2014 was hottest year on record- When will GOP get it?

Time is the big difference between weather and climate. Saying "hey, it was pretty cool out there today" means absolutely nothing in a discussion on climate. So many people do it. It's just goofy.

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
OK, great, so weather does determine the Climate. So in order to change the climate the weather has to change. Thus the argument that weather and climate are two unrelated things is, in my opinion and I mean no insult, totally bogus.
Humans survived massive climate change with 15,000 BC technology.

These AGW scam artist aren't going to scare anybody. Hell, even Al Gore bought beach front property.

Me too being forward thinking I bought land about 1/2 mile from the beach, now all I have to do is wait. Soon it will be beach front. (not really)
Time is the big difference between weather and climate. Saying "hey, it was pretty cool out there today" means absolutely nothing in a discussion on climate. So many people do it. It's just goofy.

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
OK, great, so weather does determine the Climate. So in order to change the climate the weather has to change. Thus the argument that weather and climate are two unrelated things is, in my opinion and I mean no insult, totally bogus.

Like I said - time is the big difference
BTW - anyone who confuses weather with climate .... doesn't know anything about science

So stop talking about it being hot last year.

I never said a word about it being hot last year.

You've been doing it the entire thread. This is one of the problems with AGW types. They can't even hear the words out of their own mouths.

Quote the post where I did

You have either confused me with someone else or you are just plain lying. Either way - it doesn't produce much credibility for you.
BTW - anyone who confuses weather with climate .... doesn't know anything about science

So stop talking about it being hot last year.

I never said a word about it being hot last year.

You've been doing it the entire thread. This is one of the problems with AGW types. They can't even hear the words out of their own mouths.

Quote the post where I did

You have either confused me with someone else or you are just plain lying. Either way - it doesn't produce much credibility for you.

Do you even know what thread you're in?
Quote my post
(you're posting in this thread too - does that mean you agree with the original post?)
It was only the 34th warmest year on record for America.

More record cold temps were set than hot.
yoooooo hoooooooo SwimExpert ..........

You got that quote yet?

Where did you go?

Liars and dipshits are soooo easily disposed of ...

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Who gives a feq what it was in little USofA... We're talking world temperatures. WORLD CLIMATE.
It was only the 34th warmest year on record for America.

More record cold temps were set than hot.

You haven't read the articles posted in the thread, have you?

It is only "the warmest" if you go to the umpteenth decimal point.

Typical AGW scam artist bullshit.

When they start measuring the temperature of the Southern Hemisphere like they do the Northern Hemisphere and start including data points in previously mostly ignored areas like Siberia and Africa then maybe they can start to make some real assumptions about average global temperatures but until then not so much so.

As we found out from Climategate I & II when the AGW scam artist don't get the data they want they just invent fudge factors and make up data so the claim is nothing more bullshit.

These shithead AGW scam artist have lost their credibility many years ago but Moon Bats like you are so stupid as to still hang on to this bullshit.

Of course Moon Bats like you voted for Obama, twice, thinking he was going to do a good job so we pretty well know you aren't very smart so it is not surprising you believe in this AWG bullshit.
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It was only the 34th warmest year on record for America.

More record cold temps were set than hot.

You haven't read the articles posted in the thread, have you?

It is only "the warmest" if you go to the umpteenth decimal point.

Typical AGW scam artist bullshit.

When they start measuring the temperature of the Southern Hemisphere like they do the Northern Hemisphere and start including data points in previously mostly ignored areas like Siberia and Africa then maybe they can start to make some real assumptions about average global temperatures but until then not so much so.

As we found out from Climategate I & II when the AGW scam artist don't get the data they want they just invent fudge factors and make up data so the claim is nothing more bullshit.

These shithead AGW scam artist have lost their credibility many years ago but Moon Bats like you are so stupid as to still hang on to this bullshit.

Of course Moon Bats like voted for Obama, twice, thinking he was going to do a good job so we pretty well know you aren't very smart so it is not surprising you believe in this AWG bullshit.
For the love of GOD, chill the fuck out, you frothing at the mouth, psychotic, rabid, THE SKY IS FALLING fucking zealot progtard FREAK.

The Moon Bat idiots that believe this AGW scam are the same ones that:

Think communism will work if we just give it one more chance.

Think this country creates wealth by taking money from one person and giving to another.

Voted for the most corrupt and incompetent President this country ever had, twice.

Loves Obamacare.

Loves higher taxation as long as they don't have to pay it.

Loves bigger government.

Loves Al Sharpton.

Hates corporations.

Hates fossil fuels

Loves affirmative action.

Hates the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution.

Loves to kill children for the sake of convenience.

So when these idiots tell you they believe in AGW you have to understand that they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
Jeebus you believe a lot of stupid, black and white Pubcrappe, hater dupe. Believe I'll go with science and what Dems are ACTUALLY for....

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