Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water

No self-respecting Jewish person can turn a blind eye to the hatred and vile associations uncovered at the heart of the Democrat Party.

1. Remember this:

Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan? - The Atlantic
Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan?

Clarion calls from the media, the Democrats……or is that redundant?......demanding Trump spew venom about the KKK......

....amusing, huh? As the KKK was a Democrat creation.

2. Now, we find this:

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]

If one is a Democrat and claims to subscribe to Judaism......something is wrong.

Democrats: if not for double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

most of my fellow jews are democrats. the fundies are like any other fundies and pretend to be moral.

anything else you want to make up, cut and paste queen? don't mind supporting anti-Semites and those out to obliterate Israel....but you still call yourself a Jew????? got some 'splainin' to do!!!!
No self-respecting Jewish person can turn a blind eye to the hatred and vile associations uncovered at the heart of the Democrat Party.

1. Remember this:

Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan? - The Atlantic
Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan?

Clarion calls from the media, the Democrats……or is that redundant?......demanding Trump spew venom about the KKK......

....amusing, huh? As the KKK was a Democrat creation.

2. Now, we find this:

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]

If one is a Democrat and claims to subscribe to Judaism......something is wrong.

Democrats: if not for double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

Letter received from the Society of Trolls:

Dear Mr. Catcher,

It has come to our attention that PoliticalChic has once again violated the rule of our society. We at the Society of Trolls have both a code of honor, and a code of ethics, both of which have been violated by said PoliticalChic, who has been suspended by our organization three times, which met the standard to revoke her license to troll.

Sadly we cannot control this our of control troll. While most of us are hacks and troll repeatedly she lies incessently and uses half-truths, rumor mongering, hate mongering and revisions of history which we can no longer be tolerated.

Thus Mr. Catcher, we implore you to expose PoliticalChic for what she is, a person with no moral code and no respect for our organization.

Thank you in advance for you cooperation,


Stephanie Sanders, past president of Trolls r US, and currently working in the White House as spokesperson for the Ministry of Truth.


There is little more that can be added to this letter. Ms. Sanders has for once told the truth, the whole truth, not to be confused by her current daily dishonestly in her current employment.

Time for your diagnostic.

This brought you here....

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]
And then, you realized that you were too dumb to come up with anything related to it.

Congrats….you’ve cemented the title of ‘Dumbest Land Mammal on the North American Continent”
And then, you realized that you were too dumb to come up with anything related to it.

Congrats….you’ve cemented the title of ‘Dumbest Land Mammal on the North American Continent” don't mind supporting anti-Semites and those out to obliterate Israel....but you still call yourself a Jew?????

The entire basis of Conservative support for Israel is to hasten Israel's eventual destruction in the End Times, with all Jews either forcibly converted or killed. Israelis who solicit that support do so cynically and at their own moral peril.

So...fuck off.
Here we are, some 23 pages later.......and not a single, Liberal Democrat.......has been able to

a. deny that Democrat are, and welcome into their fold, anti-Semites


b. that there is no reason for anyone to continue to vote for a party that advanced a hatred for them based on what they choose to believe.

And....just to drive that point home.......

Hussein Obama…Jeremiah Wright….Louis Farrakhan

Peas of the same pod.

a. "Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago
February 25, 2008

Speaking to thousands of members of the Nation of Islam at their annual convention Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan praised presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama as the only hope for healing the nation's racial divisions."
Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago

b. "Farrakhan Praises Obama as ‘Hope of Entire World'
by Associated Press
Monday, February 25, 2008

CHICAGO — In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the "hope of the entire world" that the U.S. will change for the better. The 74-year-old Farrakhan, former leader of the black Muslim group, never endorsed Obama outright, but spent much of his nearly two-hour speech Sunday to an estimated crowd of 20,000 people praising the Illinois senator.

"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better," he said. "This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."
2016 Presidential Election Headquarters

c. "Wright's words raise doubts on Obama, not black church
May 1, 2008

WASHINGTON — Here's where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright went wrong. Barack Obama's former pastor said in a raucous news conference at the National Press Club this week that the tempest surrounding a few of his more contentious sound bites was an attack on the black church …

Wright can no longer complain he has been taken out of context. He provided his own context, such as when he declared Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan one of the most important voices of the 20th and 21st centuries. But Farrakhan has espoused too many racist, anti-Semitic views over the years to be considered important in the healing and reconciling Obama says he wants."
Here we are, some 23 pages later.......and not a single, Liberal Democrat.......has been able to

a. deny that Democrat are, and welcome into their fold, anti-Semites


b. that there is no reason for anyone to continue to vote for a party that advanced a hatred for them based on what they choose to believe.

And....just to drive that point home.......

Hussein Obama…Jeremiah Wright….Louis Farrakhan

Peas of the same pod.

a. "Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago
February 25, 2008

Speaking to thousands of members of the Nation of Islam at their annual convention Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan praised presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama as the only hope for healing the nation's racial divisions."
Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago

b. "Farrakhan Praises Obama as ‘Hope of Entire World'
by Associated Press
Monday, February 25, 2008

CHICAGO — In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the "hope of the entire world" that the U.S. will change for the better. The 74-year-old Farrakhan, former leader of the black Muslim group, never endorsed Obama outright, but spent much of his nearly two-hour speech Sunday to an estimated crowd of 20,000 people praising the Illinois senator.

"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better," he said. "This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."
2016 Presidential Election Headquarters

c. "Wright's words raise doubts on Obama, not black church
May 1, 2008

WASHINGTON — Here's where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright went wrong. Barack Obama's former pastor said in a raucous news conference at the National Press Club this week that the tempest surrounding a few of his more contentious sound bites was an attack on the black church …

Wright can no longer complain he has been taken out of context. He provided his own context, such as when he declared Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan one of the most important voices of the 20th and 21st centuries. But Farrakhan has espoused too many racist, anti-Semitic views over the years to be considered important in the healing and reconciling Obama says he wants."



it seems to me that Trump DOES something with his hair
color lately------it probably USED to be something like lite
brown or strawberry blond------his stuff produces orange

Is that all you guys can come up with? you don't like his hair? I don't like it either, but I am more interested in what he has done to put americans back to work, cut taxes, and take a firm stand on foreign trade.
Democrats are interested in surface appearances rather than results.
If he looks good in a suit then he's qualified.

This is why they always put these losers in office that screw everything up.

Still waiting for that link to Bill dying his hair. Like this.

Do you think he has nice hair, yes or no?

Why does it matter?

You must be a very shallow and superficial person.

Wow, that's quite an admission for you to say Trump has bad hair. Did you have to say any "Hail Marys"?

Still waiting for that link....or did you make it up?
Sorry, but I'm not a dishonest Democrat who lies about the obvious.
That's your department.

Last edited:
Here we are, some 23 pages later.......and not a single, Liberal Democrat.......has been able to

a. deny that Democrat are, and welcome into their fold, anti-Semites


b. that there is no reason for anyone to continue to vote for a party that advanced a hatred for them based on what they choose to believe.

And....just to drive that point home.......

Hussein Obama…Jeremiah Wright….Louis Farrakhan

Peas of the same pod.

a. "Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago
February 25, 2008

Speaking to thousands of members of the Nation of Islam at their annual convention Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan praised presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama as the only hope for healing the nation's racial divisions."
Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president at Nation of Islam convention in Chicago

b. "Farrakhan Praises Obama as ‘Hope of Entire World'
by Associated Press
Monday, February 25, 2008

CHICAGO — In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the "hope of the entire world" that the U.S. will change for the better. The 74-year-old Farrakhan, former leader of the black Muslim group, never endorsed Obama outright, but spent much of his nearly two-hour speech Sunday to an estimated crowd of 20,000 people praising the Illinois senator.

"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better," he said. "This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."
2016 Presidential Election Headquarters

c. "Wright's words raise doubts on Obama, not black church
May 1, 2008

WASHINGTON — Here's where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright went wrong. Barack Obama's former pastor said in a raucous news conference at the National Press Club this week that the tempest surrounding a few of his more contentious sound bites was an attack on the black church …

Wright can no longer complain he has been taken out of context. He provided his own context, such as when he declared Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan one of the most important voices of the 20th and 21st centuries. But Farrakhan has espoused too many racist, anti-Semitic views over the years to be considered important in the healing and reconciling Obama says he wants."




actually you may have it right, democrats vote democrat because they are democrats, no other reason. three blind mice, see how they run.......................
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

You said that, not I.

find something else to bitch about.......This thread is a fucking

Every time I force morons like you into your brings a smile to my beautiful countenance.

The third grade bathroom jargon indicates
a. I've hit a nerve
b. you'd like to be able to deny the facts......but, like the eunuch in the harem, while you'd like just can't.

They have to resort to vulgarities, profanities etc. Its just too much for the three brain cells to handle and immediately the short circuiting occurs between the one synapse that happens every 24 hours.
Is that all you guys can come up with? you don't like his hair? I don't like it either, but I am more interested in what he has done to put americans back to work, cut taxes, and take a firm stand on foreign trade.
Democrats are interested in surface appearances rather than results.
If he looks good in a suit then he's qualified.

This is why they always put these losers in office that screw everything up.

Still waiting for that link to Bill dying his hair. Like this.

Do you think he has nice hair, yes or no?

Why does it matter?

You must be a very shallow and superficial person.

Wow, that's quite an admission for you to say Trump has bad hair. Did you have to say any "Hail Marys"?

Still waiting for that link....or did you make it up?
Sorry, but I'm not a dishonest Democrat who lies about the obvious.
That's your department.

:lol: So you didn't have an actual link, just bullshit speculation from a bloviating, drug addict. :lol:
Democrats are interested in surface appearances rather than results.
If he looks good in a suit then he's qualified.

This is why they always put these losers in office that screw everything up.

Still waiting for that link to Bill dying his hair. Like this.

Do you think he has nice hair, yes or no?

Why does it matter?

You must be a very shallow and superficial person.

Wow, that's quite an admission for you to say Trump has bad hair. Did you have to say any "Hail Marys"?

Still waiting for that link....or did you make it up?
Sorry, but I'm not a dishonest Democrat who lies about the obvious.
That's your department.

:lol: So you didn't have an actual link, just bullshit speculation from a bloviating, drug addict. :lol:

And your sources are a bunch of Trump Deranged nut-cases who have been trying to overturn the results of an election since Nov 2016.
Sorry, but I think maybe you should try looking.
The fact was brought up over 20 years ago.
When it came up the Internet was basically AOL and wasn't like it is today.
I showed you the source. He's no less credible than any source you choose to believe.
Never mind the fact that Bill's hair color isn't even an issue to anyone anymore.
You dicks are the one's bringing up the issue of Trump's if it's some sort of qualification for being president.
Last edited:
Still waiting for that link to Bill dying his hair. Like this.

Do you think he has nice hair, yes or no?

Why does it matter?

You must be a very shallow and superficial person.

Wow, that's quite an admission for you to say Trump has bad hair. Did you have to say any "Hail Marys"?

Still waiting for that link....or did you make it up?
Sorry, but I'm not a dishonest Democrat who lies about the obvious.
That's your department.

:lol: So you didn't have an actual link, just bullshit speculation from a bloviating, drug addict. :lol:

And your sources are a bunch of Trump Deranged nut-cases who have been trying to overturn the results of an election since Nov 2016.
Sorry, but I think maybe you should try looking.
The fact was brought up over 20 years ago.
When it came up the Internet was basically AOL and wasn't like it is today.
I showed you the source. He's no less credible than any source you choose to believe.
Never mind the fact that Bill's hair color isn't even an issue to anyone anymore.
You dicks are the one's bringing up the issue of Trump's if it's some sort of qualification for being president.

There is nothing credible about your source. Your "source" was speculation by a guy who was high on oxy. That's not a source, fool.

Trump brings up his hair, you silly sycophant.
Oh.....the irony!

Black folks vote in the 90% range for the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and Jim Crow laws.

And Jewish folks, over 70% voting for the party that is happy to honor anti-Semites.

"A congressman reaffirmed his ties to an avowed anti-Semite this week, ....

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Peter Hasson broke the story of Democratic Rep. Danny Davis doubling down on claiming Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is an “outstanding human being.”

“I know Farrakhan, I know the Middle East question, I know the Jews and Farrakhan — I know all that, ....his past praise of Farrakhan.

The Nation of Islam pastor is a well-documented black supremacist and is considered America’s “leading anti-Semite by the Anti-Defamation League.

It’s pretty newsy that a congressman would be proud to associate with such a character, and it’s an even bigger story when considering Davis isn’t the only Democrat with ties to Farrakhan."
Ignoring Democrats’ Farrakhan Ties Is The Epitome Of Media Bias
"When 21 members of the Congressional Black Caucus were asked by Hasson to disavow Farrakhan, all declined. But that shouldn’t be too surprising when Ellison himself says his fellow Democrats aren’t bothered by his Farrakhan connection.
Multiple leaders of Women’s March — one of the biggest left-wing organizations at the moment — have strong ties to Farrakhan and aren’t ashamed about it. “Thank God this man is still alive and doing well. He is definitely the GOAT [Greatest Of All Time],” Women’s March co-president Tamika Mallory once said of Farrakhan. She has refused to disavow the NOI leader and praised the group’s work as recently as Wednesday."
Ignoring Democrats’ Farrakhan Ties Is The Epitome Of Media Bias

It is certainly a conundrum as to why Jewish Democrat voters aren't signed up with the KKK and the Nazi Party.
This shocks you because you are decent politicalchic. But as I said..they are joined at the hip by a common hatred rather than joining together for a common good like the right. They believe nothing of what they preach. Try working for socialists..I have.

How else could you explain the party of rapists Bill Clinton and the Kennedy's being the party of feminism? Trump was called a woman hater..Kennedy killed one. Clinton settled at least one lawsuit with one of his rape victims. And Hillary ran a squad dedicated to annihilating Bill's victims before they could cause a political problem.

The Democrats are a group with sham values...they exist to rule using whatever coalitions they can build based on hate.
This shocks you because you are decent politicalchic. But as I said..they are joined at the hip by a common hatred rather than joining together for a common good like the right. They believe nothing of what they preach. Try working for socialists..I have.

How else could you explain the party of rapists Bill Clinton and the Kennedy's being the party of feminism? Trump was called a woman hater..Kennedy killed one. Clinton settled at least one lawsuit with one of his rape victims. And Hillary ran a squad dedicated to annihilating Bill's victims before they could cause a political problem.

The Democrats are a group with sham values...they exist to rule using whatever coalitions they can build based on hate.

Couldn't agree more.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. "
John Adams

We ceased being led by such individuals when our 32nd President aligned our nation with this...

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
"Jewish GOP group calls on Dem lawmakers to resign over Farrakhan remarks
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) on Tuesday called on seven prominent lawmakers to resign, accusing them of having close ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who drew criticism recently after a speech full of anti-Semitic remarks.

The lobbying group called on Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Danny Davis (D-Ill.), Andre Carson (D-Ind.) Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Al Green (D-Texas) to step down. "

Jewish GOP group calls on Dem lawmakers to resign over Farrakhan remarks

Get this, all you Jewish folks who vote for Democrats......this was the message:

"Anti-Semitism is unacceptable. Farrakhan is the moral equivalent of a leader of the KKK. If it was discovered that members of Congress had met with the leader of the KKK, they would need to resign. In this case, for meeting with, and embracing, Louis Farrakhan, nothing short of resignation is acceptable from these seven Democrats," the group said in a statement on Tuesday."

Time to have develop some courage, guys.
I hardly ever agree with Jake Tapper.....but here he is with a tweet saying exactly what I've posited in this thread:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
Jake Tapper Retweeted MINISTER FARRAKHAN

It’s really not difficult at all to condemn this anti-Semitic, nonsensical bilge. Unless of course you (a) agree with it or (b) don’t want to alienate those who do.

Jake Tapper added,


MINISTER FARRAKHANVerified account @LouisFarrakhan
The FBI has been the worst enemy of Black advancement. The Jews have control over those agencies of government. #Farrakhan
6:35 PM - 7 Mar 2018

Jewish folks who vote Democrat, it seems, "(b) don’t want to alienate those who do."

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