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Jewish Warfare

Now then, the question as to why familial lineage has remained such a prominent staple in Jewish culture to this very day...is more a puzzle to me than ever before! While a racial component may not be necessary for one to be considered "entirely Jewish", genealogy is certainly an important matter to many (if not most) within the Jewish community at large.

Obviously, the widespread recognition of "secular Jews" is proof positive that Jewishness isn't inextricably tied to religion either, although strict adherence to religious dogma is apparently the only avenue to Jewishness available to gentiles. On what might that double standard be based, other than race?!

Interesting stuff, to say the least. ;)
Now then, the question as to why familial lineage has remained such a prominent staple in Jewish culture to this very day...is more a puzzle to me than ever before! While a racial component may not be necessary for one to be considered "entirely Jewish", genealogy is certainly an important matter to many (if not most) within the Jewish community at large.

Obviously, the widespread recognition of "secular Jews" is proof positive that Jewishness isn't inextricably tied to religion either, although strict adherence to religious dogma is apparently the only avenue to Jewishness available to gentiles. On what might that double standard be based, other than race?!

Interesting stuff, to say the least. ;)

no ----more like nonsense. The fact is that family lineage is not at all important to jews OTHER than the issue as to whether or not the person can claim to be jewish on the basis of the legal religion of his mother.
If a person is not jewish ------and wants to be----he must convert. Nobody ever asked me the name of the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT grandfather. I did marry in a very orthodox way----contract and all The big question was "is your mother really jewish"? In fact my mother is entirely secular-----but---her father was a baker who could do bagels and challah-----so SHE WAS A JEW. Your impresson is bullshit. In fact-----lineage is far far far more important to most other cultures in the world. It paramount to British idiots ------and absolutely essential amongst muslims who are desperate to link themselves to the rapist pig of Arabia or, at least, one of his merry band of thugs
capstone said:
...The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is all over your faces.

I see now that was a poor choice of figurative speech on my part. Apologies to anyone offended by it.

I think I'll follow the thrust of Rosie's advice and take a break from this discussion for know. There are less confrontational ways for me learn about these things.
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Not that I believe there's anything intrinsically wrong with tracing one's ancestry, mind you. I think the problems arise when special significance, religious or otherwise, is ascribed to certain lines of descent, because there's simply no way around the discriminatory connotation of such ascriptions.
I see.

from Cappy>>>>
So, in general, there's no claim to descent from common ancestry; nor, more specifically, is there any interest in tracing descent from, say, the ancient tribe of priests?''

from rosie
At no time did I deny the real DNA evidence that jews---IN GENERAL ---statistically show evidence
of genetic roots in the Levant.. There is just as much
"INTEREST" in that demographic as there is interest in
the demographics of other groups of humans----galvanized by the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. As to the "COHEN" haploptype-----its discovery was also
an outcome of the HUMAN GENOME project since jews
consider descendency from Moses and Aaron important
from a RITUAL POV ----such a descendency confers no ADVANTAGE whatsoever. That descendency, in the past was simply "KNOWN" but since lots of geneticists are jews------sometime about 50 years ago----a jew TESTED it SO???

from CAPPY
And, of course, there's also no need to record and keep on hand the detailed genealogical records of rabbis and Hasidic rebbes, right?'

from rosie>>>
No----there is no need-----some people simply do it----probably far less obsessively than do British "royalty" or
European trash who imagine themselves so. Most rabbis have no idea as to their remote ancestry. They certainly do not have to PRESENT such a credential to anyone

from cappy
Try as you might, Rosie, there's really no point in denying the importance of genealogy to the Jewish people. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is all over your faces.

from rosie
The shit is all over your face cappy-----most jews have no notion of their remote ancestry and no one asks. As to the issue of COHEN AND LEVI----it was a matter of interest that the notion was TESTED ------it was tested and found valid-------I am of the TRIBE OF PRIESTS AND LEVITES-------no one need kiss my ass-----I am not shit like you ------Nazi scum cock sucking dog. Your issue is being the Nazi shit licker that you are, spawned from a pile of dung you are desperate to dig in the excrement of your nurturance to find validity in, at least, some of the filth and lies jammed down your baby throat since birth. Now go back to the "bunker" where you can lick the ass of adolf
Not that I believe there's anything intrinsically wrong with tracing one's ancestry, mind you. I think the problems arise when special significance, religious or otherwise, is ascribed to certain lines of descent, because there's simply no way around the discriminatory connotation of such ascriptions.

rosie SAYS----wrong again cappy Nazi ass cock sucking dog-----
there is no advantage for jews ----amongst jews----based on descent-----NONE AT ALL---unlike the pile of stinking shit from which you were spawned. There is a very minor religious ritual obligation -----and that's it. In fact----it is actually a bit of a liability. You are just as desperate as the rest of the islamo Nazi scum of the world
Not that I believe there's anything intrinsically wrong with tracing one's ancestry, mind you. I think the problems arise when special significance, religious or otherwise, is ascribed to certain lines of descent, because there's simply no way around the discriminatory connotation of such ascriptions.

btw---you have triggered my interest------My lineage traces to the tribe of which Moses and Aaron were members-----CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT SPECIAL
ADVANTAGE that lineage confers upon me?
capstone said:
...The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is all over your faces.

I see now that was a poor choice of figurative speech on my part. Apologies to anyone offended by it.

I think I'll follow the thrust of Rosie's suggstion and take a break from this discussion for now. There are less confrontational ways for me to learn about these things.
capstone said:
...The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is all over your faces.

I see now that was a poor choice of figurative speech on my part. Apologies to anyone offended by it.

I think I'll follow the thrust of Rosie's suggstion and take a break from this discussion for now. There are less confrontational ways for me to learn about these things.

AWWWW GEEEE-----I was so eager to find out to what I am entitled being of the tribe of "levi"-----c'mon'-----you
kinda promised......
Well, since you asked soooo nicely, Rosie, the issue here isn't as much about any advantage, entitlement, liability, or obligation that may or may not be associated with your bloodline...as it is about the discriminatory connotation. That people of other lines of descent aren't acknowledged in the same manner in synagogue service, whether such acknowledgment holds any valued significance or (as you claim) is more of a liability than anything else, is a model exemplification of bloodline-based discrimination.

Another perfect example of such discrimination can be seen in the fact that strict adherence to religious dogma is required of converted gentiles in order to qualify as "entirely Jewish" (allegedly), while others, such as your mother, are "really Jewish" (your words) on the basis of familial descent.

It's also very telling that you've consistently downplayed the importance of familial descent while implicitly affirming its significance in your own life (via your Orthodox marriage) and by virtue of your interest in the discovery of your ancestral links to Moses and Aaron. Your interest belies your attempt to downplay the signifance, no matter how LOUDLY you insist that I'm a NAZI for saying so. :rolleyes:
Oh, and as if it shouldn't go without saying, a simple glance back through this thread is all that's needed for any objective observer to see who the real bigot is between the two of us. I've consistently denounced racial/religious bigotry from all parties, while you've spewed your bigoted vitriol time and again. You've bemoaned the notion of not being accepted to some unnamed (hypothetical?) country club, while I've pointed to a number of currently active clubs that might as well have "No Non-coverted Gentiles Allowed" signs hanging on their front doors! You've claimed that my critical stance is cultural and that I was a born into this supposedly Nazi-like view, even after I denounced white supremacy in my earliest posts in this thread.

For your personal edification, not that I think it's any of your business, but I was born into a fundamentalist denomination of Christianity and raised accordingly. That I don't currently subscribe to the mindless boot-licking expressed regularly on this board by people like Jeremiah is of grave concern to several of my family members - namely those who remain collectively bound in the chains of the indoctrination that failed to shape me as our teachers intended. In other words: I hold these critical views as a direct result of a vehement rejection of the religious indoctrination of my upbringing. So, try again, BIGOT.
Oh, and as if it shouldn't go without saying, a simple glance back through this thread is all that's needed for any objective observer to see who the real bigot is between the two of us. I've consistently denounced racial/religious bigotry from all parties, while you've spewed your bigoted vitriol time and again. You've bemoaned the notion of not being accepted to some unnamed (hypothetical?) country club, while I've pointed to a number of currently active clubs that might as well have "No Non-coverted Gentiles Allowed" signs hanging on their front doors! You've claimed that my critical stance is cultural and that I was a born into this supposedly Nazi-like view, even after I denounced white supremacy in my earliest posts in this thread.

For your personal edification, not that I think it's any of your business, but I was born into a fundamentalist denomination of Christianity and raised accordingly. That I don't currently subscribe to the mindless boot-licking expressed regularly on this board by people like Jeremiah is of grave concern to several of my family members - namely those who remain collectively bound in the chains of the indoctrination that failed to shape me as our teachers intended. In other words: I hold these critical views as a direct result of a vehement rejection of the religious indoctrination of my upbringing. So, try again, BIGOT.

try again, smear of gutter dog shit-----you provided no evidence of organizations of jews that oppress you or anybody else. You provided no evidence of that "EXCLUSION" that you claim.

Read your OP-----it is a lesson in islamo Nazi filth dogma used by you and your kin to murder millions----actually-----make that ---HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS I am amused by your "fear"
irosie91 said:
...I am amused by your "fear"

I'm at a bit of a loss as to who you're quoting there, not that it really matters. I wouldn't foolishly claim to be fearless, after all.

Who was it that said something to the effect that "Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the conviction that certain other considerations outweigh giving into that fear."?

If you're alluding at all to my earlier apology and/or stated intention to take a break from this discussion "for now" (which was precisely what I did, BTW), I think you've badly misjudged my motivation there. I fully acknowledge that there are many good people in the Jewish community. My desire not to be offensive to them WRT certain physical stereotypes is not indicative of fear; nor is my preference not to overly prolong pointless confrontation with someone like you, for whom the ability to interact in a remotely civil manner with those who disagree with you on key aspects of your religion has apparently been undermined by the extent to which you've been indoctrinated.

As far as I'm concernd, there's little point in continuing this back and forth between us beyond this post, Rosie.

I feel no obligation to defend my views against your bigoted silliness. The nazi label has been thrown around so often in recent years by "you and and your kin" (to borrow yet another one of your telling phrases), usually to quiet legitmate criticism of your religious/cultural racism and its ongoing consequences around the world, that it has all but lost any of the true power it once held; and so, in that way, it sort of refutes itself.

Respond, or not, as you see fit, but I'm done with you.
Well, since you asked soooo nicely, Rosie, the issue here isn't as much about any advantage, entitlement, liability, or obligation that may or may not be associated with your bloodline...as it is about the discriminatory connotation. That people of other lines of descent aren't acknowledged in the same manner in synagogue service, whether such acknowledgment holds any valued significance or (as you claim) is more of a liability than anything else, is a model exemplification of bloodline-based discrimination.

Another perfect example of such discrimination can be seen in the fact that strict adherence to religious dogma is required of converted gentiles in order to qualify as "entirely Jewish" (allegedly), while others, such as your mother, are "really Jewish" (your words) on the basis of familial descent.

It's also very telling that you've consistently downplayed the importance of familial descent while implicitly affirming its significance in your own life (via your Orthodox marriage) and by virtue of your interest in the discovery of your ancestral links to Moses and Aaron. Your interest belies your attempt to downplay the signifance, no matter how LOUDLY you insist that I'm a NAZI for saying so. :rolleyes:

wrong on several counts, cappy. Having been married in the "ORTHODOX WAY" I was asked to confirm the fact that my mother is a jew----making me a jew----I was not asked to provide a family tree. As to your idiotic comment "DISCOVERY OF ANCESTRAL LINKS TO MOSES AND AARON"-----ludicrous again on your part. I did not "DISCOVER" anything------it is a fact known in my paternal line--------the reason that the "cohen" Y haplotype was discovered was not an attempt to prove or disprove the situation----it was the curiosity of a jewish doctor------(geneticist type interest) He wanted to know if there was a real basis for this situation "I know I am of the tribe of levi" and he did find it to be true----that's all. For scientist prone people like me----it was a very interesting finding. For idiots like you -----you can tuck it into your DESPERATE islamo Nazi armamentarium
Big picture: the Jews have never been conquered.
I remember something from the old testament. I think it was by Issiah, but I could be wrong. There was a part where he was someplace that had the bones of dead Jews all over the place. He lamented that this was the whole house of Israel. He then went into a hallucination where he brought the bones back to life. Though the bible didn't go into it, some conqueror had to have killed all those Jews.

Also, the Egyptians conquered them. As probably did the Hittites. Other conquerors included the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Muslims. Or you could just say anybody who tried. Though maybe you came up with some other bullshit definition of what it means to be conquered. Also, they have indeed conquered the U.S. But as long as any White person has a shred of decency, honor and dignity, the enslavement of the U.S. will always lay on shaky ground and may someday be overcome.

You're misquoting the wrong book. That isn't Isaiah. That was Ezekiel. Chapter 37 to be exact. As for the rest? You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Rosie, why are you talking to this man?
Throughout history, the Jews have been conquered by many civilizations. Those who can't win through conventional warfare often resort to unconventional warfare. To me, the whole "Jesus" thing was just a form of asymmetrical warfare. It may not have always worked out well in the past. But it is kicking ass now. These days, many Christians like to prove the power of their imaginary god by supporting the Jews. An example of this is the U.S. giving Israel nuclear weapons. Also, given everything the Jews do to support each other, it's no wonder they run just about everything.

Another way the "chosen of god" commit warfare is by brainwashing you "unchosen scum." Why is it you think the Jews owned or ran movie studios like MGM, Warner Brothers, Columbia, Universal, Paramount, etc. And why that influence has spread into the television industry. Because "entertainment" is such a noble contribution to the condition of man? No. It's simply because that is the best platform from which to brainwash you unchosen scum. And how well it has worked!

Also, say a White actor and a Jewish actor goes to this Jewish industry for a job. Who do you think is most likely to get the work. (The thought of all the poor White girls who had to endure the Jewish "casting couch" enrages me) And if they can't find a Jew, apparently an Italian will work just as well. And if they look Aryan, all the better to sell the white suckers on the whole sand negro species. The Jews also have a lot of influence in the financial arena. There is no doubt to me that the same sort of thing happens there. The end result? Just what it is. Whites become second class citizens and slaves. And Christians get to orgasm over the manufactured power of their imaginary god. The filthy scum!

Jews also sucker "whitie" by always sticking up for the underdog. This gives them the appearance of being the good guy. But out of a world population of over 7 billion people, there are only about 14 million Jews. So for this extreme minority to stick up for the underdog, they are only serving their own cause. And these days, all Jews have to do is go on the internet to hook up on a "J" date.

Another way Jews commit warfare is through organized crime. The Jews are at least as much into that sort of thing as the Italians. I am reminded of a TV show I watched once about true crimes. There was this Jewish guy who had the law closing in on him. He asked his father what he could do to escape justice. His father told him to emigrate to Israel. According to that or some other TV show, apparently such people have to spend time in jail in Israel. Which is probably just to placate "whitie." But it seems to me that if whatever "punishment" such people received in Israel wasn't considerably less that what they would receive here, they wouldn't go through all that bother. The Italians have their Mafia. To me, the Jewish version is the Mossad.

The holocaust was largely a hoax. Given the things I said, (and more) there are those out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough!
You are a fool do us all a favor and shoot yourself
Oh, and regarding Jewish privilege, I wonder how many ways the allegory in the following video could be interpreted:

One of the best protected secrets of Jewish wealth is supposed to be expressed in that video, Gang. I'll leave it to each of you to decide for yourselves what that secret might be. ;)

OK, I admit I glean nothing from that video which reveals any insight into what you claim to be "one of the best protected secrets of Jewish wealth."
Perhaps you would explain what you see?
It's high time we goyim just accepted that Ashkenazi Jews are just that much better than us- more gifted, talented, and enterprising.

No point in constantly pissing and moaning about how they control everyone and everything. They worked for it and achieved dominance over the U.S. and the whole Western world. Get over it. Move on. No point depressing one's self by focusing so exclusively on something that doesn't even effect their daily working lives.
It's high time we goyim just accepted that Ashkenazi Jews are just that much better than us- more gifted, talented, and enterprising.

No point in constantly pissing and moaning about how they control everyone and everything. They worked for it and achieved dominance over the U.S. and the whole Western world. Get over it. Move on. No point depressing one's self by focusing so exclusively on something that doesn't even effect their daily working lives.

Can I take that to be tongue-in-cheek? :dunno:
It's high time we goyim just accepted that Ashkenazi Jews are just that much better than us- more gifted, talented, and enterprising.

No point in constantly pissing and moaning about how they control everyone and everything. They worked for it and achieved dominance over the U.S. and the whole Western world. Get over it. Move on. No point depressing one's self by focusing so exclusively on something that doesn't even effect their daily working lives.

Can I take that to be tongue-in-cheek? :dunno:

No, I'm completely serious.

Yes, Ashkenazi Jewish-Americans run this show.- politically, socially, economically, culturally, etc.

Who gives a shit?

Move on with life.

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