israel has to teach you animals another "lesson". I wouldn't be surprised.




And how many times did the Germanic tribes get their arses kicked by the Romans? Wonder whatever happened to the Roman Empire....

Whatever happened to all empires, dipshit? The Roman Empire happened to be one of the greatest that lasted a lot more than others.

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