Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water

actually you may have it right, democrats vote democrat because they are democrats, no other reason. three blind mice, see how they run.......................

No, we vote Democrats because Republicans are racists, misogynists, out of touch, and don't have any record of success.
"RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Party’s Ties To ‘America’s Leading Anti-Semite’ Louis Farrakhan
Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called on her Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, Friday to address the ties DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and other members of the party have to Louis Farrakhan.

“Keith Ellison’s long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls ‘America’s leading anti-Semite,’ has put a stain on the Democrat Party,” McDaniel said in a press release. “Anti-Semitism has no place in American politics, Tom Perez must address this issue.”
It's A Party! RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan

Hard to understand why Jewish Democrat voters would not make the very same demand.
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....
"While several of the officials linked to Farrakhan have disavowed their past relationships with him, Ellison in particular has maintained that Democrats should not be “bothered” being associated with him."
It's A Party! RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan

Actually, Ellison is completely correct.

Why should members of the party of Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, the KKK and Jim Crow laws be embarrassed in the slightest of being associated with yet another bigot, hater and fanatic.
actually you may have it right, democrats vote democrat because they are democrats, no other reason. three blind mice, see how they run.......................

No, we vote Democrats because Republicans are racists, misogynists, out of touch, and don't have any record of success.

^^^^amazingly stupid and totally inaccurate. Is Ben Carson a racist? Herman Cain?

which party wants to kill millions of unborn children every year? and almost all of them are minorities.

success? have you looked at the stock market or your paycheck?
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
The Founding Fathers were so stupid to believe that also....
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
The Founding Fathers were so stupid to believe that also....

in 1776 slavery was an accepted way of life over most of the entire world. It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA and most of the civilized world. It still occurs today in parts of Africa and many muslim countries.

pay attention moonbeam, we are in 2018, not 1776.
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
The Founding Fathers were so stupid to believe that also....

in 1776 slavery was an accepted way of life over most of the entire world. It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA and most of the civilized world. It still occurs today in parts of Africa and many muslim countries.

pay attention moonbeam, we are in 2018, not 1776.
The Founders never made folks show and ID either..
actually you may have it right, democrats vote democrat because they are democrats, no other reason. three blind mice, see how they run.......................

No, we vote Democrats because Republicans are racists, misogynists, out of touch, and don't have any record of success.

Well, you seem awfully prejudiced against other religions, especially Christianity, why is that "Cool" but other prejudices are somehow "Not Cool"?
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
The Founding Fathers were so stupid to believe that also....

in 1776 slavery was an accepted way of life over most of the entire world. It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA and most of the civilized world. It still occurs today in parts of Africa and many muslim countries.

pay attention moonbeam, we are in 2018, not 1776.

"It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA ...."


And...I like this, too:

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption
Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.
The Founding Fathers were so stupid to believe that also....

in 1776 slavery was an accepted way of life over most of the entire world. It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA and most of the civilized world. It still occurs today in parts of Africa and many muslim countries.

pay attention moonbeam, we are in 2018, not 1776.

"It was wrong, its been corrected in the USA ...."


And...I like this, too:

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption
Still no reason to have to have an ID to vote, you already have to show ID when you register...
Jews voted for Obama by almost 60% over Mccain and Romney.....and almost by over 50% for Clinton in 2016.....According to you they all must be dumb???.................LOL

Like so many contards- he presumes that minorities that by a large margin vote for Democrats are just so much less smart than she is.

So to answer your question- yes PC is saying she thinks that most Jews in American are stupid.

.....and the same exact "attitude" is expressed by right wingers toward the black voters....

you have it backwards. Its the dem party that assumes that black voters are too stupid to have a valid ID and too stupid to carry it to the polling place.

No- you have it backwards- which me saying is kind of redundant.

The vast majority of minorities vote Democratic. Just as the majority of Jewish Americans vote Democratic.

You and your fellow travellors regularly tell them that they are all too stupid to know that they should be voting Republican- like PC does in this thread.

Me? I think that every American votes for what he or she perceives to be the party and candidates that best represents his or her interests.

I don't think you are stupid because you vote Conservative- I figure you think that Conservatives will help you the most. Just like most minorities think that Democrats will help them the most.
No self-respecting Jewish person can turn a blind eye to the hatred and vile associations uncovered at the heart of the Democrat Party.

Many do. The historical association between American Jews and the Democrats is long and complex. It will take a lot for American Jews to abandon the Democrats ... but ... Orthodox Jews, who overwhelmingly vote Republican and Conservative, are the fastest growing demographic of the Jewish community.

At the end of the day, Jewish voters only represent 1.25% of all American voters.
Hard to understand why Jewish Democrat voters would not make the very same demand.

Well to be fair- it is hard for you to understand anything beyond your obsession with FDR and Communists. favor communism?

Just wanted that on the record with all your other inane posts.

You're dismissed.
No self-respecting Jewish person can turn a blind eye to the hatred and vile associations uncovered at the heart of the Democrat Party.

Many do. The historical association between American Jews and the Democrats is long and complex. It will take a lot for American Jews to abandon the Democrats ... but ... Orthodox Jews, who overwhelmingly vote Republican and Conservative, are the fastest growing demographic of the Jewish community.

At the end of the day, Jewish voters only represent 1.25% of all American voters.

But that doesn't answer this query....meaning 'question,' not Chelsea Manning...

"Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called on her Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, Friday to address the ties DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and other members of the party have to Louis Farrakhan.

“Keith Ellison’s long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls ‘America’s leading anti-Semite,’ has put a stain on the Democrat Party,” McDaniel said in a press release. “Anti-Semitism has no place in American politics, Tom Perez must address this issue.”
It's A Party! RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan

Hard to understand why Jewish Democrat voters would not make the very same demand...unless they don't really feel that they are full fledged and accepted by the Democrats, and have no right to stand up for themselves.
"CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal
  • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

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