Jews and Arabs kill ...... sorry, kiss.

Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

Why was this originally taken down? Surely it's something everyone should be approving of. They need much more of this, millions more, then that way ONLY the lunatics on both sides will be left and they'll be in the minority....the best way to peace.
Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

Also the Jews and the Arabs are the same, both are the Israeli Government therefore is actually anti-Semitic for outlawing that book about the Jewish-Arab relationship.

Yes, Arabs are Semites, anti-Arab = anti-Semitic.
1. The book was not banned in Israel nor in Israeli schools. Anyone who wants to read it can easily find it in all bookstores and in school libraries. The book is also available for any teacher who wants to include it in their curriculum. The book was suggested to be required reading in some curriculum in Israel and was declined to be added to the required reading list. This whole news story is nothing more than a way of using false information to demonize Israel.

2. The reasons why it was taken down on FB are unclear, so blaming the take-down on the Israeli government is, at best, premature and ignorant, and at worst, *cough* something else.

3. Anti-semitism means, and has always meant, an irrational hatred against the Jewish people. The "Arabs are Semites too" argument is a BS way of denying hatred against Jews.
Considering that any Palestinian that befriends or gets romantically involved with an Israeli is considered a "Zionist spy" or a "traitor" and therefore executed publicly by Hamas and their body mutilated and dragged for blocks behind motorcycles to intimidate other Palestinians, why is your complaint directed towards the Israelis only?
Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

How do you know it was an Israeli hate group?

Sounds to me like ones who don't want to see Muslims mix with the 'children of pigs and apes'
Considering that any Palestinian that befriends or gets romantically involved with an Israeli is considered a "Zionist spy" or a "traitor" and therefore executed publicly by Hamas and their body mutilated and dragged for blocks behind motorcycles to intimidate other Palestinians, why is your complaint directed towards the Israelis only?
Jewish Israeli Woman Gives Birth at Palestinian West Bank Hospital
The woman, who is married to an Arab Israeli man, refuses to be transferred to an Israeli hospital, saying she hoped her baby would have Palestinian citizenship.
read more: Jewish Israeli woman gives birth at Palestinian West Bank hospital
Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

How do you know it was an Israeli hate group?

Sounds to me like ones who don't want to see Muslims mix with the 'children of pigs and apes'

The secular, democratic non Apartheid state of Israel:

Israeli Ministry of Education declares:

“intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens the separate identity.”

Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity' - Israel News
Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

How do you know it was an Israeli hate group?

Sounds to me like ones who don't want to see Muslims mix with the 'children of pigs and apes'

The secular, democratic non Apartheid state of Israel:

Israeli Ministry of Education declares:

“intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens the separate identity.”

Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity' - Israel News

That's his own opinion.
Considering that any Palestinian that befriends or gets romantically involved with an Israeli is considered a "Zionist spy" or a "traitor" and therefore executed publicly by Hamas and their body mutilated and dragged for blocks behind motorcycles to intimidate other Palestinians, why is your complaint directed towards the Israelis only?
Jewish Israeli Woman Gives Birth at Palestinian West Bank Hospital
The woman, who is married to an Arab Israeli man, refuses to be transferred to an Israeli hospital, saying she hoped her baby would have Palestinian citizenship.
read more: Jewish Israeli woman gives birth at Palestinian West Bank hospital
Hamas is in Gaza. Doy.
1. The book was not banned in Israel nor in Israeli schools. Anyone who wants to read it can easily find it in all bookstores and in school libraries. The book is also available for any teacher who wants to include it in their curriculum. The book was suggested to be required reading in some curriculum in Israel and was declined to be added to the required reading list. This whole news story is nothing more than a way of using false information to demonize Israel.

2. The reasons why it was taken down on FB are unclear, so blaming the take-down on the Israeli government is, at best, premature and ignorant, and at worst, *cough* something else.

3. Anti-semitism means, and has always meant, an irrational hatred against the Jewish people. The "Arabs are Semites too" argument is a BS way of denying hatred against Jews.

Has always meant, says who? Oh that's right the Jews, so it MUST be CORRECT....they are never wrong about anything....:rolleyes-41:

Yes, just deny facts darling.

FACT: Arabs are Semites, Arab are Semitic people.


Maybe you should sit down, have a rest, I mean, it must get tiring carrying that chip on your shoulder 24/7.
Considering that any Palestinian that befriends or gets romantically involved with an Israeli is considered a "Zionist spy" or a "traitor" and therefore executed publicly by Hamas and their body mutilated and dragged for blocks behind motorcycles to intimidate other Palestinians, why is your complaint directed towards the Israelis only?

Proof of this please?
Video of Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing returns to Facebook after being removed

The video, which featured gay and straight Jewish-Arab couples kissing, was posted to Facebook in response to the decision by Israel's Ministry of Education to ban a book about a Jewish-Arab love affair from the national high-school curriculum.

It seems hate groups, likely the Israeli government, tried to get it taken down, but love won the day.

How do you know it was an Israeli hate group?

Sounds to me like ones who don't want to see Muslims mix with the 'children of pigs and apes'

The secular, democratic non Apartheid state of Israel:

Israeli Ministry of Education declares:

“intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens the separate identity.”

Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity' - Israel News

However, in typical hypocritic fashion, Jewish groups for years have and still do encourage whites to breed with blacks and whites to breed with ANY non-white.

If the Jews rightly want to preserve Jewish Idenity, then white people wanting to preserve White Identity should also be respected.

IF whites wanting this are considered "racist", then obviously Jews are "racist" also.

We cannot and will not allow this ridiculous double standard to be put forward anymore.
Considering that any Palestinian that befriends or gets romantically involved with an Israeli is considered a "Zionist spy" or a "traitor" and therefore executed publicly by Hamas and their body mutilated and dragged for blocks behind motorcycles to intimidate other Palestinians, why is your complaint directed towards the Israelis only?
Jewish Israeli Woman Gives Birth at Palestinian West Bank Hospital
The woman, who is married to an Arab Israeli man, refuses to be transferred to an Israeli hospital, saying she hoped her baby would have Palestinian citizenship.
read more: Jewish Israeli woman gives birth at Palestinian West Bank hospital

As I say, the route to peace, is Arabs and Jews marrying and having joint-Semitic children together, both being Semitic peoples it makes complete sense.

If they spread the love, so to speak, all that will be there are the extremists on both sides in the minority....the majority will be Jewish-Arab mixed families and thus peace....and that will be wonderful for the entire region.
1. The book was not banned in Israel nor in Israeli schools. Anyone who wants to read it can easily find it in all bookstores and in school libraries. The book is also available for any teacher who wants to include it in their curriculum. The book was suggested to be required reading in some curriculum in Israel and was declined to be added to the required reading list. This whole news story is nothing more than a way of using false information to demonize Israel.

2. The reasons why it was taken down on FB are unclear, so blaming the take-down on the Israeli government is, at best, premature and ignorant, and at worst, *cough* something else.

3. Anti-semitism means, and has always meant, an irrational hatred against the Jewish people. The "Arabs are Semites too" argument is a BS way of denying hatred against Jews.

Also why aren't Israel offering to take in any of the Syrian refugees? Don't say it's because Israel is a small only have 2 million less people than say surely Israel could offer to take in say 200,000 Syrian refugees?

Even LUXEMBOURG are expected by Traitor Merkel to take Syrian refugees, Luxembourg is tiny, much much smaller in land and population to Israel.

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