Jihadist 'willing to die' for cause


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
People like this should either be deported back to the country they came from or where their parents came from. Or else, lock them away where they can't harm the citizens of each country.

3 July 2014

Jihadist Nasser Muthana's home-made bomb picturesA man believed to be Nasser Muthana warned that Britain should be afraid to allow him to return,

Jihadist 'willing to die' for cause

Pictures of home-made bombs have been posted on a social media account by a person claiming to be one of the three men from Cardiff who have joined a Jihadist group in Syria.

The man claiming to be Nasser Muthana, 20, used an unverified social media account to show the devices in Syria.

"So the UK is afraid I come back with the skills I've gained," he stated.

It comes after a person claiming to be Nasser's brother Aseel told BBC Wales he was willing to die for the cause.

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BBC News - Jihadist Nasser Muthana's home-made bomb pictures

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