Jimmy Carter Rushed To Hospital For Emergency Surgery To Relieve Pressure From A Brain Bleed

Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term
Na, not really
He just like Gerald Ford and Bush Senior are forgotten presidents
Sorry but I can't hold back...
Carter was a disaster that is still fresh in my memory. The only White House personality that was more rude to the secret service and the military aside from him was Hillary Clinton and that's saying something. His fundamentalist viewpoints which I don't normally disagree with were perverted and morphed into narcissistic, self righteous piece of shit territory..... I could go on but why bother?

I do give him credit for all of his years of work with habitat for humanity... And his brief stint in the US military. As far as being decent and polite to the left it's a waste of time. Trump will piss on his grave much to the dysfunctional OP'S dismay and probably Ginsburg's too.
I simply cannot have fellow feeling the people who have intellectually canceled out large sections of the human race for differences of viewpoint. Carter and Ginsberg both fit into that category.

Yes, Carter was an elitist asshole and complete failure as POTUS. Until Obama, Carter was the worst POTUS in my lifetime.

Pissing on a grave, even metaphorically, is a selfish act with no real purpose.

God judges the dead, and does so quite well.

I will defer to your better judgement
Only insofar as to say that if anything good comes from pacifying the left it doesn't come from men.

Other than that it's a mistake to trust them, turn your back on them or even be nice to them. They just use it to gut you in your sleep.

Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Your recollection of history is weak. Carter did try to use military force to free the hostages and it was a complete clusterfuck of biblical proportions. Eight American soldiers died in Carter's failed operation.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia
He authorized a rescue attempt not a bombing or military invasion like was being demanded in the Conservative press

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Iran

Is what they demanded
You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

What happened to your doggy?


I suspect this person is an imposter. It's use of cultural terminology is forced and unnatural. Pretending to be a minority..
Clumsily constructed hot button psychology
From behind a hot glass bowl no doubt.


Its truth matters..

An old poster

Figures....it's pretty easy to see the synthetic layers of attempted cultural theft and I also recognize the patterns of a poser....a person with more than one posting moniker ....

He/she/it is trying to sound Ghetto but lacks the genuine speech patterns needed to Barf out a genuine diatribe ...truly an identity crisis on wheels


You do take "retarded" to a new level. No wonder you sign with "JO".

Democrats on this forum are some
Deranged fcuks! And thank you for being you lol

Carter had his good points....but I still have a bladder full of liquid blessing waiting for his grave top.


--- and then you whine about being called "deplorable". The level of cluelessness is just too damn high.
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass

And yet ---- he did get them released without your primitive knuckledragging kill-em-all sociopathic dumbfuckery.

Guess that makes him a bit smarter than you although that ain't saying a whole lot when your value system consists of nothing deeper than "put a boot up your ass". SMH

Economically, Carter was a conservative. He balanced his budgets.
Facing a recession, he refused to use deficit spending to spike the economy. When Reagan tripled the deficit, it was called an economic miracle

I think so yeah. Appeal to the Knuckledraggers goes a long way with the electorate. Or as it's also put, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. The post quoted above for example.
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Iran took the hostages because Carter allowed the Shah to come to the US for medical treatment

If Iran feared Reagan, why did Reagan have to trade arms for hostages ?
Reagan didn't have to do anything. He chose to do what he did.

You have to be painfully stupid to think, or even say, Carter freed the hostages.

Let Carter either recover or die without using his illness to try to insult Reagan... Mmm K?

Actually all you have to do to know that is consult, say, "Wikipedia" Or "history books".

Algiers Accords

Nuttin' like putting your foot in your mouth because you didn't bother to look something up.
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Jimmy Carter had the balls to stand up to the radical right who were demanding military action against Iran. In the end, all hostages were returned safely. A military attack, even if it resulted in hostage deaths would have ensured a second term.

The hostages were returned after Carter lost reelection and Reagan was elected.
The release was negotiated before Carter left office...the actual release was done once Reagan was elected to make Reagan look better.....I suspect you know this, but I never expected a republican to be honest about anything other than their own depravity..

Actually the release was delayed due to the Iran-Iraq war. The plane would have left the previous day but no flights were allowed at night.

Then of course that infamous "liburrul media" proceeded to juxtapose shots of the plane taking off with Reagan taking office, as if they were related, just because it made for ratings, leading to the ignorance of SMEGMAman and others too dense to notice that nobody ever actually SAID that. They just took the bait and ran with it.

Carter left the inauguration and flew out to meet them in Germany, their first stop in freedom. It speaks volumes of their dishonesty that the SMEGMAmans of the board want to ignore all that and go "b-but but Reagan". :eusa_hand:

It also speaks of their density that they can't figure out when somebody does something positive unless they crow about it going HEY LOOKA ME LOOK WHAT I DID, oblivious to the fact that there are those among us humble enough to do the right thing for its own sake and don't feel the need to go ME ME ME over it because the important thing is that the right thing got done and not ME ME ME. That people would walk around with that degree of density is incomprehensible, but the fact that that density exists, kind of explains a lot.
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The release was negotiated before Carter left office...the actual release was done once Reagan was elected to make Reagan look better.....I suspect you know this, but I never expected a republican to be honest about anything other than their own depravity..
The release was negotiated BECAUSE Carter was leaving office.

If that were true and they wanted to show a cause-and-effect, it would have been scheduled for AFTER Reagan took office, Dumbass.

Warren Christopher is the dude who got it done. There's nothing you can do about that.
Reagan did nothing to free the hostages other than not being Carter

Carter negotiated their safe release
Not being Carter, and being Reagan is how Reagan freed the hostages as President Elect.

Here's ^^ a klown who proudly trots out his own ignorance and then crows about it.

Cult of Ignorance. Hard to believe.

Oh btw, on this planet a President-Elect does not have any power to negotiate agreements. Welcome to our country, please read the TOS. They're in the Constitution.
Jimmy Carter had the balls to stand up to the radical right who were demanding military action against Iran. In the end, all hostages were returned safely. A military attack, even if it resulted in hostage deaths would have ensured a second term.

The hostages were returned after Carter lost reelection and Reagan was elected.
The release was negotiated before Carter left office...the actual release was done once Reagan was elected to make Reagan look better.....I suspect you know this, but I never expected a republican to be honest about anything other than their own depravity..

Actually the release was delayed due to the Iran-Iraq war. The plane would have left the previous day but no flights were allowed at night.

Then of course that infamous "liburrul media" proceeded to juxtapose shots of the plane taking off with Reagan taking office, as if they were related, just because it made for ratings, leading to the ignorance of SMEGMAman and others too dense to notice that nobody ever actually SAID that. They just took the bait and ran with it.

Carter left the inauguration and flew out to meet them in Germany, their first stop in freedom. It speaks volumes of their dishonesty that the SMEGMAmans of the board want to ignore all that and go "b-but but Reagan". :eusa_hand:

It also speaks of their density that they can't figure out when somebody does something positive unless they crow about it going HEY LOOKA ME LOOK WHAT I DID, oblivious to the fact that there are those among us humble enough to do the right thing for its own sake and don't feel the need to go ME ME ME over it because the important thing is that the right thing got done and not ME ME ME. That people would walk around with that degree of density is incomprehensible, but the fact that that density exists, kind of explains a lot.
Yea, I don't recall seeing any footage of Carter flying out to Germany and ordering hostages to bow before his feet in thanks …..guess Carter wasn't a man's man....
Jimmy Carter had the balls to stand up to the radical right who were demanding military action against Iran. In the end, all hostages were returned safely. A military attack, even if it resulted in hostage deaths would have ensured a second term.

The hostages were returned after Carter lost reelection and Reagan was elected.
The release was negotiated before Carter left office...the actual release was done once Reagan was elected to make Reagan look better.....I suspect you know this, but I never expected a republican to be honest about anything other than their own depravity..

Actually the release was delayed due to the Iran-Iraq war. The plane would have left the previous day but no flights were allowed at night.

Then of course that infamous "liburrul media" proceeded to juxtapose shots of the plane taking off with Reagan taking office, as if they were related, just because it made for ratings, leading to the ignorance of SMEGMAman and others too dense to notice that nobody ever actually SAID that. They just took the bait and ran with it.

Carter left the inauguration and flew out to meet them in Germany, their first stop in freedom. It speaks volumes of their dishonesty that the SMEGMAmans of the board want to ignore all that and go "b-but but Reagan". :eusa_hand:

It also speaks of their density that they can't figure out when somebody does something positive unless they crow about it going HEY LOOKA ME LOOK WHAT I DID, oblivious to the fact that there are those among us humble enough to do the right thing for its own sake and don't feel the need to go ME ME ME over it because the important thing is that the right thing got done and not ME ME ME. That people would walk around with that degree of density is incomprehensible, but the fact that that density exists, kind of explains a lot.
Yea, I don't recall seeing any footage of Carter flying out to Germany and ordering hostages to bow before his feet in thanks …..guess Carter wasn't a man's man....

Zackly. The point was to do it for them, not to cash in on publicity for ME ME ME. Somehow the integrity of that approach flies right over some people's hoods.
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?

The ill-advised rescue mission did fail. The diplomatic mission did not.
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

Which taken by itself speaks volumes about our values, and not in any good way.

Or as SIL put it, "put a boot in their ass" just before a series of grunting noises. Eloquent.
Carter is respected around the world for his humanitarian acts and his diplomacy

Great man
Jimmy who?

That hostage thing went on to long. Shoulda said release them or we're gonna put a boot up your ass
Exactly what made Carter great

Using military force to free hostages would likely lead to hostage deaths. Carter was willing to appear to be weak in order to safely negotiate the hostages release

The easiest course of action would have been to go all badass, kill Iranians and write off any hostage deaths as the price to be paid

If he had done so, he would have gotten a second term

Didn't Carter's attempted military mission fail? No hostages died however several military personal and an Iranian civilian died. That failed military force led to Vance resigning as Secretary of State.

Is there another version that you are going by?
Carter attempted a rescue mission which failed miserably

What I am talking about is the bombing/ invasion that hawks were advocating. Because he refused, Carter was looked at as weak

He should have never let the Shah into the United States, we backed the wrong guy, again.

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