JFK why he inspired me

While that link does mention that the plan they presented to kenendy was different than the one presetned to Eisenhower,it was VASTLY different,what it fails to mention is that he approached the CIA during the time it was going on and said to them-Look i know you lied to me about air support,dont lie to me anymore,do you need air support? they then said no they did not again lying to them after he asked them to stop lying to him.

The CIA lied to him from the very beginning saying air aupport was not going to be needed.That link fails to mention that because the CIA and the military lied to him,that after the bay of pigs disaster,during the cuban missile crisis,he wisely stopped listening to the military brass during the cuban missile crisis.they all urged him to go in and bomb them-its all on the tapes.and he wisely ignored them and did not listen to them.He leaned heavily on Bobby and listened to his aides what they advised him to do.


Thank god we had the bay of pigs invasion so he was able to learn not to listen to them.

Had Dick Nixon been elected president,he WOULD have listened to the military brass and gotten us into a nuclear war.as vp under Eisenhower,he was always trying to get Ike to nuke them in Laos he was so immature back then.Ike wisely didnt listen to Nixon thank god.

Nixon was so utterly corrupt and insecure. I have read that he wanted to be a wartime president so he would be remembered.

Nixon like so many presidents since JFK,committed atrocities against mankind that rival Hitler and Stalins.our corrupt schools here make it out that Nixons most worst crime was his lies about watergate.

That just scratched the surface though,he was instrumental in overthrowing a government helping put a dictater in power that murdered hundreds of thousands of people.Its all documented,anybody here can find that out by doing a google search on it.

It wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered those 58,000 americans,it was that bastard DICK Nixon and his good long time friend Johnson.they are the murderers of those 58,000 americans.

They were long time pals for 20 years or so ."They served in the senate together and thats when they developed a close friendship during those times."

They got along so well with each other because they were so much alike,BOTH pathalogial liars,both letting the war drag on and on,and Johnson just like Nixon,ALSO wanted to be a wartime president to be remembered.they got their wish with vietnam serving the military industrail complex that Eisenhower tried to warn the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech to the american people.
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Just stay over on the Conspiracy Forum where you belong, head case.
Just stay over on the Conspiracy Forum where you belong, head case.

I love your rebuttals you alway have when you are cornered with pesky facts you cant refute.great way of refuting those facts,you sure showed me.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
This man made me rock. Now all you young libs can flap your gums at me all you want, but what you don't understand is the why and the how this man made me believe I could make a difference.

I have been on left I have been on right I have been in between but what this man did and I really do mean it, he made me understand that I could make a difference.

If there is one thing about my JFK is he made me believe I could make a difference.

It's going to be a very very hard anniversary for me.

JFK was the first person I voted for as a young black man. I cried when he died. Unfortunately, over the years I began to find out the facts of the man and I became extremely disillusioned.

Today I remember JFK as a man who nearly started a thermo-nuclear war with Russia, a man who abandoned anti-Castro rebels at the Bay of Pigs, a man who was so wracked with pain that he was constantly high, a man who was a world class womanizer and a man who was far too familiar with underworld figures.

I hate to speak ill of the dead, like I said, I voted for the man and adored him for a time, but after 50 years I have never voted for a democrat again.

Brother the nation cried the day Kennedy died.

Could you just imagine JFK and MLK jr being alive today and seeing how this country has been treated?

MLK wouldnt be surprised at how they are today considering the way he was treated by authorities his whole life.JFK like our forefathers,is rolling over in his grave though right now at the way america and this corrupt government has become though.
And may I add I believe that this man believed in his country, in the greatness of America and he never wanted to destroy the United States of America.


unlike every president we have had since with the exception of one.:clap2::clap2:

Oh and I'll give you a hint on who it is,contrary to the myth,it wasnt that evil bastard Reagan that is the exception.:lol:

Whoa geeze. You have to be kidding me.

I make a thread about a person who actually utilized the power of their position to inspire a generation and I'm ready to fuck him?

Holy freaking toledo. And btw none of us knew his personal faults. These were hidden from us.

But he did inspire so many of us.

Maybe I couldn't go on a space shuttle, maybe I couldn't be the man saying "tear down this wall" but what JFK did was to challenge all of us to care more and beyond the boundaries of our neighborhoods, beyond a state, beyond a country.
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Brother the nation cried the day Kennedy died.

Could you just imagine JFK and MLK jr being alive today and seeing how this country has been treated?
It was a Kennedy that put MLK in jail in the first place. That one of those historical facts that people ignore. The the great JFK also voted against civil rights as a senator another of those little facts others ignore.....JFK is the most over rated presidents ever.

Kennedy wasn't as liberal as some think, he was a true leader
He was going to bring America back to the gold standard
He was going to keep us out of Viet nam
He was and this is a biggie PRO second amendment.


Most mobsters would have given obama support and some still do.
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This man made me rock. Now all you young libs can flap your gums at me all you want, but what you don't understand is the why and the how this man made me believe I could make a difference.

I have been on left I have been on right I have been in between but what this man did and I really do mean it, he made me understand that I could make a difference.

If there is one thing about my JFK is he made me believe I could make a difference.

It's going to be a very very hard anniversary for me.

He was cranking down the war in Vietnam. Then he was killed and LBJ who had a financial interest in that war cranked it back up. Kennedy was a war veteran and the country held him in high esteem for that daring rescue of a buddy from the PT109. He had a sense of humor. He didn't spaz out and whine that the records by Vaughn Meader poking fun at the Kennedys was sacrelige. Vaughn Meader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You could have fun and enjoy them. You didn't have to walk on egg shells. He didn't stand up for a thug and claim said thug would have looked like his son. And he didn't eat the family pet. And Jackie was a class act. She would never have been seen at the inauguration in a dress that looked like a chenille bedspread. Nor would she have been seen in public dressed like a ho. When they traveled to other countries, she spoke to the people in their native tongue and they loved her for it. Early on I believe she felt she was a political liability to Jack. She was anything but. I saw on a show about her last week that Jack asked her for the last verses of Ulysses to use just before a speech. She wrote them down for him from memory. Jackie was the real deal. She made you want to be something.

I miss them too. And on top of that I had a very close friend who was killed on November 22, 1967. What a bummer!

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Kennedy wasn't as liberal as some think, he was a true leader
He was going to bring America back to the gold standard
He was going to keep us out of Viet nam
He was and this is a biggie PRO second amendment.

There was no Proof he wanted to pull out of Vietnam that is just something the media made up to make him look good. He left men to die in Cuba and tried to wash his hands of the affair sounds a lot like Benghazi to me. He was a racist that thought blacks didnt deserve civil rights.
that is absurd the media didn't have to do anything to make JFK look good, he did it on his own.
If the media was wanting to make JFK look good they in-turn have made LJB and the democrats look bad.
Bay of pigs was all the CIA's doing.
Racist? maybe so many were back then it was just the time.

exactly.as always,thanotos gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Its well know the CIA and militray lied to him from the very beginning about the whole bay of pigs invasion and during the whole time as well thats why he wisely stopped listening to him also.

Thanotos has also been caught lying as always because all serious reseachers know that he signed a document two months before his assassination that called for a COMPLETE withdrawel of all military personal by 1965.:lol:

that was discovered in the mid 90's by the ARRB when they unearthed many documents from the Eisenhower,Jfk,and Johnson administrations.

The documents are all there in the national archives in washington there to see plain in sight that he was for sure going to pull out completely by 1965.

His two closet aides told many independent reseachers over the years that he was going to pull out but he had to wait till after the election to do because he had to appear to have a strong stance against communism to the american people to get relected.

He told them he may go down as the least popular president ever in history but he was not going to send american combat troops into vietnam and get us involved in a foreign war.COMBAT troops were never sent in till Johnson became president.:cuckoo:

thanotoes as always,can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:lol::lol::lol:

He was cranking down the war in Vietnam. Then he was killed and LBJ who had a financial interest in that war cranked it back up

You hit the nail right on the head sunshine,You also have done your homework as well I see.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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His death certainly inspired me to hate my own government. But yes, womanizing and some other things aside there was little not to like from where I sit. PT 109 and all that stuff. How many presidents since that dumb shit Bush 1 had that kind of man resume?

In those days it was in poor taste to plaster a president's human foibles all over the papers. Perhaps there were people who knew of his affairs. I really did not until many years later. They weren't headlines. There were only 3 TV networks and a finite number of hours for the news, things better left unsaid could be left unsaid.
And may I add I believe that this man believed in his country, in the greatness of America and he never wanted to destroy the United States of America.


unlike every president we have had since with the exception of one.:clap2::clap2:

Oh and I'll give you a hint on who it is,contrary to the myth,it wasnt that evil bastard Reagan that is the exception.:lol:

Whoa geeze. You have to be kidding me.

I make a thread about a person who actually utilized the power of their position to inspire a generation and I'm ready to fuck him?

Holy freaking toledo. And btw none of us knew his personal faults. These were hidden from us.

But he did inspire so many of us.

Maybe I couldn't go on a space shuttle, maybe I couldn't be the man saying "tear down this wall" but what JFK did was to challenge all of us to care more and beyond the boundaries of our neighborhoods, beyond a state, beyond a country.


WTF? Maybe you need to fix your quote thingy cuz you didn't say those words above. TinyDancer did but the way it is now...it looks like YOUR words. [MENTION=25451]tinydancer[/MENTION]
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This man made me rock. Now all you young libs can flap your gums at me all you want, but what you don't understand is the why and the how this man made me believe I could make a difference.

I have been on left I have been on right I have been in between but what this man did and I really do mean it, he made me understand that I could make a difference.

If there is one thing about my JFK is he made me believe I could make a difference.

It's going to be a very very hard anniversary for me.

JFK was the first person I voted for as a young black man. I cried when he died. Unfortunately, over the years I began to find out the facts of the man and I became extremely disillusioned.

Today I remember JFK as a man who nearly started a thermo-nuclear war with Russia, a man who abandoned anti-Castro rebels at the Bay of Pigs, a man who was so wracked with pain that he was constantly high, a man who was a world class womanizer and a man who was far too familiar with underworld figures.

I hate to speak ill of the dead, like I said, I voted for the man and adored him for a time, but after 50 years I have never voted for a democrat again.

Imperfect, flawed but, basically a good man. Putting anyone on a pedestal to be "adored" is bound to disappoint.

(I can't imagine that he would ever have driven us so deeply in debt as Reagan and the Bushes have. Yes, President Obama has brought down the debt but Reagan made us a debtor nation and I have no idea if we can ever change that.)

I saw Kennedy in person at the Air Force Academy. I was only one row of bleachers too high to reach his hand as he passed.

You can't be serious.

Why does every thread have to get turned into a goddamned snipe fest? We can all see the spirit in which this thread was started. And the direction in which it has fallen. Well, those of us who have graduated form junior high school, that is.
JFK was the first person I voted for as a young black man. I cried when he died. Unfortunately, over the years I began to find out the facts of the man and I became extremely disillusioned.

Today I remember JFK as a man who nearly started a thermo-nuclear war with Russia, a man who abandoned anti-Castro rebels at the Bay of Pigs, a man who was so wracked with pain that he was constantly high, a man who was a world class womanizer and a man who was far too familiar with underworld figures.

I hate to speak ill of the dead, like I said, I voted for the man and adored him for a time, but after 50 years I have never voted for a democrat again.

Brother the nation cried the day Kennedy died.

Could you just imagine JFK and MLK jr being alive today and seeing how this country has been treated?

MLK wouldnt be surprised at how they are today considering the way he was treated by authorities his whole life.JFK like our forefathers,is rolling over in his grave though right now at the way america and this corrupt government has become though.

If I would make a presumption John F Kennedy would be the most dislike Kennedy on the liberal side. Ted was a rat bastard may he rot in hell.
And may I add I believe that this man believed in his country, in the greatness of America and he never wanted to destroy the United States of America.


unlike every president we have had since with the exception of one.:clap2::clap2:

Oh and I'll give you a hint on who it is,contrary to the myth,it wasnt that evil bastard Reagan that is the exception.:lol:

Whoa geeze. You have to be kidding me.

I make a thread about a person who actually utilized the power of their position to inspire a generation and I'm ready to fuck him?

Holy freaking toledo. And btw none of us knew his personal faults. These were hidden from us.

But he did inspire so many of us.

Maybe I couldn't go on a space shuttle, maybe I couldn't be the man saying "tear down this wall" but what JFK did was to challenge all of us to care more and beyond the boundaries of our neighborhoods, beyond a state, beyond a country.

Again no proof he wanted out of nam .... go back to your conspiracy theories of how Jews and black men are breeding the white man out of existence

tapatalk post
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JFK, Jackie, Camelot in general, inspired me and still inspires in style.... in lifestyle, in houses in the Cape... in family gatherings, in yatch sailing....in clothes in all things nice!!!

Glory to them! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

Glory to them.
By inspiration....among other things ....I mean German Shepherd pet, I mean Wayfarer sunglasses, I mean a cigar and I mean relaxed happiness in black and white....

Glory to you.

Glory to a past never to come back. Never.

There never again will be a Camelot ...............:(

Bless JFK, wife, family and all thing beautiful!
There never again will be a Camelot ...............:(

Bless JFK, wife, family and all thing beautiful!

Jackie definitely worked at making it all beautiful, the White House, the state dinners and entertainment, the image of the First Lady with her wonderful Oleg Cassini clothes, and ultimately JFK's funeral. It's too bad she had to live with some really seedy things out of JFK. But we all make our choices and history remembers her and her lovely little family well.

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