Jim Jordan Calls on Anthony Fauci to Resign: If He 'Had Any Sense of Honor Left'

Fraudci Cultists are cute. Can't talk about the fact Fraudci funded GOF at Wuhan, and then lied about it under oath.

All they can do is piss their Depends about Jim Jordan.

I thought the revelation he funded puppy torture would turn a few of them, but the Cult is strong.

Shows just how weak their position is.
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Is this for BLM and Antifa? Haven't small businesses suffered enough?
No dumbass, Molotov Cocktails and Throwing Bricks (spontaneous riot gear) were on sale last year. It's Mob Violence season. Of course we still have those, but you'll need to fill out the special order form. Full price too.
No dumbass, Molotov Cocktails and Throwing Bricks were on sale last year. It's Mob Violence season. Of course we still have those, but you'll need to fill out the special order form. Full price too.
so BLM and Antifa must have had a field day. How much did you buy?
Regardless of your personal feelings toward Fauci, the guy really needs to go.
Whether deserved or not, millions of Americans do not trust him, and he causes polarization. If he truly loves this country, and truly desires to see this pandemic end, he would pass the torch to a new spokesperson, a new voice. Someone who can take the spotlight off of themselves, and focus it on the pandemic itself.

too much like right

aint gonna do it
aint gonna do it
No dumbass, Molotov Cocktails and Throwing Bricks (spontaneous riot gear) were on sale last year. It's Mob Violence season. Of course we still have those, but you'll need to fill out the special order form. Full price too.

So Biden's rampant inflation is hitting the purses of you Leftwing Domestic Terrorists, huh?
Lesh The GOP needs to find their backbone and stand up against the little Napoleonic Covid tyrant. Fire him and then open the investigation on the NIH, Fauci and the Wuhan Lab. We spent 2 1/2 years investigating "Russian Collusion" we sure as shit should investigate the perpetrators of the worst pandemic in 100 years.
totally agree

are we sick of just about everyone in DC yet?

dumb question

actually, i don't know where the great Fauci lives... la la land, i hear
I like Jim Jordan, I think --- he could be a vice-president for Abbott or DeSantis.
So Biden's rampant inflation is hitting the purses of you Leftwing Domestic Terrorists, huh?

Nah, the Right wing kooks are keeping the Pitch Fork factory running at full capacity and the Tiki Torch line is always running 24/7.
Nah, the Right wing kooks are keeping the Pitch Fork factory running at full capacity and the Tiki Torch line is always running 24/7.
So, smart productive folks on the right are getting rich making ordinary, everyday things you Dimtard Domestic Terrorists turn into weapons of terrorism.

Got it.
No I think he a jerk because he knew the OSU was abusing those boys and he is a fool.

And you actually believe that cock&bull story from the same people that gave you Jan 6th and the Russian Collusion scandal.
Clearly you're an idiot.
Fuck that. You want him gone because you don't like him..."whether he deserves it or not"?

Fuck off.

And fuck Gym Jordan. HE ought to resign.
He should've been fired in the eighties.
Where is PETA calling for the Puppy Killer?
Regardless of your personal feelings toward Fauci, the guy really needs to go.
Whether deserved or not, millions of Americans do not trust him, and he causes polarization. If he truly loves this country, and truly desires to see this pandemic end, he would pass the torch to a new spokesperson, a new voice. Someone who can take the spotlight off of themselves, and focus it on the pandemic itself.

The second one I heard, Jim Jordan and Rand Paul can go to hell and they should both resign.

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