Jews stumped over who's behind rising anti-Semitism in Italy.

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
Well, well, well....

Thank you so much for this GARBAGE opinion of yours as to why Jews would be hated by SOME in Italy.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat.

Let us leave this Toxic piece of hatred be all by itself and not post another response.

It must be FULL MOON TODAY !!!!!

Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.


She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
Well, well, well....

Thank you so much for this GARBAGE opinion of yours as to why Jews would be hated by SOME in Italy.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat.

Let us leave this Toxic piece of hatred be all by itself and not post another response.

It must be FULL MOON TODAY !!!!!

"It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat."
Yes, it is, actually, a remarkable phenomenon--this anti-Semitism. One day, me and Hans and Shlomo were on our lunch break at the factory. We were on our way back to our respective jobs, laughing and sharing humorous stories from the high school we all attended, and just generally glorying in our warm comaraderie, when, suddenly, without warning and for no reason at all, a big glob of anti-Semitism fell out of the sky and hit Hans directly on the top of his head. When he stood up, dazed and shaking his head, he looked around and then, shocking everyone, when he caught sight of Shlomo, he flew into a murderous rage. He really wanted to kill poor Shlomo, for no reason whatsoever. Thank the good Yahweh, there wasn't an oven for hundreds of yards and Shlomo was spared.
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.

Another ignorant GOYIM remark. Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
Well, well, well....

Thank you so much for this GARBAGE opinion of yours as to why Jews would be hated by SOME in Italy.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat.

Let us leave this Toxic piece of hatred be all by itself and not post another response.

It must be FULL MOON TODAY !!!!!

"It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat."
Yes, it is, actually, a remarkable phenomenon--this anti-Semitism. One day, me and Hans and Shlomo were on our lunch break at the factory. We were on our way back to our respective jobs, laughing and sharing humorous stories from the high school we all attended, and just generally glorying in our warm comaraderie, when, suddenly, without warning and for no reason at all, a big glob of anti-Semitism fell out of the sky and hit Hans directly on the top of his head. When he stood up, dazed and shaking his head, he looked around and then, shocking everyone, when he caught sight of Shlomo, he flew into a murderous rage. He really wanted to kill poor Shlomo, for no reason whatsoever. Thank the good Yahweh, there wasn't an oven for hundreds of yards and Shlomo was spared.
Now, there is a Nazi response to my response.
By all means do not base your story on actual events but invent one and add the Holocaust in there for good measure.

Are you having fun, yet? Hanz!!!!

In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
Just like domestic abusers.....blaming the victim for making them abuse them.
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.
Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.
That must be why all Israel's neighbors consider her a force for good in the Middle East--a stabilizing and welcome addition to the community of nations and a trustworthy and benevolent friendly power.
In the Tablet, a Jewish online magazine, writer Yair Rosenberg can't figure out who is making everybody in Italy dislike Jews.

Who's Behind Italy's Rising Anti-Semitism?

It couldn't be, you know, Jews themselves making people hate them. It's everybody else. As Mr Rosenberg explains, "hatred of Jews does not stem from any one particular group, whether Muslims, the far-right, or the far-left. Instead, anti-Semitism finds its roots in many diverse sources," laughably overlooking the one entity everybody else learned in kindergarten was most responsible for others' perceptions of us.

Dislike of Jews is the fault of everyone except Jews, says Mr Rosenberg, which is "why Jews have historically been blamed for everything from the predations of capitalism to the ills of communism." The fact that Jews invented communism, campaigned for communism both here and abroad, financed communism as a world movement, implemented communism in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and, under the banner of communism, slaughtered 66 million Russian Christian--eleven whole Holocausts!--is no reason to blame Jews for communism. Because it's anti-Semitic to say what the Jews did.

"Blaming one political group or European community for rising anti-Semitism, then, is a way of avoiding the issue," writes Mr Rosenberg, avoiding the issue by blaming Gentiles. "It is an excuse rather than an honest accounting," explains the most obtuse and un-self-aware person who has ever lived in the entire universe.

While the refusal to look at the beam in one's eye is by no means rare in the world, it nevertheless is still a very off-putting characteristic.
Well, well, well....

Thank you so much for this GARBAGE opinion of yours as to why Jews would be hated by SOME in Italy.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat.

Let us leave this Toxic piece of hatred be all by itself and not post another response.

It must be FULL MOON TODAY !!!!!

"It has absolutely NOTHING to do with 2000 years of Christian teaching of blaming the Jews "killing Jesus" to non Jews coughing and having a sore throat."
Yes, it is, actually, a remarkable phenomenon--this anti-Semitism. One day, me and Hans and Shlomo were on our lunch break at the factory. We were on our way back to our respective jobs, laughing and sharing humorous stories from the high school we all attended, and just generally glorying in our warm comaraderie, when, suddenly, without warning and for no reason at all, a big glob of anti-Semitism fell out of the sky and hit Hans directly on the top of his head. When he stood up, dazed and shaking his head, he looked around and then, shocking everyone, when he caught sight of Shlomo, he flew into a murderous rage. He really wanted to kill poor Shlomo, for no reason whatsoever. Thank the good Yahweh, there wasn't an oven for hundreds of yards and Shlomo was spared.
Now, there is a Nazi response to my response.
By all means do not base your story on actual events but invent one and add the Holocaust in there for good measure.

Are you having fun, yet? Hanz!!!!

Baby Jew: Mommy, all the other kids at school hate me. Do you think it's because I'm such an obnoxious whiny little snitch who stole the class trip money?

Mommy Jew: Of course not, dear. They hate you because you are a Jew.
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
more syria.jpg

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
View attachment 274266 View attachment 274267

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News

That’s right...,, Jews are behind the illegal immigration that’s going on in this Country. :ahole-1: We own you
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
View attachment 274266 View attachment 274267

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News

That’s right...,, Jews are behind the illegal immigration that’s going on in this Country. :ahole-1: We own you
You own this government...absolutely.
Jews are the reason the world hates Jews.

View attachment 274176
She ain't carrying a refugee baby onto an Israeli beach...

Israeli volunteers are aiding Syrian refugees in Europe - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
View attachment 274266 View attachment 274267

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News

That’s right...,, Jews are behind the illegal immigration that’s going on in this Country. :ahole-1: We own you
You own this government...absolutely.

Seriously, I know we do. Please let us know when we are successful at letting all the illegals in, encouraging Muslims to immigrate here and FINALLY destroying WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICA
Israel normally takes in about 100 Syrian refugees a year, though she has no obligation to do so, considering there is still a state of war between the 2 nations.

And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
View attachment 274266 View attachment 274267

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News

That’s right...,, Jews are behind the illegal immigration that’s going on in this Country. :ahole-1: We own you
You own this government...absolutely.

Seriously, I know we do. Please let us know when we are successful at letting all the illegals in, encouraging Muslims to immigrate here and FINALLY destroying WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICA
Oh you kikes are doing your best. I will keep you posted.
And, by the way, pretending for the moment that Israelis ONLY help Syrian refugees to relocate to Europe, Israel has no obligation to do even that. The 2 nations are still technically in a state of war.
WOW...a hundred?
View attachment 274266 View attachment 274267

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Listen to what this Jew says about European nations...THEY must adapt...they must change their culture.

American Jewry’s Push For Massive Immigration | Real Jew News

That’s right...,, Jews are behind the illegal immigration that’s going on in this Country. :ahole-1: We own you
You own this government...absolutely.

Seriously, I know we do. Please let us know when we are successful at letting all the illegals in, encouraging Muslims to immigrate here and FINALLY destroying WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICA
Oh you kikes are doing your best. I will keep you posted.

Keep us posted; you GOY

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