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Gold Member
May 23, 2012
Where are these jobs that boner and obama are focusing on?

China, but it looks like chinese workers are beginning to demand things, link below. Have to find a cheaper work force than china. In the meantime, obama is focusing on TPP but nobody cares. Just the usual dems vs repubs, he said, she said stuff on forum.
In the first link the american supervisor says he's been busy creating jobs in china, but the workers stil want more money, more hours.

US factory boss held hostage by workers in Beijing

For trans pacific partnership, nafta on steroids. I was hoping obama might turn out republican lite, on some issues, he's no different than a republican

Obama-Backed Trans-Pacific Partnership Expands Corporate Lawsuits Against Nations for Lost Profits | Democracy Now!
Job growth up - for foreign born workers...
Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers
September 6, 2013 -- Under President Barack Obama, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released today, the increase in the number of foreign-born people employed in the United States has been 52 percent greater than the increase in the number of native-born people employed.
In January 2009, when President Barack Obama first took office, says the BLS, there were 21,375,000 foreign-born people employed in the United States. In August 2013, there were 23,833,000 foreign-born workers employed in the United States. That means that since Obama took office the number of foreign-born people holding jobs inside the United States has increased by 2,458,000. By contrast, in January 2009, there were 119,061,000 native-born Americans employed in the United States, and, in August 2013, there were 120,676,000—an increase of 1,615,000.

The 2,458,000 increase in foreign-born workers since January 2009 is 843,000 (or 52 percent) greater than 1,615,000 increase in native-born workers. The BLS numbers are based on a survey of 60,000 households that the Census Bureau conducts each month. That survey does not distinguish between foreign-born persons who are naturalized U.S. citizens, legal permanent U.S. residents, work-visa holders or “undocumented” foreign nationals working illegally in the United States. Rather, it counts them all simply as foreign-born individuals who are in the United States and who are either working or not working. The survey focuses on persons who are 16 years old or older.

The BLS numbers also show that the labor-force participation rate for both the foreign-born and native-born population has declined under Obama, although the native-born participation rate has dropped more than the foreign-born participation rate. In January 2009, when Obama took office, the labor-force participation rate among foreign-born persons 16 years or older was 67.2 percent. By this August, it was down 66.9 percent. In January 2009, 65.0 percent of native-born Americans 16 years or older participated in the labor force. By August, that was down to 62.8 percent. BLS counts someone as participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and either have a job or have actively sought one in the last four weeks.

Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers | CNS News
possum wants to be a G-man when he grows up...

Government Job Growth in June Outstrips Manufacturing 35 to 1
July 7, 2017 - The growth in the number of employees in federal, state and local government jobs beat the growth in the number of employees in manufacturing jobs 35 to 1 in June, according to the employment data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The seasonally adjusted government employment number grew by 35,000 in the month, while seasonally adjusted manufacturing employment grew by only 1,000.
Also, in 2017 so far, the United States has created 1,000 more government jobs than manufacturing jobs, according to the BLS data. From May to June, the seasonally adjusted total for employment in government rose from 22,318,000 to 22,353,000—an increase of 35,000. At the same time, the seasonally adjusted total for employment in manufacturing rose from 12,395,000 to 12,396,000—an increase of 1,000.

Since December 2016, government jobs have gone from 22,299,000 to 22,353,000--an increase of 54,000. Since December, manufacturing jobs have gone from 12,343,000 to 12,396,000--an increase of 53,000. Government jobs outnumbered manufacturing jobs by 9,957,000 during June in the United States, according to the BLS.

The BLS noted in its release on the June employment data that health care had added 37,000 jobs during the month, social assistance employment had added 23,000, financial activities had added 17,000, mining had added 8,000, professional and business services had added 35,000 and food services and drinking places had added 29,000. “Employment in other major industries, including construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed little change over the month.

Government Job Growth in June Outstrips Manufacturing 35 to 1

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