Joe Biden AGAIN Waving At EMPTY Airfield (New October 11 The Previous Waving At EMPTY Airfield Was Last Month In Florida)

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Okay so we have Joe Biden AGAIN getting off his Campaign Plane and literally WAVING to an EMPTY Airfield, there is NOBODY there EXCEPT the MSM aka human slugs, but they are STANDING in the OPPOSITE direction to where Joe Biden is waving.

Hmmmm who knows PERHAPS Creepy Joe is waving to ALL the GHOSTS of ALL the DEAD peoples who are going to vote for him. Before any Leftists comment but but but nobody is there because of COVID-19, that is no reason because IF anyone was enthusiastic about Joe Biden they would put a mask on and go and greet him not only at Airfields but also in the random parking lots he's giving Campaign speeches to ZERO peoples in except for the MSM human slugs and his Campaign Staffers and btw Joe Biden is a TOTALLY disgusting dirty pig who yesterday when babbling at a podium took his mask OFF and coughed into his hand and wiped his nose with the same hand and then put the mask back on but did NOT clean his hand with at least a baby wipe or something.

Here's the video the duration is 2 minutes and 5 seconds:

Okay so we have Joe Biden AGAIN getting off his Campaign Plane and literally WAVING to an EMPTY Airfield, there is NOBODY there EXCEPT the MSM aka human slugs, but they are STANDING in the OPPOSITE direction to where Joe Biden is waving.

Hmmmm who knows PERHAPS Creepy Joe is waving to ALL the GHOSTS of ALL the DEAD peoples who are going to vote for him. Before any Leftists comment but but but nobody is there because of COVID-19, that is no reason because IF anyone was enthusiastic about Joe Biden they would put a mask on and go and greet him not only at Airfields but also in the random parking lots he's giving Campaign speeches to ZERO peoples in except for the MSM human slugs and his Campaign Staffers and btw Joe Biden is a TOTALLY disgusting dirty pig who yesterday when babbling at a podium took his mask OFF and coughed into his hand and wiped his nose with the same hand and then put the mask back on but did NOT clean his hand with at least a baby wipe or something.

Here's the video the duration is 2 minutes and 5 seconds:

Maybe Joe sees dead people :oops:
Doesn't matter...

Just so long as No. 46 and his wife Dr. Jill wave-off the Orange Baboon-God boarding Marine One, leaving the WH lawn for the last time on January 20, 2021.
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Doesn't matter...

Just so long as No. 46 and his wife Dr. Jill wave-off the Orange Baboon-God on Marine One leaving the WH lawn for the last time on January 20, 2021.
It departs from the Capitol Building driveway after the inauguration of a new president; but that won't be happening.
Joe is waving at an empty field for 2 reasons.
1. No one has any enthusiasm for Hoe Hidin. No one actually likes the guy. They are voting against Trump.
2. He knows the media will take favorable camera angles and just show him waving.

The guy has zero enthusiasm, has zero attendance at any event he hosts, and none of his supporters can point to anything he has done in his career worth a damn.
Yet we are supposed to believe polls that show him crushing Trump.

The polls are laying down the foundation to support a Biden win by fraud.
So if/when Biden wins, and those us without our heads up our asses question how a guy with zero support/enthusiasm wins, they can point to the polls and say “see, he had lots of support.”.

But then again, voter fraud never happens. I mean, there have only been what, 20 instances of illegal shit being caught already?
And we aren’t even at Election Day yet, and these are just what was caught.
What wasn’t caught?

Another funny thing... notice every instance of voter fraud, vote tampering, paying for votes, throwing out ballots, etc has been done by democrats for the benefit of democrats? Zero instances of repubs doing that.
This observation must also be my imagination, much like Antifa isn’t real and is just an idea.
...It departs from the Capitol Building driveway after the inauguration of a new president...
Ordinarily, yes, and you're absolutely correct. Trouble is, disgraced, unpopular outgoing Presidents tend to decline attending the inaugural and leave from the WH direct.

Think Richard Nixon being waved-off by Gerry Ford.

...but that won't be happening.
We will know shortly which one of us was right... :p
Okay so we have Joe Biden AGAIN getting off his Campaign Plane and literally WAVING to an EMPTY Airfield, there is NOBODY there EXCEPT the MSM aka human slugs, but they are STANDING in the OPPOSITE direction to where Joe Biden is waving.

Hmmmm who knows PERHAPS Creepy Joe is waving to ALL the GHOSTS of ALL the DEAD peoples who are going to vote for him. Before any Leftists comment but but but nobody is there because of COVID-19, that is no reason because IF anyone was enthusiastic about Joe Biden they would put a mask on and go and greet him not only at Airfields but also in the random parking lots he's giving Campaign speeches to ZERO peoples in except for the MSM human slugs and his Campaign Staffers and btw Joe Biden is a TOTALLY disgusting dirty pig who yesterday when babbling at a podium took his mask OFF and coughed into his hand and wiped his nose with the same hand and then put the mask back on but did NOT clean his hand with at least a baby wipe or something.

Here's the video the duration is 2 minutes and 5 seconds:

Photo opt of him waving---they will put photoshop people to put in later. It's a propaganda stunt because Joe and his Hoe have no support.

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