Jill Biden Thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries

They are definitely asking to ban things, you fucking idiot
Arguing what is freedom and what is not has been tossed out the window for propaganda over the decades. We have opened up our society in a massive way and I am part of it as many here. We are a ph uked up people in a general way now. There are many damaged men and women in the Western World and especially the United States.
They aren't your kids either are they you "lame ass piece of shit." . You don't have any in school do you. You haven't had any in this Millennia yes?

The library is for all the children, not just the children of the ChristoMAGAs who barely graduated from the 8th grade. but you want to control all of them.
Don't send your thick tongued chitlens to this school. Find one that provides 6 year old kids porn. Problem solved.
“Porn” like Catch -22? Catcher in the Rye? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

Like that?
Your party is owned by Christianity, the most prolific groomers and child sex traffickers in the history of mankind. Go fuck yourself.

Do explain.

I'm not talking about placating the religious zealots. I'm talking about the books being found in libraries that explicitly depict sexual acts and pedophilia. The fact that removing is these materials is actually a controversy is astounding to me.

Although you might be a dumbass (actually you definitely are) at least you don't defend immoral and illegal activity.

YES it does if you’re a good parent. So fuck you you defender of porn in elementary libraries.

I don't think he's a defender I think he's just confused.

Nope, I’m claiming the headline about porn is fake news

With all due respect (as you already know you have it from me even when we disagree with one another no matter what anybody else says) how do you know?
Very true. However you're defining grooming as the the LGBT stuff you don't like. Thats you. Other parents are just fine. But your group is the one that wants to ban things for everyone.
Sexual things have no place in the American education system.

Teachers were forbidden to discuss sexuality when I was in school lest they be fired on the spot.

Trust me, we razzed the crap out of some of them trying to get them to slip up.

Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Wow. Quite the fake Catholic mom. Another filthy degenerate Biden.
The Bible has sex in it and murder, adultery and other assorted sins of hans, yet, it is a revered book.
Casually polling the membership of USMB, I conclude that the people who would likely vote the opposite way from you and I number only about 30%. They know they'd lose. They're terrified.
Correct. They know most states voted against same-sex marriage when it was put to a vote, and that's why it went to to the Supreme Court. That's what they always did when they knew something couldn't pass the people. That's why they're so frightened about this Court returning marriage laws to the states. We're getting hip to their ways and they're angry about it.
I agree.

Why can't we call a perv a perv?

There are secrets here.

Meister, hey buddy can you remind us again why we're not allowed to call anybody pedophiles? There's too many people in this thread defending this shit. Could it be an exception this time please?
What happens is that term is extremely effective. Libs don’t want extremely effective used on them. They mandate “lighter” rebuttals

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