2014 was hottest year on record- When will GOP get it?

2 decades, no warming

But add in Mann's tree rings and the "Warming" on the ocean 700m deep and presto!

In any event, where's the lab work showing that the 2PPM of CO2 we added last year is responsible for the 2014 warming?

Longstanding claims by climate-change skeptics that global warming has stopped, seized on by politicians in Washington to justify inaction on emissions, depend on a particular starting year: 1998, when an unusually powerful El Niño produced the hottest year of the 20th century.

With the continued heating of the atmosphere and the surface of the ocean, 1998 is now being surpassed every four or five years, with 2014 being the first time that has happened in a year featuring no real El Niño pattern. Gavin A. Schmidt, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said the next time a strong El Niño occurs, it is likely to blow away all temperature records.

Not for the US, temperatures were below average for 2013 and 2014. I know we need to worried because they say the global temperature. They also said we would be out of oil way before 2014.

That's true. It is called Global Climate Change not US temperatures...

No reputable geophysicist every said we would run out of oil.

BY AVERAGING the measured temperatures (at those locations where temperatures get measured), the scientists came to a conclusion (95% confidence interval) that the estimated AVERAGE global temperature 'increased' by .01 degree F in 2014.

In other words, the two decades long halt in global warming continues unabated. Scientists balk at 8216 hottest year 8217 claims Ignores Satellites showing 18 Year 8216 Pause 8217 8211 We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree 8211 The 8216 Pause 8217 continues Climate Depot

FrenchieTug you need to try to open up your tightly shut eyes and rusted-shut mind some day.
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2 decades, no warming

But add in Mann's tree rings and the "Warming" on the ocean 700m deep and presto!

In any event, where's the lab work showing that the 2PPM of CO2 we added last year is responsible for the 2014 warming?

Longstanding claims by climate-change skeptics that global warming has stopped, seized on by politicians in Washington to justify inaction on emissions, depend on a particular starting year: 1998, when an unusually powerful El Niño produced the hottest year of the 20th century.

With the continued heating of the atmosphere and the surface of the ocean, 1998 is now being surpassed every four or five years, with 2014 being the first time that has happened in a year featuring no real El Niño pattern. Gavin A. Schmidt, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said the next time a strong El Niño occurs, it is likely to blow away all temperature records.

Not for the US, temperatures were below average for 2013 and 2014. I know we need to worried because they say the global temperature. They also said we would be out of oil way before 2014.

That's true. It is called Global Climate Change not US temperatures...

No reputable geophysicist every said we would run out of oil.

Again, with the lies

Peak energy promise or peril article Nature Reports Climate Change

Why We Should Still Be Worried About Running Out of Oil Mother Jones

Hubbert peak theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

End of Oil Could Fuel End of Civilization as We Know It

That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.
Part of the problem is this:

There's not much going on in the world of 'Science' these days. Physics is at a stand still. String Theory is a load of complete shit -- Like I always said it was.

So we have a lot of eggheads of the theoretical variety that don't have lot to do.

I mean, they could get a REAL degree and try to find something USEFUL to humanity, but that's not what theoretical types do.

And that's okay to a point.

That point stops when they start making shit up -- Like they're doing now with Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever the hell else they're calling it these days.

See, without the BILLIONS (and I DO mean billions) of dollars that totalitarians socialist scum are pouring into this gigantic hoax......

They're out of work.

Just like in the old, old days. There were numerous groups of well-paid hucksters that had nothing to offer society except for -- BULLSHIT.

You can find dozens of examples -- The Church. Kings, Alchemy, Wizards and Wizardry and various and sundry other guilds filled with bullshitters and hobgoblins.

And that's all this latest lie is about. Money.

ManBearPig has made MILLIONS of dollars on this bullshit. Hundreds of 'scientists' :cuckoo: owe their living to this hoax. A good living. An easy living. A bullshit living.

Is there Climate Change? I'm sure there is. But you want to really screw up a dimocrap lying sack of shit?

Ask it how much of it is due to Human Activity. :eusa_dance:
2 decades, no warming

But add in Mann's tree rings and the "Warming" on the ocean 700m deep and presto!

In any event, where's the lab work showing that the 2PPM of CO2 we added last year is responsible for the 2014 warming?

Longstanding claims by climate-change skeptics that global warming has stopped, seized on by politicians in Washington to justify inaction on emissions, depend on a particular starting year: 1998, when an unusually powerful El Niño produced the hottest year of the 20th century.

With the continued heating of the atmosphere and the surface of the ocean, 1998 is now being surpassed every four or five years, with 2014 being the first time that has happened in a year featuring no real El Niño pattern. Gavin A. Schmidt, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said the next time a strong El Niño occurs, it is likely to blow away all temperature records.

Not for the US, temperatures were below average for 2013 and 2014. I know we need to worried because they say the global temperature. They also said we would be out of oil way before 2014.

That's true. It is called Global Climate Change not US temperatures...

No reputable geophysicist every said we would run out of oil.

Again, with the lies

Peak energy promise or peril article Nature Reports Climate Change

Why We Should Still Be Worried About Running Out of Oil Mother Jones

Hubbert peak theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

End of Oil Could Fuel End of Civilization as We Know It

We will run out of cheap, easily extracted oil. In fact the US has.
According to the same people who think the weather is going to kill us.

That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.

Yes, I know the claim was about Fracking's risk to the water bearing strata as well as surface water, but its an open fact that the the real opposition is based on AGW. You can do fracking in such a way as to mitigate the other issues, but AGW idiots don't want to hear it. So basically a NYC politician basically told upstate landowners to basically go fuck themselves.
That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.

Yes, I know the claim was about Fracking's risk to the water bearing strata as well as surface water, but its an open fact that the the real opposition is based on AGW. You can do fracking in such a way as to mitigate the other issues, but AGW idiots don't want to hear it. So basically a NYC politician basically told upstate landowners to basically go fuck themselves.

You are asking people to make assumptions here based on no evidence but your opinion. I find that often when posters say things like "common knowledge" and "open fact" is really means "accept what I am saying without any supporting documentation. Maybe you are convinced and you get to pick and choose what evidence you use to reach your conclusions. Others are free to use different criteria if THEY choose.

But whatever motivations you attribute to whoever - the fact remains that sometimes rights collide - often when that happens the people we have elected have to weigh the competing interests and make a call. If they make that decision based on the best information available, then that's about the best we can hope for.
So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.

Yes, I know the claim was about Fracking's risk to the water bearing strata as well as surface water, but its an open fact that the the real opposition is based on AGW. You can do fracking in such a way as to mitigate the other issues, but AGW idiots don't want to hear it. So basically a NYC politician basically told upstate landowners to basically go fuck themselves.

You are asking people to make assumptions here based on no evidence but your opinion. I find that often when posters say things like "common knowledge" and "open fact" is really means "accept what I am saying without any supporting documentation. Maybe you are convinced and you get to pick and choose what evidence you use to reach your conclusions. Others are free to use different criteria if THEY choose.

But whatever motivations you attribute to whoever - the fact remains that sometimes rights collide - often when that happens the people we have elected have to weigh the competing interests and make a call. If they make that decision based on the best information available, then that's about the best we can hope for.

So basically roll over, and let government fuck you up the ass.

The problem with the GOP is that they aren't smart enough to understand geology or any scientific discipline for that matter. They don't realize that the major effects of climate change are not happening on their doorstep yet. Only when it smacks them in the face decades from now will they (hopefully) understand what's happening.
What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.

Yes, I know the claim was about Fracking's risk to the water bearing strata as well as surface water, but its an open fact that the the real opposition is based on AGW. You can do fracking in such a way as to mitigate the other issues, but AGW idiots don't want to hear it. So basically a NYC politician basically told upstate landowners to basically go fuck themselves.

You are asking people to make assumptions here based on no evidence but your opinion. I find that often when posters say things like "common knowledge" and "open fact" is really means "accept what I am saying without any supporting documentation. Maybe you are convinced and you get to pick and choose what evidence you use to reach your conclusions. Others are free to use different criteria if THEY choose.

But whatever motivations you attribute to whoever - the fact remains that sometimes rights collide - often when that happens the people we have elected have to weigh the competing interests and make a call. If they make that decision based on the best information available, then that's about the best we can hope for.

So basically roll over, and let government fuck you up the ass.


Not the approach I would suggest.
I haven't trusted the U.S. government to "get it right" for quite some time now.

I do think folks need to educate themselves with the best information available and then hold our governments feet to the fire to make the best decisions on our behalf. I do NOT believe that includes artificially jacking up energy costs on people who are already struggling, just to try to make it more expensive so they will use less.

My personal opinion is that we need an effort - a public-private partnership kinda like NASA and the moon landing project. We didn't have the technology to do THAT when we committed to it. In that same vein, I think we need to commit to a huge private-public partnership on energy and energy technology. I think that's our best bet to come up with a sustainable and affordable energy future.

And all the hyper-partisan rhetoric and lies from BOTH sides is not going to help make that happen. It is going to make it damn near impossible. So if this information IS correct, buy a snorkle.
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That's what the dinosaurs said.

I have no idea what's up with the climate and I'm not going to pretend that I do. But when I have a medical problem, I ask a medical expert about it. Right now, it appears that an overwhelming majority of climate experts and virtually all of the peer-reviewed research seems to point to ACC. I don't have anything credible to refute that, so that appears to be the best info available - until that changes, the best info available should guide our actions.

Just MHO

So I guess we should just give up all our rights, accept massive taxes, and create the socialist "utopia" required to wean us off carbon RIGHT NOW, because that's what will be needed.

What rights are you being asked to give up?

I don't know what the solutions are - I don't favor an overreaction that hammers people who are already struggling to keep up with high energy costs, if that is what you are asking.

More government control inevitably leads to the loss of rights, be it property rights as in New York where the Governor has banned Fracking, or other rights.

If what you do on your property has an adverse affect on your neighbor (and on HIS property rights) then we have to find a balance between the rights of both.

Yes, I know the claim was about Fracking's risk to the water bearing strata as well as surface water, but its an open fact that the the real opposition is based on AGW. You can do fracking in such a way as to mitigate the other issues, but AGW idiots don't want to hear it. So basically a NYC politician basically told upstate landowners to basically go fuck themselves.
In so many ways,the state is retarded beyond belief,Albany is hanging its hat on gambling,and pimping us land owners out with this free 10 year tax deal.When we have a real and true wealth maker under our feet.
The world will have to look like the set of "Waterworld" before the GOP will believe. Then they'll blame it all on Obama.
The world will have to look like the set of "Waterworld" before the GOP will believe. Then they'll blame it all on Obama.
And your mom told you to say that?
Belive what? that people like yourself repeat the stupidest shit ever?
2 decades, no warming

But add in Mann's tree rings and the "Warming" on the ocean 700m deep and presto!

In any event, where's the lab work showing that the 2PPM of CO2 we added last year is responsible for the 2014 warming?

Longstanding claims by climate-change skeptics that global warming has stopped, seized on by politicians in Washington to justify inaction on emissions, depend on a particular starting year: 1998, when an unusually powerful El Niño produced the hottest year of the 20th century.

With the continued heating of the atmosphere and the surface of the ocean, 1998 is now being surpassed every four or five years, with 2014 being the first time that has happened in a year featuring no real El Niño pattern. Gavin A. Schmidt, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said the next time a strong El Niño occurs, it is likely to blow away all temperature records.

2 decades, no warming
Number of repeatable lab experiments showing how a 120PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature is still zero
The problem with the GOP is that they aren't smart enough to understand geology or any scientific discipline for that matter. They don't realize that the major effects of climate change are not happening on their doorstep yet. Only when it smacks them in the face decades from now will they (hopefully) understand what's happening.


97% of Scientists support the theory of manmade global warming, only 24% of Republicans believe it

The power of FoxNews
. But you want to really screw up a dimocrap lying sack of shit?

Ask it how much of it is due to Human Activity.

Well lets see, I would have to say that it is definitely us humans who have chopped down some huge forests (carbon removal devices, oxygen giving devices) and we are the ones that have mined and drilled for billions of tons of carbon (oil and coal) and then burnt that carbon. Turning it from a liquid and a solid and into a gas and putting that carbon back into the atmosphere. (I bet you think all those burnt molecules of carbon just disappear don't cha?)

Seems like after awhile, this would have to have an effect. And probably not a good one.
So yep, I can see where us humans have done this to ourselves.
And with the help of people like you, we will continue to fuck ourselves by not dealing with this problem. Thanks.
The problem with the GOP is that they aren't smart enough to understand geology or any scientific discipline for that matter. They don't realize that the major effects of climate change are not happening on their doorstep yet. Only when it smacks them in the face decades from now will they (hopefully) understand what's happening.


CERN, real science can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang


^ Ass Clowns at MIT conducting their Climate Change experiments

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