Jewish Teenagers Sentenced

I am glad to hear that - what a horrible attack.

I'm not sure what is more disconcerting:
The group then proceeded to savagely beat Julani with kicks and punches – even after he fell unconscious – while a number of passersby did nothing to intervene, the indictment said.

the ones attacking or the ones doing nothing :(

Israel's response sends a powerful message:

Shortly after the attack, Rivlin called on schools to discuss the incident with students.

“We have reached the point where we are not educating our children that all of us – Jews and Arabs – live together,” he said. “Events like this could happen again. We are in an environment in which conflict creates the impression that violence is allowed, as opposed to argument and use of democratic tools.”

The former Knesset speaker added that Likud ideological forbearer Ze’ev Jabotinsky would have been appalled that some of the attackers wore shirts with the symbol of Betar, the youth movement he founded and the name of one of Jerusalem’s soccer teams.

“I came here today to say the writing has been on the wall for a long time, and the letters are on fire and can burn us all,” Rivlin said. “We, the government, the Knesset, schools and everyone who sees himself as a leader, are responsible for this.”
Maybe the fall-out from this incident might be what ignites some real change - change that means taking a serious look at what forms the basis of a society and what we are teaching our children? It's a real break from the status quo for either side to take a critical look at that.

I found this article interesting:
JERUSALEM — Tamer Jbarah, a 17-year-old Palestinian student who speaks accentless Hebrew after years in a bilingual school that is about half Jewish, said he was not at all surprised when a mob of Jewish teenagers beat an Arab teenager unconscious this month while hundreds watched and did nothing to help.

“People are taught to hate,” he said, “so they hate.”

Tamer attends an unusual school, one that seeks to bridge the Arab-Jewish divide. But on the first day of classes Monday, when his teacher opened a discussion about the attack, the smoldering anger and distrust came through, even there. “From the age of 5, they say, ‘Death to Arabs,’ ” he said.

When the teacher countered, recalling a film in which Palestinian children chanted, “Death to Israel, death to Jews,” Tamer appeared defeated. “There is no hope when you see things like that,” he said.

Israel has been struggling with myriad internal conflicts involving identity and pluralism. As the ultra-Orthodox population has grown, battles have erupted over the role of women in the public sphere and whether Yeshiva students should remain exempt from military service. A surge of illegal immigration by African workers led to a fierce backlash this spring, raising questions of tolerance. And a spate of mosque burnings and vandalism has hit Palestinian villages in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Right and left alike have been shaken by the attack. Reuven Rivlin, the speaker of Israel’s Parliament, called it “a microcosm of a national problem that could endanger Israeli democracy,” and said the government itself is responsible.

The vast majority of these discussions will take place in something of a vacuum, since Israel has separate school systems for Arabs and Jews (and, indeed, distinct ones for secular, religious and ultra-Orthodox Jews). The rare exception is Tamer’s school, Hand in Hand, which runs three campuses enrolling a total of 950 students. After some brief words about the schedule Monday and a required volunteer program, the 12th-grade teacher turned quickly to Zion Square.

It makes me question whether seperate school systems is really such a good idea?
Good step in the right way by our courts.

I will have punished their parents as well with some good payments for community. Blind hatred is not to be born with. They learned it probably at home. Their parents need to understand raising kids this way is not something convenient.

Hope it will go the other way around, too.
Coyote, the issue of "not getting involved" is more complicated. Leave the Arab-Jew Issue aside, when seeing bunch of guys beating someone up, you, normally, and on instinct, will wanna bail, because teenagers today can hold knives or any kind of weapon you don't wanna mess with. cases were when people got involved and ended up in a hospital.

A friend of mine once saw a drunk husband beating up his wife, he went to confront him, and was arrested in attacking as a result. When he claimed that he simply helped a defenseless lady, he was told "you should have let the police handle it".

Seriously? I'm not surprised people don't get involved with such dumb cops.!
For lynching Arab. The lynching was motivated by hatred

3 minors sentenced to imprisonment in J'lem mob attack on Arab youth | JPost | Israel News

Very good for the Israeli authorities to send a message that hate crimes against Arabs will NOT be tolerated :clap2:

Yep very good and it shows the difference btw the Pals and the Jews. The Jews prosecute their own for violent crimes against Arabs. Palestinians promote, honor, hold parades, protect and give money to Muslims that commit violent crimes against Jews and CHRISTIANS!!!
For lynching Arab. The lynching was motivated by hatred

3 minors sentenced to imprisonment in J'lem mob attack on Arab youth | JPost | Israel News

Very good for the Israeli authorities to send a message that hate crimes against Arabs will NOT be tolerated :clap2:

Yep very good and it shows the difference btw the Pals and the Jews. The Jews prosecute their own for violent crimes against Arabs. Palestinians promote, honor, hold parades, protect and give money to Muslims that commit violent crimes against Jews and CHRISTIANS!!!
Exactly. and with an ! mark after it. A big difference the Palestinian supporters gloss over.
Coyote, the issue of "not getting involved" is more complicated. Leave the Arab-Jew Issue aside, when seeing bunch of guys beating someone up, you, normally, and on instinct, will wanna bail, because teenagers today can hold knives or any kind of weapon you don't wanna mess with. cases were when people got involved and ended up in a hospital.

A friend of mine once saw a drunk husband beating up his wife, he went to confront him, and was arrested in attacking as a result. When he claimed that he simply helped a defenseless lady, he was told "you should have let the police handle it".

Seriously? I'm not surprised people don't get involved with such dumb cops.!

That's a good point, but damn - some of the kids attacking were only 12 or 13?
For lynching Arab. The lynching was motivated by hatred

3 minors sentenced to imprisonment in J'lem mob attack on Arab youth | JPost | Israel News

Very good for the Israeli authorities to send a message that hate crimes against Arabs will NOT be tolerated :clap2:

Yep very good and it shows the difference btw the Pals and the Jews. The Jews prosecute their own for violent crimes against Arabs. Palestinians promote, honor, hold parades, protect and give money to Muslims that commit violent crimes against Jews and CHRISTIANS!!!
Exactly. and with an ! mark after it. A big difference the Palestinian supporters gloss over.

yes yes---all Jews good. All Arabs bad.
Yep very good and it shows the difference btw the Pals and the Jews. The Jews prosecute their own for violent crimes against Arabs. Palestinians promote, honor, hold parades, protect and give money to Muslims that commit violent crimes against Jews and CHRISTIANS!!!
Exactly. and with an ! mark after it. A big difference the Palestinian supporters gloss over.

yes yes---all Jews good. All Arabs bad. said it...we didn't.
Yep very good and it shows the difference btw the Pals and the Jews. The Jews prosecute their own for violent crimes against Arabs. Palestinians promote, honor, hold parades, protect and give money to Muslims that commit violent crimes against Jews and CHRISTIANS!!!
Exactly. and with an ! mark after it. A big difference the Palestinian supporters gloss over.

yes yes---all Jews good. All Arabs bad.

No, but...

Israeli system of justice, good.
Arab system of justice, nonexistent.

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