Joe Biden eats Crow again on Border Wall promise (Poll)

Was Joe Biden's "open border" policy, and democrat's "sanctuary city" policy obviously wrong, or not

  • Yes, the open border policy was always and obviously wrong, democrats should have known better

    Votes: 23 100.0%
  • No, the open border policy was not obviously wrong, it came out of left field that it would turn bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Joe Biden first said that Trump's border wall doesn't work.

Then Joe said that he would not build another foot of wall:

So after letting in about 7,000,000 illegals, many of whom are from US adversaries, like China, Russia, Iran, NK, etc. Joe Biden sees how stupid his border policy is and now wants to finish the "bigoted" wall. Not to mention the 100,000 Americans who die from fentanyl each year.

After Joe's damage is done, and after many democrats are rebelling, and after we have migrants all over the place, Biden finally admits his border policy is wrong.

This sets up the 2024 narrative, doesn't it?
Addressing your closing question, probably not. Biden still blames Trump for the border situation and I hear rumors--yes rumors since I have no way to verify them at this time--that the money now allocated for a wall is being siphoned off for other purposes.

And a wall will likely not affect Biden's policy of allowing the millions in who come to the ports of entry with very few of those turned back.

And a dishonest and partisan media will continue to tell people that Biden is building a wall and doing what he can to contain the problem and the reason he hasn't been successful is all Trump's fault.

I doubt it will have a great deal of effect on the 2024 election. I hope I'm really wrong about that.
The fake news outlets suppress the news about the healthy young people and athletes dropping dead all over the world. Why would they do that? It's never happened before Covid.
Bullshit. They cannot suppress what does not exist. COVID has nothing to do with those deaths or it would be easily proven, which has not happened.

How can you people be so off track?
He made the mistake of listening to the advice of people who were involved in the murderous scam. You're part of the 1/3. They should be exterminated like cockroaches. I'll volunteer to be the executioner.
I am in the vast majority who got the shots and am doing very well. I thank Trump for what he did. Biden of course tried to claim credit. But he lies as we all are aware.
Yes, the vaccine works perfectly. It was designed to kill.
I know of no one who has had any adverse effects from the vaccine, yet I knew 3 people who died of COVID before the vaccine. That would be impossible if what you said were even remotely true.
Bullshit. They cannot suppress what does not exist. COVID has nothing to do with those deaths or it would be easily proven, which has not happened.

How can you people be so off track?
I know it wasn't the Covid that kills. It's the vaccine that was designed to kill. We're not "off track."
I know it wasn't the Covid that kills. It's the vaccine that was designed to kill. We're not "off track."
OK, then why are you so full of shit?

No one has ever even posted a single case where the deaths could be blamed on the vaccine. I have challenged posters on this forum to provide any evidence and we have yet to see anyone provide even one example. Why is that?
Admiral, I truly would love to show you a link. But would you accept even a link? Google has fixed it to highly restrict things that harm the Democrats and force us to get links to stuff that they believe harms republicans. I bring up the Al Gore matter because when he rushed to San Diego ahead of the election between him and GW Bush, I was posting about it and then had links proving he did this

Gore made claims why he did it. But to swear in illegals to gather more Democrat votes is a thing Democrats do when they can. I no longer recall the name of a woman involved with elections that Gore ran to work with but it is fact that Gore rushed to san Diego to swear in illegal aliens. What do you think is the political advantage Biden wants from the floodgates opening up to the illegal aliens? Notice he has not changed laws for the legal immigrants. They still have to wait in line.
I know it wasn't the Covid that kills. It's the vaccine that was designed to kill. We're not "off track."
Covid to introduce FACTS had a kill rate of a bit less than 1 percent of the population that got sick. So it never was the massive killer claimed by the Democrats. Over 99 percent who got sick did in fact recover and now perhaps they have immunity.
Ahem, we have two family members who developed blood clots after getting the vaccine. Neither died but one almost did and suffered brain damage. The doctors attributed this to the vaccine.
I would first check with a Doctor before making claims about blood clots. This condition is already known to exist.
Hence from my post, "The doctors attributed this to the vaccine."
I have actually asked my doctor who is a DO, meaning he has more education than a MD, and he says the Vaccines are safe. That is who I believe. That and I have had no bad effects of the vaccines I had as well.

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