Job Creators Boost Economy


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Consumers consume, the economy grows - duh!

U.S. economy notches its best performance in over a decade
by John Kell
December 23, 2014


Economists had projected a 4.3% jump in GDP for the latest reading of the economy, according to a poll conducted by Bloomberg. And no economist polled by Bloomberg had expected a revision as high as the Commerce Department reported: the consensus range was between 4% to 4.5%.

The improved reading was a result of an increase in personal consumption that was more than the Commerce Department had initially reported, as well as greater federal, state and local government spending, an increase in exports and residential fixed investment. Imports, however, decreased.
There had been some indications the economy was performing well even before the Commerce Department report.

Retail sales leapt a better-than-expected 0.7% in November, the strongest growth the Commerce Department has reported since March of this year. Fortune earlier this week reported that U.S. shoppers spent a record $42 billion on Saturday and Sunday, the final weekend before Christmas, signaling Americans are perhaps more willing to open up their wallets as they enjoy savings from lower prices at the pump and feel emboldened by a stronger stock market and improvements in housing and employment.
A consumer society is predicated on consumers consuming, workers having money to consume, which propels the economy. Job creators my ass.
So you're calling Obama and his health care scam a "job creator"?

Only Dan Daly is calling "Obama and his health care scam a 'job creator'".
A consumer society is predicated on consumers consuming, workers having money to consume, which propels the economy. Job creators my ass.
Exactly. You know Republicans on this board think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory which proves Democrats know nothing about economics. The idea of "supply and demand" is so simple and obvious, you would think even simpletons would get it.
A consumer society is predicated on consumers consuming, workers having money to consume, which propels the economy. Job creators my ass.

Only the idiotic right thinks a supply side economy grows the economy.

Jobs are - wages are - gas prices are - consumer spending is - the DJIA is - and-----and the prospect of President Hillary is looking way. Damn, I was hoping for President Elizabeth but-----but I'll take the...

"Economic boom?"

Higher growth and consumer confidence could reshape politics
By Ben White

The latest evidence of strength came in a report on Tuesday showing growth expanded at a robust 5 percent pace in the third quarter of 2014, the fastest speed in over a decade. The news helped drive the Dow Jones Industrial Average above 18,000 for the first time ever in a bull market charge that began six years ago and shows no signs of slowing.

Plenty of risks to the U.S. economy remain including a collapse in the Russian economy, slow downs in Europe and Asia, an unstable Middle East and the prospect of interest rate hikes coming next year. The housing market remains sluggish. But for now, the third quarter growth number shows that lower gas prices, an increase in employee wages and the healthy state of consumers and businesses bottom lines have lit a booster rocket under the American economy.

“This is a wow number.
And it comes on heels of another wow number which was the November employment report,” said Mohamed A. El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz. “Broad measures show the U.S. economy is finally building broad-based momentum and that is a good thing because it means Main Street will finally start to benefit a lot more.”

The broad-based growth began to show up in the November employment report, which showed a strong gain of 321,000 jobs. More importantly, it showed wages doubling their dismal recent pace of 0.2 gains, suggesting employers finally feel pressure to pay workers more.

For almost all of the recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, take-home pay has been stagnant, leading to deeply sour feelings among Americans about the economy and helping drive down President Barack Obama’s approval ratings...

What's your point?
Even if your article included the third quarter of 2014 (it doesn't) you'd still be talking about a product that has to have consumers with enough money to consume the product the oil and gas folks (dem bones) are producing and-----and as your c&ped chart and article points out, even way back during the time period 2007-2012 that the article/chart covers, the oil and gas industry created 162K jobs while during the same time span the private sector created over a million jobs. And-----and you chose the time period when the country was still recovering from the Republican/Bush recession -pewsh!-


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