Jim DeMint & the Conservative Message

Jim Demint is not considered Conservative, he is a part of an extreme faction of the Republican party. Teaparty/Christian Right. I wouldn't take anything he has to say seriously. He isn't even very bright.
Jim Demint is not considered Conservative, he is a part of an extreme faction of the Republican party. Teaparty/Christian Right. I wouldn't take anything he has to say seriously. He isn't even very bright.

I think he makes good points in the piece, though. He suggests essentially doing a marketing study on the messaging to determine precisely why it isn't working. Personally I don't think identifying the problems would exactly take rocket science, but at least he admits the messaging has been lousy and offers a strategy for improving it. Unlike what most of the hard Right has been doing...

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Jim Demint is not considered Conservative, he is a part of an extreme faction of the Republican party. Teaparty/Christian Right. I wouldn't take anything he has to say seriously. He isn't even very bright.

I think he makes good points in the piece, though. He suggests essentially doing a marketing study on the messaging to determine precisely why it isn't working. Personally I don't think identifying the problems would exactly take rocket science, but at least he admits the messaging has been lousy and at offers a strategy for improving it. Unlike what most of the hard Right has been doing...


My personal opinion: 1) I've never liked DeMint. 2) It's is stupid to call the GOP problems a "marketing" or "messaging" problem. The problems are not cosmetic - they are policy. His is proposing an in-dpth study to determine what shade of lipstick to put on a pig. If they GOP REALLY wants to rebound, they need to start by shedding some ballast. Lose the moral, religious, racial superiority and just focus on fiscal responsibility. Moderates (the group they lost BIGTIME in the last election) will get back onboard IF they do that. Just MHO.
Jim Demint is not considered Conservative, he is a part of an extreme faction of the Republican party. Teaparty/Christian Right. I wouldn't take anything he has to say seriously. He isn't even very bright.

I think he makes good points in the piece, though. He suggests essentially doing a marketing study on the messaging to determine precisely why it isn't working. Personally I don't think identifying the problems would exactly take rocket science, but at least he admits the messaging has been lousy and at offers a strategy for improving it. Unlike what most of the hard Right has been doing...


My personal opinion: 1) I've never liked DeMint. 2) It's is stupid to call the GOP problems a "marketing" or "messaging" problem. The problems are not cosmetic - they are policy. His is proposing an in-dpth study to determine what shade of lipstick to put on a pig. If they GOP REALLY wants to rebound, they need to start by shedding some ballast. Lose the moral, religious, racial superiority and just focus on fiscal responsibility. Moderates (the group they lost BIGTIME in the last election) will get back onboard IF they do that. Just MHO.

I understand that argument, but I'd be curious to see if the GOP could do better (a) without changing its issues AND (b) without so often looking like such.... well, you know.

I think he makes good points in the piece, though. He suggests essentially doing a marketing study on the messaging to determine precisely why it isn't working. Personally I don't think identifying the problems would exactly take rocket science, but at least he admits the messaging has been lousy and at offers a strategy for improving it. Unlike what most of the hard Right has been doing...


My personal opinion: 1) I've never liked DeMint. 2) It's is stupid to call the GOP problems a "marketing" or "messaging" problem. The problems are not cosmetic - they are policy. His is proposing an in-dpth study to determine what shade of lipstick to put on a pig. If they GOP REALLY wants to rebound, they need to start by shedding some ballast. Lose the moral, religious, racial superiority and just focus on fiscal responsibility. Moderates (the group they lost BIGTIME in the last election) will get back onboard IF they do that. Just MHO.

I understand that argument, but I'd be curious to see if the GOP could do better (a) without changing its issues AND (b) without so often looking like such.... well, you know.


Just my humble opinion Mac, but I'm not sure you can get Latinos to agree with you on "self deport," I don't think "no abortions for any reason" is going to fly, I doubt that discrimination against gays is ever gonna be a winner, and standing between women and their right to sue for equal pay is NEVER gonna be popular - No matter how you spin them.

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