Jobs report signals best...

WASHINGTON (AP) — A resurgence in U.S. hiring accelerated in November and put 2014 on track to be the healthiest year for job growth since 1999.

The gain of a robust 321,000 jobs — the most in nearly three years — put further distance between a strengthening American economy and struggling nations throughout the developed world.
Curious just what the "quality" of jobs that comprised the best jobs report in nearly 3 years? Here is the answer: Retail Trade, Education and Health, and Leisure and Hospitality, as well as Administrative Assistants, cumulatively made up more than half of the jobs gains in the month. All minimum-wage or just above paying jobs. Which is why anyone who believes that wages rose at the rate the BLS would like you to believe, may want to wait until the inevitable downward revision.
The breakdown of the top job categories:
  • Professional Services excluding temp help: +63K, of which administative assistants +12K, bookkeepers +16.4K
  • Retail Trade: +50K
  • Leisure and Hospitality: +38K, of which waiters and bartenders +26.5K
  • Manufacturing: +28K
  • Temp Help: +22.7K.........
Where The Jobs Were Secretaries Waiters Retail Education Leisure And Temp-Help Zero Hedge
And the labor participation rate remains at the record low established during Jimmy Carter's "malaise" presidency in 1978. A greater percentage of Americans out of work than any time in the past 36 years.

If that's "healthy" job growth, I'd hate to see a "sick" period.

Unless liberal hysterics like little haterpubdupes are just lying as usual (far more likely).
Bob: "Hey! I just won the lottery!!"

Bob's dickhead nutter friend: "Yeah....but now you'll need to hire an accountant! That's gonna cost ya!"
And the labor participation rate remains at the record low established during Jimmy Carter's "malaise" presidency in 1978. A greater percentage of Americans out of work than any time in the past 36 years.

If that's "healthy" job growth, I'd hate to see a "sick" period.

Unless liberal hysterics like little haterpubdupes are just lying as usual (far more likely).
Not any more, from your 24/7 negative "news"?

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