Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

what does your idiot baseless statement have to do with the fact that
there are people HERE, on this forum who deny that proselytizing
is proselytizing-------and where did you see me suggest that I am OFFENDED
by the idiot beliefs of anyone? I find your statement-----amusing in that it is
so moronic

I don't particularly care how you find anything I say. How do you like them apples?

Take your arbitrary victim status card and shove it. Again, America is a haven for all religions. Not just yours. You don't get the luxury of dictating the terms of controversy with regard to the religious beliefs of others. Not in America, you don't. Nope. Huh uh.

your statements become more and more moronic by the second. I have stated
facts---both historic and contemporary----where do you see a "victim status card"?? What is the FACT that America is a haven for all religions got to
do with anything I have written?. I have not even addressed that issue. I, simply, and correctly stated that handing out religious propaganda or printing it
on a MIXED public message board IS PROSELYTIZING.
your statements become more and more moronic by the second. I have stated
facts---both historic and contemporary----where do you see a "victim status card"?? What is the FACT that America is a haven for all religions got to
do with anything I have written?. I have not even addressed that issue. I, simply, and correctly stated that handing out religious propaganda or printing it
on a MIXED public message board IS PROSELYTIZING.

Sharing testimony is not proselytizing. It's expressing and exercising one's right to freedom of their religion. If you don't like it, then, tough cookies.

And of course it's a mixed public message board. Again, America is a haven for all religions. Not just yours. Duh. Don't try to spin the terms of controversy. That won't work. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day. Not if you're debating me, it won't, gare awn teed.

All you're really doing is trying to attack the op's credibility. You're twisting the op's intent to suit your own interests in a way that forwards the notion that you're a victim for the purpose of shutting her down and any religious views that you don't like down. That's how your group operates. Always. I'm surprised a couple of you haven't ran to a mod about it yet, to be perfectly honest. Look at some of the absolutely disgusting, mean spirited, combative responses to the testimonies the op shared. That, to me, is what is offensive. You guys went on the assault almost instantly. And you use victimhood to go on the asault. It's almost as pathetic as it is transparent.
Last edited:
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.

so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

Actually, I gave his post a "winner" before he edited it and changed what he said.

I do care about whether or not others want to hear what I have to say. Whether it's Christianity, or any other topic, if someone made it clear they don't want to hear it, I would not talk to them about it, I would simply move on because there ARE tons of people who are open to a civil exchange of ideas. I agree with what Jesus said.... if someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

However, to equate that to posting videos on an online discussion forum where people don't have to participate is ridiculous, to say the least. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that YOU are choosing to stay on this thread, no one is making you.
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.

so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

Actually, I gave his post a "winner" before he edited it and changed what he said.

I do care about whether or not others want to hear what I have to say. Whether it's Christianity, or any other topic, if someone made it clear they don't want to hear it, I would not talk to them about it, I would simply move on because there ARE tons of people who are open to a civil exchange of ideas. I agree with what Jesus said.... if someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

However, to equate that to posting videos on an online discussion forum where people don't have to participate is ridiculous, to say the least. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that YOU are choosing to stay on this thread, no one is making you.

try again-----I CORRECTLY REFERRED to your postings of "jews who saw the light" as proselytizing------never suggested that you are not legally ALLOWED to do so and also ACCURATELY described historic and contemporary responses to the issue of proselytizing. Have you NO INTEREST in accurate history and contemporary FACT?. It seems to me that your issue is that the word
"PROSELYTIZING" bothers you. Is the word "PROSELYTIZING" a "dirty"
I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. There are lot of other threads out there for you to read and post on, then. I'll continue to post the things that are interesting or worth watching to me, and you don't have to participate. Easy peasy.
Not so easy.

Your friends, the Jewish people who gave their testimonies, what did they say about the Law of God?

Did they threw away the Law of God to start a new life in Christ?

This topic is very important to be heard from them.

You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.
Actually, I gave his post a "winner" before he edited it and changed what he said.

I do care about whether or not others want to hear what I have to say. Whether it's Christianity, or any other topic, if someone made it clear they don't want to hear it, I would not talk to them about it, I would simply move on because there ARE tons of people who are open to a civil exchange of ideas. I agree with what Jesus said.... if someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

However, to equate that to posting videos on an online discussion forum where people don't have to participate is ridiculous, to say the least. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that YOU are choosing to stay on this thread, no one is making you.

irosie and others want your topical content discredited. And you as well for introducing it. It's clear. And the reason for that is because irosie doesn't want anyone else hearing it. That's why the use of the term ''proselytizing'' was inserted into the terms of controversy in the first place. To discredit and shut it down. As if there's some rule that says that expressing one's fundamental freedom of religion is ''proselytizing.'' As usual, arbitrary victimhood is the preferred route. That's why the term was tossed out there. To try to establish some unspoken rule through projection. Pffft. Please. That's the oldest trick in the book. lol.

If you would have posted this in the Israel/Palestine section, I promise you that you'd have been attacked as an anti-semite and it'd have already been shut down. No doubt about it. The only reason it can't 'justifiably' be shut down here is because, as I said, America is a haven for all religions. It's fundamental. Not just irosie's a co.
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This one is a really good one. And if you listen to the very last thing he said, it's something that SO MANY of them said... something that I mentioned earlier ("I can't think of anything more Jewish than to believe in the Jewish Messiah.")

I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. There are lot of other threads out there for you to read and post on, then. I'll continue to post the things that are interesting or worth watching to me, and you don't have to participate. Easy peasy.
Not so easy.

Your friends, the Jewish people who gave their testimonies, what did they say about the Law of God?

Did they threw away the Law of God to start a new life in Christ?

This topic is very important to be heard from them.

You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.

OK you have expressed your "belief" ----which----being of an entirely secular
background----but one of intellectual curiosity-----I find IDIOTIC. I have---after reading the NT ----and grown up in a very white bread Christian town----even having attended SUNDAY school more than anything that could remotely be called "Jewish"------find idiotic. SO? I have no right to my insights and my FACTUAL HISTORY?
I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. There are lot of other threads out there for you to read and post on, then. I'll continue to post the things that are interesting or worth watching to me, and you don't have to participate. Easy peasy.
Not so easy.

Your friends, the Jewish people who gave their testimonies, what did they say about the Law of God?

Did they threw away the Law of God to start a new life in Christ?

This topic is very important to be heard from them.

You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.

OK you have expressed your "belief" ----which----being of an entirely secular
background----but one of intellectual curiosity-----I find IDIOTIC. I have---after reading the NT ----and grown up in a very white bread Christian town----even having attended SUNDAY school more than anything that could remotely be called "Jewish"------find idiotic. SO? I have no right to my insights and my FACTUAL HISTORY?

Thanks for sharing your opinion. It instantly brought to mind 1 Corinthians 2:14. But anyway, as I stated in post #5 I didn't post this thread to get into debates. You think it's idiotic. We get it. Thanks for sharing.

Btw, if you want to debate or bash Christianity, there are probably 20,000 other threads for that purpose. I'm sure you can find one.
You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.

Are you sure you have understood the new covenant?

Lets say, the religious leaders came to Jesus to make him fall in their tramp. For this purpose, they gave him the authority to enforce the law about adultery.

Jesus, accepted the decision and he listened the case. They reminded him what the law says, so the law must be fulfilled and the death sentence confirmed.

Here Jesus played as his best. You know that without an accuser you can't rule a crime. Like there is no crime without the dead body.

Jesus simply manipulate the case "eliminating the witnesses". Ha!, that guy... Jesus was a trip.

He told the people, the one who is free of breaking any commandment,then that is the one who must throw the first stone. Jesus knew all those dudes were sinners, liars, adulterers, and more. And he knew they knew that he can know who was clean of guilt and who wasn't.

Then the people abandoned the place. With no accusers, that woman was free to go.

But, before she went away, Jesus told her: OK woman, you were lucky today. But next time your luck won't help you. No one accuses you, neither I ... now GO AND SIN NO MORE. Did you hear me, woman? GO AND SIN NO MORE.

Now, what is sin?

Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

Then, Jesus found no guilt in all your sins before you became a faithful believer. He is not accusing you of any of the sins you have committed BEFORE you became to the faith. The promise is that by accepting him as your savior, then he automatically asked God to forgive you of everything bad you did in your past.

But, if after you have received such undeserved forgiveness, you start to disobey the laws of God, then you are in big trouble. Your "luck" is over. If you repent of the new sins, then God might forgive you again, but only God takes such decision, you'll never will know up to the end of the era.

But, if you never repent and you believe that after the undeserved forgiveness you can continue committing "adultery" (the case of the analogy given) and doing whatever you please and brake the laws of God, then you are done, finito, fried, burnt, gone, no more.

You better start to understand what the new covenant is about, because apparently you have not a single clue of what God and Jesus are telling you.
I always love hearing people’s testimonies on how they came to Jesus. But I think there’s something special about Jewish testimonies. There’s a reason for that, but instead of sharing my thoughts on it, for now I’ll just share these videos.

I highly recommend you watch them, whether you’re a believer or not.

By the way, these are testimonies of Jewish professionals… Many of them are doctors, lawyers, highly educated people. Please take the time to watch these.

No, I won't watch those videos.

According to you, what is that "so special" when a Jewish person follows Jesus?

I read in the bible that they didn't receive any special consideration, so why you say what you say?

I just saw all of them in the same chair, so they can be people who want to become "famous" perhaps? Probably mediocre professionals looking for customers beyond their Jewish faith?

May you please explain why you think they are special?

That answer is rather complex. I'll cover the biggest of reasons.

First, we need to realize the entire story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, is a story that revolves around the Jews. The prophesies while not exclusive to Jews, is overwhelmingly about Jews.

In fact the entire way that G-d deals with the Jews, reflects the entire Christian faith, and the human experience.

That the people chosen by G-d, blessed by G-d, who rejected G-d, who were punished by G-d for their unfaithfulness... in the end are redeems by the G-d they rejected, forgiven, and returned to the land that G-d gave them.

It is the story of every man, who rejected the Lord, only to be saved by the same. For the Jews to reject, a refuse the G-d that gave them the Land of Israel, and even kill the very Messiah promised in scripture, for G-d to maintain the Jewish people for 2,000 years of persecution, and scattering them around the world.... for G-d to bring them all back to that same land he promised them, and protect them while surrounded by hostile nations, and condemnation from around the world.....

What better illustration of the Christian ideology of redemption is there? What better example of what Jesus Christ the Lord is, to the Christian, than how G-d has redeemed his people and his land?

But even that doesn't really cover it.

We Christians also believe in the future prophesies that will come true. As I mentioned before, many of those prophesies revolve around the Jews.


The clock of G-ds plan stopped ticking forward during the Church age. Meaning, during the Church Age, it was impossible for the prophesies to come true, because there was no Israel. For almost 2000 years, Israel did not exist. Yet the prophesies in the Bible all required Israel to exist.

This is why in many cult groups that came into being prior to 1947, many believed there was a "lost tribe of Israel" and such nonsense that made up that us or other people, were some sort of metaphoric Israel. Because then the prophesies could be about them.

But the reality of course is, the Israel in the prophesies, was the Israel of the Jewish people, on the land G-d outlined in the Bible as being for Israel.

In 1947, when the nation of Israel came into being, the hands of G-d's prophetic clock, started to tick forward. The regathering of Jews from around the world, that was promised to happen, happened, and still is happening to this day. Even to this day, 2 Million of Israel's 8 Million population, are migrants. The regathering prophesied in the Bible is still on going.

So what is left to happen, before the Return of the Lord? Well, we expect that more of the Jews will return to Israel. We also expect that the Jews will rebuild the Temple. This must happen at some point before the Tribulation, because we know the world leader will stop the sacrifices at the Temple, and will set himself up in the Temple as a 'god'.

Now it is possible that the Temple will be rebuilt after the start of the Tribulation. But I believe the Temple will be rebuilt, soon. Possibly even in my life time.

However there is one last thing that as a Christian we see as a sign that we are moving towards the return of Christ.

That one thing, is the turning of the hearts of the Jews, back to G-d. The Bible says that the Jews will turn back to G-d, and that they will even turn to the savior they rejected.

Every Jew that turns back to the rejected Messiah, is sign the hands of the prophetic clock are moving forward.
You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.

Are you sure you have understood the new covenant?

Lets say, the religious leaders came to Jesus to make him fall in their tramp. For this purpose, they gave him the authority to enforce the law about adultery.

Jesus, accepted the decision and he listened the case. They reminded him what the law says, so the law must be fulfilled and the death sentence confirmed.

Here Jesus played as his best. You know that without an accuser you can't rule a crime. Like there is no crime without the dead body.

Jesus simply manipulate the case "eliminating the witnesses". Ha!, that guy... Jesus was a trip.

He told the people, the one who is free of breaking any commandment,then that is the one who must throw the first stone. Jesus knew all those dudes were sinners, liars, adulterers, and more. And he knew they knew that he can know who was clean of guilt and who wasn't.

Then the people abandoned the place. With no accusers, that woman was free to go.

But, before she went away, Jesus told her: OK woman, you were lucky today. But next time your luck won't help you. No one accuses you, neither I ... now GO AND SIN NO MORE. Did you hear me, woman? GO AND SIN NO MORE.

Now, what is sin?

Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

Then, Jesus found no guilt in all your sins before you became a faithful believer. He is not accusing you of any of the sins you have committed BEFORE you became to the faith. The promise is that by accepting him as your savior, then he automatically asked God to forgive you of everything bad you did in your past.

But, if after you have received such undeserved forgiveness, you start to disobey the laws of God, then you are in big trouble. Your "luck" is over. If you repent of the new sins, then God might forgive you again, but only God takes such decision, you'll never will know up to the end of the era.

But, if you never repent and you believe that after the undeserved forgiveness you can continue committing "adultery" (the case of the analogy given) and doing whatever you please and brake the laws of God, then you are done, finito, fried, burnt, gone, no more.

You better start to understand what the new covenant is about, because apparently you have not a single clue of what God and Jesus are telling you.

I don't see that anywhere in the Bible, that there is luck involved. Please provide what bible verse says 'luck'?

1 John 1:9 says

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Is there a new internet poster bible that says "If we confess our sins, he will consider if you are lucky, and forgive if the magic 8 ball says so"?
You would have to ask them. I don't know any of them personally. But the point of the New Covenant is that we are under GRACE, which means that there is forgiveness, through faith in Jesus. I think it's safe to say that the Messianic Jews understand that, they understand that the law was meant to point people to Christ, to show man that NO ONE can perfectly follow the law, which is the whole point of the Savior. None of us can obey God's law perfectly, all the time, and never miss the mark.

Now before Rosie or anyone accuses me of "proselytizing" this was an answer to luchitociencia's question to ME. I did not state this out of the blue, but in response to a direct question to me. Thanks.

Are you sure you have understood the new covenant?

Lets say, the religious leaders came to Jesus to make him fall in their tramp. For this purpose, they gave him the authority to enforce the law about adultery.

Jesus, accepted the decision and he listened the case. They reminded him what the law says, so the law must be fulfilled and the death sentence confirmed.

Here Jesus played as his best. You know that without an accuser you can't rule a crime. Like there is no crime without the dead body.

Jesus simply manipulate the case "eliminating the witnesses". Ha!, that guy... Jesus was a trip.

He told the people, the one who is free of breaking any commandment,then that is the one who must throw the first stone. Jesus knew all those dudes were sinners, liars, adulterers, and more. And he knew they knew that he can know who was clean of guilt and who wasn't.

Then the people abandoned the place. With no accusers, that woman was free to go.

But, before she went away, Jesus told her: OK woman, you were lucky today. But next time your luck won't help you. No one accuses you, neither I ... now GO AND SIN NO MORE. Did you hear me, woman? GO AND SIN NO MORE.

Now, what is sin?

Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

Then, Jesus found no guilt in all your sins before you became a faithful believer. He is not accusing you of any of the sins you have committed BEFORE you became to the faith. The promise is that by accepting him as your savior, then he automatically asked God to forgive you of everything bad you did in your past.

But, if after you have received such undeserved forgiveness, you start to disobey the laws of God, then you are in big trouble. Your "luck" is over. If you repent of the new sins, then God might forgive you again, but only God takes such decision, you'll never will know up to the end of the era.

But, if you never repent and you believe that after the undeserved forgiveness you can continue committing "adultery" (the case of the analogy given) and doing whatever you please and brake the laws of God, then you are done, finito, fried, burnt, gone, no more.

You better start to understand what the new covenant is about, because apparently you have not a single clue of what God and Jesus are telling you.
I was going to reply, but first, I'd like to know, do you identify as a Christian? Or Jewish? Or something else?
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.

so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

Well yes. And other people's feelings are not important.

I'm a Christian. I'll be a Christian, no matter what anyone says. Why should I care, how you feel about my faith? 0.o

Why should anyone care, what others think about their Christian faith?

For a moment, look at it from our perspective.....

Let's see.... eternity in Heaven........ or I can have Irosie the random internet poster I'll never meet, think highly of me, on my way to hell......

Hmmm... man tough choices....

I think I'll hang out with Princess Buttercup.
GOOD IDEA. No one should get "special treatment". Proselytizing IS PROSELYTIZING whether it is Jehovah witness, Protestant, Catholic etc etc.
Why do some people wish to DENY THE FACT?

Go hold up a sign some place if you're offended by the religious views of others. Everything isn't always about your personal feels.

what does your idiot baseless statement have to do with the fact that
there are people HERE, on this forum who deny that proselytizing
is proselytizing-------and where did you see me suggest that I am OFFENDED
by the idiot beliefs of anyone? I find your statement-----amusing in that it is
so moronic

Some of the other posts seem to suggest that....

For my part, let me make this clear.....
I wish everyone was a Christian, and I post in defense of Jesus Christ the Lord, for that purpose.
I never claimed that they have any special consideration. Is there a reason why it bothers you that I am sharing Jewish testimonies? If I were to share Muslim to Christian testimonies, would that be better for you?

My family is full of Jewish. My Jewish grandmother proud of her name and inheritance but first in line close to the altar at the Catholic church near our house.

So I don't need of more testimonies.

Thank you.

That's fine. I'm good with that answer.

So what brings you then, to a thread about Jews who converted to Christians? Certainly none of us dragged you to this thread, yes? I don't think the Princess Buttercup dragged you to this thread. She didn't drag me to it.

So what brings you here sir, if you have no interest in the topic of the thread? :)
yes----posting Christian propaganda on a MIXED public messageboard
IS PROSELYTIZING. Standing in the street handing out Christian
propaganda to one and all IS PROSELYTIZING. I have no idea where
you got the idea that "PROSELYTIZING" is not proselytizing if it is not
FORCED CONVERSION. Take a trip to a shariah adherent land and
tell the QADI-----that handing out copies of the NT to muslims is not
proselytizing (hang onto your head)

America is a haven for all religions. Ultimately other people's feelings are unimportant in that regard. And we're not in a shariah adherent land.

so true "other people's feelings are unimportant....." ------buttercup agrees

Actually, I gave his post a "winner" before he edited it and changed what he said.

I do care about whether or not others want to hear what I have to say. Whether it's Christianity, or any other topic, if someone made it clear they don't want to hear it, I would not talk to them about it, I would simply move on because there ARE tons of people who are open to a civil exchange of ideas. I agree with what Jesus said.... if someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

However, to equate that to posting videos on an online discussion forum where people don't have to participate is ridiculous, to say the least. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that YOU are choosing to stay on this thread, no one is making you.

try again-----I CORRECTLY REFERRED to your postings of "jews who saw the light" as proselytizing------never suggested that you are not legally ALLOWED to do so and also ACCURATELY described historic and contemporary responses to the issue of proselytizing. Have you NO INTEREST in accurate history and contemporary FACT?. It seems to me that your issue is that the word
"PROSELYTIZING" bothers you. Is the word "PROSELYTIZING" a "dirty"

If I were to guess, I think Princess Buttercup merely means that her motivation and purpose in posting this thread originally, was simply because she enjoyed the testimonies, and wanted to share what she enjoyed with others.

I don't think her designed goal, was originally to proselytize, even though it had turned to that.
Why is everyone always pestering the Jews?

Aren't there other heathens to annoy?
So. . . . what, you readily own up and admit that folks that are Jewish are. . . in fact,




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