"Jodie VS O.J.";Similar Crimes, O.J. Walks Away, Jodie Found Guilty. Any Opinions?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Now if OJ Simpson committed a similar crime, do you think an "All Black Jury" would of sent him free?
We all pretty much expected a guilty sentence today, but always look back to what happened with O.J. and other celeb's who have gotten away with crimes of which the average American would of been sent to jail for. And how about those "Dumb Blonde Celebrities" clipping innocent bystanders in Hollywood? No Big Deal, just a slap on the wrist. But if anyone else clips a pedestrian, off to court they go, then off to jail if the culprit kills or cripples the innocent bystander.
Justice was served in one case and not the other. Casey Anthony still roams free too.
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you can almost vision Johnny Crockran trying to defend OJ, he would go on and on talking about how over 500 men in the same town/district are also 6ft 2inches, size 13 shoe, light afro and drive a 1994 white ford bronco and also may have had three bandages on their left ring finger that night.
Not even similar cases.

As far as Arias goes I got two words for ya.

Maricopa County
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What Jodie did sounds like something that would of occurred if she was possessed by a demon. that's why I have been contemplating all week. I wonder if they are gonna make a movie on this, and who will play Jody?
What Jodie did sounds like something that would of occurred if she was possessed by a demon. that's why I have been contemplating all week. I wonder if they are gonna make a movie on this, and who will play Jody?

Movie has been in the works...

“Dirty Little Secret: The Jodi Arias Story"


This actress is playing Jodi:

Tania Raymonde

Same reason the media constantly strives to keep its Obama dancecard constantly filled.
Same reason that Kermit Gosnell is gonna walk. Eric Holder, the man who keeps a slip of paper in his wallet with him at all times reading "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney has with the society he is sworn to represent" has probably contacted the trial judge as well as Pennsylvania State Officials telling them to declare a mistrial because of the Fox "See No Evil" program that ran last Friday and Sunday. Its Philadelphia, Gosnell is a black man being tried for violating elitist white racist laws. Besides Gosnell was an early hero of the abortion movement, a leftist icon so to speak.
Arias is white and white laws only apply to white people in this Age Of Obama. See the 'Pigford' settlement. "Blacks, Hispanics, Women come grab your loot and booty while you can, no documentation or proof of activity necessary." Its no longer Government of, by, and for the people.
can you imagine if they had an all white male jury? you can almost see the results,,well, she is a very attractive white woman, just like Casey Anthony, therefore, we find her not guilty your honor.
The major difference between Arias and Simpson is that Arias admitted to the killing and relied on the battered woman defense. Simpson denied committing the crime at all.
Granny says she needs a spankin', Uncle Ferd out inna shed lookin' fer his old Bolo paddle...
Jurors find Jodi Arias eligible for death penalty
15 May`13 — The same jury that convicted Jodi Arias of murder one week ago took about three hours Wednesday to determine that the former waitress is eligible for the death penalty in the stabbing and shooting death of her one-time lover in his bathroom five years ago.
The decision came after a day of testimony in the "aggravation" phase of the trial, during which prosecutor Juan Martinez hoped to prove the June 2008 killing was committed in an especially cruel and heinous manner. Family members of victim Travis Alexander sobbed in the front row as Martinez took the jury through the killing one more time. He described how blood gushed from Alexander's chest, hands and throat as the motivational speaker and businessman stood at the sink in his master bathroom and looked into the mirror with Arias behind him. "The last thing he saw before he lapsed into unconsciousness ... was that blade coming to his throat," Martinez said. "And the last thing he felt before he left this earth was pain."

The trial now moves into the final phase, in which prosecutors will call Alexander's family and other witnesses in an effort to convince the panel Arias should face the ultimate punishment. Arias' attorneys also will call witnesses, likely members of her family, in an attempt to gain sympathy from jurors so they give her life in prison. That phase is scheduled to start Thursday morning. The aggravation phase played out in quick fashion, with only one prosecution witness and none for the defense. The most dramatic moments occurred when Martinez displayed photos of the bloody crime scene for the jury and paused in silence for two minutes to describe how long he said it took for Alexander to die at Arias' hands on June 4, 2008. Arias, wearing a silky, cream-colored blouse, appeared to fight back tears most of the morning but showed little emotion when the decision was announced. Afterward she chatted with her attorneys.


Jodi Arias looks at the family of Travis Alexander as the jury arrives on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, during the sentencing phase of her trial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix. If the jury finds aggravating factors in her crime, Arias could be sentenced to death. Jodi Arias was convicted of first-degree murder in the stabbing and shooting death of Travis Alexander, 30, in his suburban Phoenix home in June 2008.

Arias spent the weekend on suicide watch before being transferred back to an all-female jail where she will remain until sentencing. Martinez told jurors Wednesday that Alexander "suffered immensely" at Arias' hands. "She made sure she killed him by stabbing him over and over and over again," he said. The defense didn't have much of a case given how many times Alexander was stabbed, the defensive wounds on his hands, the length of the attack, and the sheer amount of blood found at the scene. Defense lawyers said Alexander would have had so much adrenaline rushing through his body that he might not have felt much pain. The only witness was the medical examiner who performed the autopsy and explained to jurors how Alexander did not die calmly and fought for his life as evidenced by the numerous defensive wounds on his body.

Minutes after her first-degree murder conviction last Wednesday, Arias granted an interview to Fox affiliate KSAZ, only adding to the circus-like environment surrounding the trial that has become a cable TV sensation with its graphic tales of sex, lies and violence. "Longevity runs in my family, and I don't want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place," a tearful Arias said. "I believe death is the ultimate freedom, and I'd rather have my freedom as soon as I can get it." However, Arias cannot choose the death penalty. It's up to the jury to recommend a sentence.

More Jurors find Jodi Arias eligible for death penalty
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