Job growth under democrat presidents verses republican...gee I wonder who has the HUGE edge?

Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation PolitiFact

Believe it. Their source is straight from the BLS.

Republican score: 24 million private jobs

Democrat score: 42 million private jobs

Government doesn't create jobs, it doesn't create economic value. Your thread is an immediate fail.
Govenment certainly does create jobs.

Not net jobs. You don't know what that means, do you? Tell the truth, you think it involves the web.
Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation PolitiFact

Believe it. Their source is straight from the BLS.

Republican score: 24 million private jobs

Democrat score: 42 million private jobs

Government doesn't create jobs, it doesn't create economic value. Your thread is an immediate fail.
Govenment certainly does create jobs.
Not the federal government unless you are talking public sector jobs
It does. Unemployment benefits and food stamps pumps money into the market through consumer spending. Consumer spending helps businesses which creates jobs.

Yes, taking money from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who doesn't creates jobs, LOL. Liberalism is a religion.
Government doesn't create jobs, it doesn't create economic value. Your thread is an immediate fail.
Govenment certainly does create jobs.
Not the federal government unless you are talking public sector jobs
It does. Unemployment benefits and food stamps pumps money into the market through consumer spending. Consumer spending helps businesses which creates jobs.
who pays for that? Dont you u
What pays for tax cuts? Government spending Is government spending.

Gotcha, Karl. All property belongs to the people, and by people you mean politicians. When government doesn't take someone's money, that is spending. There is no reasoning with a Marxist.
Are you incapable of going to the website yourself?
Are you capable of any critical thinking at all?

I can go to the BLS and get all the data I want. I can even get that data to say anything I want it to. Statistics, its a wonderful magic.

HOWEVER....since the article is making the the claim, I want to SEE the numbers THEY that I can determine how they came to their go get them.
Lol dude you are such a tool. The BLS is non partisan government data. It's not like the site took the time to break down job creation by president. PolitiFact broke down the data itself using the info from the tables.

So, go get the data (I hate repeating myself and this will be the last time I ask) that politifact used so I can see their methodology. is owned by the Tampa Bay Times which is owned by the Poynter Institute.
Check out this web site to see the biased record of Poltifact. PolitiFact Bias About PolitiFact Bias FAQ
Read that page first as it explains how BIASED IS and in spite of their bias their proof as to the totally left leaning bias of owned by what is known by most intelligent readers as "Florida Pravda"..
The Tampa Bay Times, until Jan. 1, 2012, was known as The St. Petersburg Times (St. Pete Times or The Times for short). Known locally as the “Florida Pravda”, it has been an ultra-liberal anti-Republican paper for the past 65 years, but a good read.
GOP Greeted by Biased Tampa Bay Times
Lol they used BLS statistics. You can't get around that.

You know I am sure you people had no problem with the PolitiFact ruling about what Obama said about ACA.

Of course I had no problem with them accusing Hussein of being a LIAR regarding Obamacare!

One of the FEW FEW times they dare attack the Messiah because it was such a Blatant LIE!

Politifact even admits there never were 46 million "uninsured" as they agree with the census 10 million are not citizens as NOW Hussein does...
AFTER ACA was passed using the bogus number of 46 million!

But it gets worse regarding the 46 million phony number Politifact said was a lie!
Politifact NEVER seemed to comprehend that 14 million people who said they were uninsured ACTUALLY were eligible under Medicaid prior to ACA!
The fact Politifact ignores is this quote from the Census...

The CENSUS clearly states that of the 46 million there were 14 million THE CENSUS Counted as "uninsured" that were totally easily eligible for
Medicaid/SCHIP! So how in the hell would any administration that it can't get 14 million people registered then capable of administrating health care!

The CENSUS clearly states that of the 46 million there were 14 million THE CENSUS Counted as "uninsured" that were totally easily eligible for
Medicaid/SCHIP! So how in the hell would any administration that it can't get 14 million people registered then capable of administrating health care!

3) Finally is it FAIR to count people THAT DON"T WANT health insurance? That Don't NEED? Can afford?
18 million under 34 that chances of using $20,000 of services in one year are 1 out of 20.. They can afford (make over $50,000) but didn't want
their employers' health plans! 18 million!
Uninsured by Choice Update NCPA
Lol dude you are such a tool. The BLS is non partisan government data. It's not like the site took the time to break down job creation by president. PolitiFact broke down the data itself using the info from the tables.

So, go get the data (I hate repeating Myself and this will be the last time I ask) that politifact used so I can see their methodology.
You are such a moron. The data is from the BLS website. that is all the information you need you dumbshit. Go there. How dumb are you?
Okay, you are far to fucking stupid to even be online.

If politifact decided to add all the Democrat Presidents employment numbers since George Washington, and all the Republican Presidents since Ronald Reagan, then they could possibly get the numbers they have.

But YOU don't know if they did that or not, DO YOU?

And why don't you know that?

Because your lame fucking answer is go look at the website. It has all the data!

Do you even know what a methodology is?

God Damn but you can't think at all! You can't even comprehend the English language.
I'm sorry I wasn't listening. What?
I just went to the BLS and added up job creation by president.

My numbers come up with Republicans @ 341 million and Democrats @ 59 million.
341 million jobs in a country with 300 million men, women and children. Damn, that's some kind of a miracle.
Govenment certainly does create jobs.
Not the federal government unless you are talking public sector jobs
It does. Unemployment benefits and food stamps pumps money into the market through consumer spending. Consumer spending helps businesses which creates jobs.
who pays for that? Dont you u
What pays for tax cuts? Government spending Is government spending.

Gotcha, Karl. All property belongs to the people, and by people you mean politicians. When government doesn't take someone's money, that is spending. There is no reasoning with a Marxist.
So basically you are okay with the government paying for every thinf for you because you prefer not to pay taxes?
Not the federal government unless you are talking public sector jobs
It does. Unemployment benefits and food stamps pumps money into the market through consumer spending. Consumer spending helps businesses which creates jobs.
who pays for that? Dont you u
What pays for tax cuts? Government spending Is government spending.

Gotcha, Karl. All property belongs to the people, and by people you mean politicians. When government doesn't take someone's money, that is spending. There is no reasoning with a Marxist.
So basically you are okay with the government paying for every thinf for you because you prefer not to pay taxes?

Um...did you reply to the right post? That's just inane and has nothing to do with anything I said.
Not the federal government unless you are talking public sector jobs
It does. Unemployment benefits and food stamps pumps money into the market through consumer spending. Consumer spending helps businesses which creates jobs.
who pays for that? Dont you u
What pays for tax cuts? Government spending Is government spending.

Gotcha, Karl. All property belongs to the people, and by people you mean politicians. When government doesn't take someone's money, that is spending. There is no reasoning with a Marxist.
So basically you are okay with the government payfor every thinf for you because you prefer not to pay taxes?
Damn it Billy the government has no money, it is ours
Then post the BLS Numbers. Politifact making the statement means nothing.

I would like to see how the BLS breaks this down. do realize that jobs are a lagging indicator of...well, anything...

So, if a Democrat gets elected right after a Republican, does the Democrat benefit from the lag?

My thinking is, why yes he does.

But as I said. Post the link to the REAL BLS numbers this article used and let Me look at them.
Are you incapable of going to the website yourself?
Are you capable of any critical thinking at all?

I can go to the BLS and get all the data I want. I can even get that data to say anything I want it to. Statistics, its a wonderful magic.

HOWEVER....since the article is making the the claim, I want to SEE the numbers THEY that I can determine how they came to their go get them.
Lol dude you are such a tool. The BLS is non partisan government data. It's not like the site took the time to break down job creation by president. PolitiFact broke down the data itself using the info from the tables.

So, go get the data (I hate repeating Myself and this will be the last time I ask) that politifact used so I can see their methodology.
You are such a moron. The data is from the BLS website. that is all the information you need you dumbshit. Go there. How dumb are you?

As stupid as whoever paid for your education....and got ripped off.
It is now a tradition in the US: Republicans come to power and to reward their political benefactors give breaks, tax and otherwise, to business. A recession/depression starts. Democrats are then elected to clean up the recession/depression mess. Once cleaned up, Republicans then increase their charges that Democrats are Marxists and the only cure for communism is to elect Republicans. With Republicans then elected we start the whole process over again.
You are so full of shit, it is the times, were going to have to clean up Obamas mess now in iraq

So, go get the data (I hate repeating Myself and this will be the last time I ask) that politifact used so I can see their methodology.
You are such a moron. The data is from the BLS website. that is all the information you need you dumbshit. Go there. How dumb are you?
Okay, you are far to fucking stupid to even be online.

If politifact decided to add all the Democrat Presidents employment numbers since George Washington, and all the Republican Presidents since Ronald Reagan, then they could possibly get the numbers they have.

But YOU don't know if they did that or not, DO YOU?

And why don't you know that?

Because your lame fucking answer is go look at the website. It has all the data!

Do you even know what a methodology is?

God Damn but you can't think at all! You can't even comprehend the English language.
I'm sorry I wasn't listening. What?
I just went to the BLS and added up job creation by president.

My numbers come up with Republicans @ 341 million and Democrats @ 59 million.
341 million jobs in a country with 300 million men, women and children. Damn, that's some kind of a miracle.
yet, you're not curious as to how those numbers came to be.

Funny thing, the OP isn't curious about how poltifact arrived at their numbers either. Just took them at face value.
You are such a moron. The data is from the BLS website. that is all the information you need you dumbshit. Go there. How dumb are you?
Okay, you are far to fucking stupid to even be online.

If politifact decided to add all the Democrat Presidents employment numbers since George Washington, and all the Republican Presidents since Ronald Reagan, then they could possibly get the numbers they have.

But YOU don't know if they did that or not, DO YOU?

And why don't you know that?

Because your lame fucking answer is go look at the website. It has all the data!

Do you even know what a methodology is?

God Damn but you can't think at all! You can't even comprehend the English language.
I'm sorry I wasn't listening. What?
I just went to the BLS and added up job creation by president.

My numbers come up with Republicans @ 341 million and Democrats @ 59 million.
341 million jobs in a country with 300 million men, women and children. Damn, that's some kind of a miracle.
yet, you're not curious as to how those numbers came to be.

Funny thing, the OP isn't curious about how poltifact arrived at their numbers either. Just took them at face value.

Already pushed that back at her.

Never saw a response.
And now for the real story, and guess who took over congress in Clinton's term...

The Real Story Of Job Creation - Forbes
That was the "real story" 2 years ago.
But besides that, his math isn't adding up. January 2001 there were 130,672,000 non-farm payroll jobs (not seasonally adjusted) and in January 2009 there were 131,965,000 which is a change of 1,293,000 not 1,100,000

But in any case, since November 2012, when the article was published, the economy has grown by 5,287,000 non farm payroll jobs (not seasonally adjusted.
That was the "real story" 2 years ago.
But besides that, his math isn't adding up. January 2001 there were 130,672,000 non-farm payroll jobs (not seasonally adjusted) and in January 2009 there were 131,965,000 which is a change of 1,293,000 not 1,100,000

But in any case, since November 2012, when the article was published, the economy has grown by 5,287,000 non farm payroll jobs (not seasonally adjusted.
I'm familiar with the spin. But...

Missing Workers The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story Economic Policy Institute
Updated December 5, 2014

In a complex economy, conventional measures sometimes fall short.
In today’s labor market, the unemployment rate drastically understates the weakness of job opportunities. This is due to the existence of a large pool of “missing workers”—potential workers who, because of weak job opportunities, are neither employed nor actively seeking a job. In other words, these are people who wouldbe either working or looking for work if job opportunities were significantly stronger. Because jobless workers are only counted as unemployed if they are actively seeking work, these “missing workers” are not reflected in the unemployment rate.

As part of its ongoing effort to create the metrics needed to assess how well the economy is working for America’s broad middle class, EPI is introducing its “missing worker” estimates,which will be updated on this page on the first Friday of every month immediately after the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its jobs numbers. The “missing worker” estimates provide policymakers with a key gauge of the health of the labor market.



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