Jimmy Carter Rushed To Hospital For Emergency Surgery To Relieve Pressure From A Brain Bleed

Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
He authorized a rescue attempt not a bombing or military invasion like was being demanded in the Conservative press

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Iran

Is what they demanded

That was a song on the radio. You're saying that Jimmy Carter authorized a failed hostage rescue because of a song on the radio?

What an idiot. :laughing0301:
I think that was Carters humanitarian side. He looked at the Shah as a long time US ally who needed medical treatment

He was a cruel and evil man, not sure why Carter thought he was any different.
The Shah of Iran was a cruel and evil dictator. But he was OUR cruel and evil dictator.

Carter sided with him over the Ayatollah, it led to the hostage crisis
What do you do? If we back one type of person we are nasty. If we back another type we are nasty. People of any nation need to want freedoms whatever the costs. People in Cuba fought for communism. The result not so good. The Soviet Union the same. As other nations. We at times are a reluctant global policeman who have interfered with a lot of nations. Do we back dictators? Do we remove them? Carter was a good man elected in a wrong time with questionable policies during an economic malaise. Presidents can be elected in favorable times and seem to be remembered fondly. America at the time was looking for a man who relaxed them after the past decade of war and domestic unrest over that and social issues. Which led to Reagan who kept the calm and more and gave us economic growth with prosperity. At the same time of the Shah we seemed to let the Ayatollah who was not In Iran percolate into someone important. The helicopters we used were built for a war with Russia. They did not fly well with sand that corrupted the engines. Supposedly at that time according to the newspapers there were stories that Israel had better filters and refused to give them to us. Even today the V 22 Marine helicopter is not the perfect desert air device because its huge rotors kick up a lot of dust depending on the desert terrain.
Carter was a good man put in a bad situation.
Iran was a no win situation. Decades of bad US policy has ruined our position in the region. The Shah was a US puppet who was hated in his own country. The Ayatollah was a religious nut leading his country back to the Stone Age
Once the hostages were taken, we were not in a good bargaining position. Hard to deal rationally with religious fanatics
Keep in mind we had just gotten out of Vietnam five years earlier. Engaging in another war was not that popular

Carter seemed in and over is head from the minute he stepped into office and until he left. Just didn't like his decision making process.
Carter was trying too hard to please everyone. He also had a basic moral character where he wanted to be fair

Not good traits for a politician
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
He authorized a rescue attempt not a bombing or military invasion like was being demanded in the Conservative press

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Iran

Is what they demanded

That was a song on the radio. You're saying that Jimmy Carter authorized a failed hostage rescue because of a song on the radio?

What an idiot. :laughing0301:
Actually, he didn’t bomb, did he?
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
He authorized a rescue attempt not a bombing or military invasion like was being demanded in the Conservative press

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Iran

Is what they demanded

That was a song on the radio. You're saying that Jimmy Carter authorized a failed hostage rescue because of a song on the radio?

What an idiot. :laughing0301:

Yeah. Yeah that's what he's saying. He's saying that famous pop singer John McCain had a smash hit in the '70s, and when he did it at a political rally he was doing an oldies show from 25 years prior.

What an idiot.
That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".
That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
Too late for that
The revolution had already started
That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
He authorized a rescue attempt not a bombing or military invasion like was being demanded in the Conservative press

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Iran

Is what they demanded

That was a song on the radio. You're saying that Jimmy Carter authorized a failed hostage rescue because of a song on the radio?

What an idiot. :laughing0301:

Yeah. Yeah that's what he's saying. He's saying that famous pop singer John McCain had a smash hit in the '70s, and when he did it at a political rally he was doing an oldies show from 25 years prior.

What an idiot.

Your knowledge is so limited that you think that song was written during McCain's tenure. It originally had nothing to do with McCain..

Bomb Iran - Wikipedia
That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
If Reagan was so tough with Iran, why did he have to put together an Arms for Hostages deal?
As long as he dies.

Second worst president in history - gave North Korea nukes in an act of outright treason. There is a special place in hell waiting for Jimmy.
Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.

When did He have his Brain Implanted ? He didn't have one in 1979! :dig:
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
If Reagan was so tough with Iran, why did he have to put together an Arms for Hostages deal?

Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".

My God! How stupid are you???

The negotiations didn't even take place until 1980 and 1981. Carter tried to negotiate with the Iranians but failed. The hostages were released one minute after Reagan was sworn in.

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Gawd, you leftards are an ignorant bunch, aren't you?
Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".

My God! How stupid are you???

The negotiations didn't even take place until 1980 and 1981. Carter tried to negotiate with the Iranians but failed. The hostages were released one minute after Reagan was sworn in.

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Gawd, you leftards are an ignorant bunch, aren't you?

Yeah and guess who the President was in 1980 Dumbass.

Algiers Accords

We did this about a hundred posts ago. It STILL hasn't changed. Sorry, history is not negotiable. When Reagan was sworn in they were already on their way. And when their plane landed in Germany Carter was there to meet them.
Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
If Reagan was so tough with Iran, why did he have to put together an Arms for Hostages deal?


Instead of stupidly parroting a leftist bumper sticker, how about learning a little something about Reagan's magnificent economy?

How President Reagan Ended the 1980s Recession
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?
If Reagan was so tough with Iran, why did he have to put together an Arms for Hostages deal?


Instead of stupidly parroting a leftist bumper sticker, how about learning a little something about Reagan's magnificent economy?

How President Reagan Ended the 1980s Recession

Quick! Change the subject! Aiieeee!
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".

My God! How stupid are you???

The negotiations didn't even take place until 1980 and 1981. Carter tried to negotiate with the Iranians but failed. The hostages were released one minute after Reagan was sworn in.

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Gawd, you leftards are an ignorant bunch, aren't you?

Yeah and guess who the President was in 1980 Dumbass.

Algiers Accords

We did this about a hundred posts ago. It STILL hasn't changed. Sorry, history is not negotiable. When Reagan was sworn in they were already on their way. And when their plane landed in Germany Carter was there to meet them.

The Algiers Accord was nothing more than the US bowing down to Iran's demands. In other words, Jimmy Carter negotiated a surrender to them before leaving office.

"The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords"[13] of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982. In total, it received approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims. The Tribunal has ordered payments by Iran to U.S. nationals totaling over $2.5 billion. Almost all private claims have now been resolved, but several intergovernmental claims are still before the Tribunal."

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Carter was still the weakest, most incompetent, and most ineffectual President this country has ever seen. It was his lousy Presidency that gave rise to radical fundamentalist Islam, and he will take that to the grave with him.
He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".

My God! How stupid are you???

The negotiations didn't even take place until 1980 and 1981. Carter tried to negotiate with the Iranians but failed. The hostages were released one minute after Reagan was sworn in.

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Gawd, you leftards are an ignorant bunch, aren't you?

Yeah and guess who the President was in 1980 Dumbass.

Algiers Accords

We did this about a hundred posts ago. It STILL hasn't changed. Sorry, history is not negotiable. When Reagan was sworn in they were already on their way. And when their plane landed in Germany Carter was there to meet them.

The Algiers Accord was nothing more than the US bowing down to Iran's demands. In other words, Jimmy Carter negotiated a surrender to them before leaving office.

"The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords"[13] of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982. In total, it received approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims. The Tribunal has ordered payments by Iran to U.S. nationals totaling over $2.5 billion. Almost all private claims have now been resolved, but several intergovernmental claims are still before the Tribunal."

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Carter was still the weakest, most incompetent, and most ineffectual President this country has ever seen. It was his lousy Presidency that gave rise to radical fundamentalist Islam, and he will take that to the grave with him.

So let's see if we follow here.

First, Carter dindu nuffin because Super-Reagan big strong he-man, all he has to do is show up and everybody scrambles, huzzah huzzah. Then when that's proved wrong it's OK Carter did it but it was "bowing down" and shit. Same action, suddenly transmogrified from heroism to shame.

And oh yeah the last part of that, 'bowing down to dick-tators' --- while offering no acknowledgment at all of our installation OF a dick-tator after engineering a coup against the democratically elected head of state.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
No. The Shah should have remained in Iran, and the President should have backed him militarily in order to put down the radical Islamic insurgency.

But he didn't have the balls to pull off something like that. He couldn't even get those hostages rescued, instead of sending eight brave American soldiers to their deaths.

Iran sure as shit released them when Reagan was elected though. They knew that he didn't fuck around, sorta like President Trump, ya know?

Yeah that's a cute fantasy and all but as has been established over and over it was Carter who got them freed.

Moreover we would have had no business "militarily backing" that puppet we installed in 1953 despite the elected head of state Iran already had. Go search eBay for "history books".

My God! How stupid are you???

The negotiations didn't even take place until 1980 and 1981. Carter tried to negotiate with the Iranians but failed. The hostages were released one minute after Reagan was sworn in.

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Gawd, you leftards are an ignorant bunch, aren't you?

Yeah and guess who the President was in 1980 Dumbass.

Algiers Accords

We did this about a hundred posts ago. It STILL hasn't changed. Sorry, history is not negotiable. When Reagan was sworn in they were already on their way. And when their plane landed in Germany Carter was there to meet them.

The Algiers Accord was nothing more than the US bowing down to Iran's demands. In other words, Jimmy Carter negotiated a surrender to them before leaving office.

"The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords"[13] of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982. In total, it received approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims. The Tribunal has ordered payments by Iran to U.S. nationals totaling over $2.5 billion. Almost all private claims have now been resolved, but several intergovernmental claims are still before the Tribunal."

Iran hostage crisis negotiations - Wikipedia

Carter was still the weakest, most incompetent, and most ineffectual President this country has ever seen. It was his lousy Presidency that gave rise to radical fundamentalist Islam, and he will take that to the grave with him.

So let's see if we follow here.

First, Carter dindu nuffin because Super-Reagan big strong he-man, all he has to do is show up and everybody scrambles, huzzah huzzah. Then when that's proved wrong it's OK Carter did it but it was "bowing down" and shit. Same action, suddenly transmogrified from heroism to shame.

And oh yeah the last part of that, 'bowing down to dick-tators' --- while offering no acknowledgment at all of our installation OF a dick-tator after engineering a coup against the democratically elected head of state.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Want to take a guess as to how many times your beloved "Saint Carter" has schmoozed with, shaken hands with, sucked up to, slobbered on, and generally kissed the asses of radical Islamic terrorist leaders throughout the world?

Go ahead: Take a wild guess.

Or spend the rest of the evening researching what I just informed you of, if you'd like. Maybe you'll gain an IQ point or two. Or maybe not.

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