JMA put June at warmest on record, +0.76 C the 20th century baseline.

JMA put June at warmest on record, +0.76 C the 20th century baseline. Also read this interesting blogpost from Dr. Sobel. Talks about the extreme state of the Pacific and record MJO thanks to the warm Pacific, some of that related to ENSO. Increasing MJO and AAM in the future will lead to further warming of the poles


Ive been waiting for someone to post this crap... And then to tell them to use real data not the model they used to create this fake rise.. Karl Et. Al. is a huge pile of crap and it is being used by propagandists all over the world..
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RSS and UAH say nope!
Global Temperature Report: May 2015
Third warmest May in satellite record

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.11 C per decade

May temperatures (preliminary)

Global composite temp.: +0.27 C (about 0.49 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for May.

Northern Hemisphere: +0.33 C (about 0.59 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for May.

Southern Hemisphere: +0.21 C (about 0.38 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for May.

Tropics: +0.27 C (about 0.49 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for May.

And June is the same way. Exaggerations of Karl Et Al are propaganda at its finest.

Source: Global Temperature Report UAHuntsville
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JMA put June at warmest on record, +0.76 C the 20th century baseline. Also read this interesting blogpost from Dr. Sobel. Talks about the extreme state of the Pacific and record MJO thanks to the warm Pacific, some of that related to ENSO. Increasing MJO and AAM in the future will lead to further warming of the poles


So what?

It's the Sun, stupid!

At some Point there must be a reckoning of the divergence. The fiddled data sets of NOAA and GISS vs reality of RSS and UAH, We are at a point today that the errors of gross data manipulations by the NOAA and GISS (NECI) boys must be addressed. it has now become an intentional fraud/deception issue. The US CRN tracks with RSS and UAH while diverging from the NOAA and GISS crap.

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