Joe Biden Does CNN Town Hall. Surprise!!! Not Asked About Serious Rape Allegation

No questions simple reason: There is is no there, there... deal it. Merely, a Trump 2020 generated BS ploy to paint and taint Biden in the shittiest possible light no matter the issue... also takes attention away from Trump's dozen or so official legal lawsuits on him and his limpdick crap. Deal with the facts, not what Trump spews.

Is there a sworn allegation against Biden... Biden can't respond until this person signs something. Trump's accusers, a lot of them(not all) gave sworn testimonies...
Nitwit Joe Biden said during the Kavanaugh witch hunt that all women who make a rape or sexual assault allegation must be believed. Well, there is a highly credible rape allegation against Joe so I guess by his definition he is a rapist.

You're not "highly credible' when you are on the third version of your story, and you started out supporting the crazy flake who believes in Crystal Therapy.
Joe was featured on "Meet The Press" yesterday.

No mention of "Believe teh wimmen".

Just free air time to say things and pitch his presidency until he started faltering and Chuck Todd cut him off.

PS: The allegations against Joe are false. I hate when that stuff happens, it's so bad.
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Joe Biden is not going to be the Candidate.

They will replace him very soon...the Rats will.

You heard it here first.

Actually, the guy most likely to get replaced is Trump. Think LBJ in 1968. Coronavirus is his Vietnam
With who?

Biden may could have beaten Trump in 2016.

Probably he could have. He didn't have Hillary's baggage.

If for some reason, he can't be the nominee (Frankly, his age has always worried me, but so does Trump's) then we could just replace him with Cuomo, a guy who has been a voice of reason and calm while Trump has floundered around.

But pretty much at this point, the Democrats could run anyone and beat Trump. Once we hit recession and double digit unemployment, Trump is done, buddy.

Nitwit Joe Biden said during the Kavanaugh witch hunt that all women who make a rape or sexual assault allegation must be believed. Well, there is a highly credible rape allegation against Joe so I guess by his definition he is a rapist.

Interestingly, CNN just had a town hall with Retard Joe and didn't ask him a thing about it. Go figure, right?

I would encourage to read the linked story. Fascinating.
The accuser praised Biden 3 years ago on Twitter.
With who?

Biden may could have beaten Trump in 2016.

Probably he could have. He didn't have Hillary's baggage.

If for some reason, he can't be the nominee (Frankly, his age has always worried me, but so does Trump's) then we could just replace him with Cuomo, a guy who has been a voice of reason and calm while Trump has floundered around.

But pretty much at this point, the Democrats could run anyone and beat Trump. Once we hit recession and double digit unemployment, Trump is done, buddy.

And there you have it folks! JoeB131 gives away the Democrat's endgame! Crash the economy using Coronavirus>>>Blame Trump for economy crash they engineered!
And there you have it folks! JoeB131 gives away the Democrat's endgame! Crash the economy using Coronavirus>>>Blame Trump for economy crash they engineered!

Wouldn't be in this problem if Trump knew what he was doing. He's the one who ignored this problem for three months... that's why the economy is crashing.
All of those questions at a Town Hall are known beforehand and the candidate gets to turn down the ones they don't want to answer.

I wish he would, though. It doesn't surprise me that CNN didn't ask him, but earlier today when I checked, none of the majors had picked it up, and I am wondering if it is because they looked into her story and didn't find it credible. Or maybe they are all praying that this doesn't tank Joe's candidacy. It leaves no one but Bernie to take up the flag, and that would be a disaster.

Huffington Post, National Review and a few other main stream media have covered it, but most have not as you said. CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NY Times and many othersBare completely ignoring it.

Joe now has 8 accussers. Here is a link to the Huffington Post story. You can decide if the claim is credible or not.

I've already read it, and several others. They are all just copying from each other. Actually, Heavy is the only one that has dug a little deeper, but it has nothing to do with the allegations. Joe's other accusers did not accuse him of THAT, though. I had a stepfather who was all "hand-y" when he'd been drinking; a woman can tell when it's innocent friendliness and when it's subtle advances. I am not saying Tara Reade is lying. As always, there were no witnesses. But I'd like to hear from the politicians she says she contacted, and I'd like to hear directly from the organization that turned her down. I'd like to hear from some of the people she worked for as a Senate aide. She worked for several and left over an "argument" with coworkers. What was that about? I understand people not wanting to be involved in a media circus like the Kavanaugh mess, but this needs to be cleared up, if possible.

Or, once again, we may be knowingly voting for a pig. Like Clinton, like Trump. Does it affect their political wherewithal? No. Maybe we need to stop focusing on their all too human lives behind the curtain and accept that they're no better than we are. If Biden did what Reade said, it was reprehensible. His campaign says he didn't and they asked the media to vet this woman's claims. But so far, silence.

I have to give it to you OldLady, this is a rational post here....Your position is completely reasonable.

It's too bad that in this day and age where the media that Biden asked to 'vet' the woman's claims took that to mean quash the story.

As a middle aged man, approaching my senior years rapidly, I find it deplorable when I see older men ogling, or taking advantage of young women in the way that Joe Biden is known well to do....To me it is a character flaw. And, I will say as a Trump supporter, he is not imune from my dislike of that aspect of his life either...

We need to make better choices in who we open the potential presidency to....In days past these types of things would surely sink ANY campaign for that office. Hell, a candidates chances would be dashed simply on appearence that they weren't faithful in their marriage. Not anymore....It is a decline of this great country.
And there you have it folks! JoeB131 gives away the Democrat's endgame! Crash the economy using Coronavirus>>>Blame Trump for economy crash they engineered!

Wouldn't be in this problem if Trump knew what he was doing. He's the one who ignored this problem for three months... that's why the economy is crashing.

Wait a minute....How in the hell does a thread about Biden's creepy behavior with women, get hijacked into another C-19 discussion? Aren't there enough threads discussing that already?

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