Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots and Violence One Day After CNN Warns of Bad Polling

Does that mean Biden is going to quit bailing the rioters out of jail???

Joe Biden’s campaign staff got into the act when 13 staffers tweeted out links to a group raising money to pay the bail for domestic terrorists arrested in the riots.

“At least 13 Biden campaign staff members posted on Twitter on Friday and Saturday that they made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of cash bail, or making people pay to avoid pre-trial imprisonment. The group uses donations to pay bail fees in Minneapolis,” Reuters reported.
Gee, the Democrats grasped that the average American is sick of this shit? How letting violence happen in the cities that THEY control while they try to blame Trump for it isn't working? Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Nancy Pelosi! Fuck the "Squad"! None of you REALLY care about black lives!
Gee, the Democrats grasped that the average American is sick of this shit? How letting violence happen in the cities that THEY control while they try to blame Trump for it isn't working? Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Nancy Pelosi! Fuck the "Squad"! None of you REALLY care about black lives!
Is that why a white bred Republican ran city called Shawnee, Oklahoma has a violence rate of 1200% higher than the national average?
Gee, the Democrats grasped that the average American is sick of this shit? How letting violence happen in the cities that THEY control while they try to blame Trump for it isn't working? Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Nancy Pelosi! Fuck the "Squad"! None of you REALLY care about black lives!
Is that why a white bred Republican ran city called Shawnee, Oklahoma has a violence rate of 1200% higher than the national average?
You're seriously comparing Shawnee, Oklahoma to Chicago, New York City and Portland? Now THAT is some funny shit!
Gee, the Democrats grasped that the average American is sick of this shit? How letting violence happen in the cities that THEY control while they try to blame Trump for it isn't working? Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Nancy Pelosi! Fuck the "Squad"! None of you REALLY care about black lives!
Is that why a white bred Republican ran city called Shawnee, Oklahoma has a violence rate of 1200% higher than the national average?

You sure the mayor in this small town is a Republican. 20% of the residents are below the poverty line and most are white. Goes to show you that crime is related to economics, not race, which begs the question, why is everything about race and not about economics? Why does the left push race based policies like affirmative action that puts poor, white males in the worst possible position.
Democrats thought their NAZI tactics would work in America.

Joe Biden has addressed the issue before yesterday.

He certainly has from his basement room, or is it from under the rock found in the basement....
Probably from Mar-A-Lago where all the important people play at doing nothing but showing their wealth.
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Gee, the Democrats grasped that the average American is sick of this shit? How letting violence happen in the cities that THEY control while they try to blame Trump for it isn't working? Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Nancy Pelosi! Fuck the "Squad"! None of you REALLY care about black lives!
Is that why a white bred Republican ran city called Shawnee, Oklahoma has a violence rate of 1200% higher than the national average?

Is that after Chicago, New York, Baltimore and those other Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities fully ablaze?
Perhaps you should check in with your friends and bed buddy Don Lemon on that point.... He's certainly grasped the notion that Antifa and BLM are hurting Democrats and Beijing Joe in this election cycle....

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Democrats thought their NAZI tactics would work in America.

It takes negative, unfavorable data from focus groups and polling to get the Democrats and their lapdog media to call for an end to the riots, looting, and violence???? This is what they think of US? Just votes. That’s it.
Democrats thought their NAZI tactics would work in America.

Blackmailing Biden, at it again. He figures that if he could Blackmail Ukraine, why can't he blackmail America?


Riots and Joe Biden’s Joe Isuzu Problem.

Does it seem like Democrats are deaf-mutes when it comes to speaking clearly against the rioting going on right now? It went unmentioned during the Democratic National Convention two weeks ago. But in fact Joe Biden has made statements against the riots, such as this one back in July:

“Anyone who burns or pillages… should be arrested. They are a problem for society and they make a mockery of what the march is all about. They should be tried, arrested and put in jail.”
Today Biden is spinning furiously to catch up with the curve, saying “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting.” He added, “You know me. You know my heart. You know my story, my family story. Ask yourself, do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?”

The problem is no one really believes Biden and the Democrats are sincere in their criticism of rioters. Because they aren’t. Deep down they can’t square their sympathy for the “root grievances” of protesters and rioters with the political necessity of being credible in fighting against rioting, which would mean Portland and Seattle, for starters, would sweep the streets and not let people go hours later with no bail. (It would also help if Democrats, including some of Kamala Harris’s staff apparently, hadn’t contributed to fund drives to bail out protesters and rioters in the few places where bail is being set.)

Ultimately this connects to the contempt most liberal Democrats have for the country, and have had for a long time. We keep hearing from the left that Trump is “shredding political norms,” but who is it who wants to abolish the Senate and the electoral college, repeal the 2nd Amendment, tinker with the First Amendment to allow censorship of “hate speech,” pack the Supreme Court, and admit DC and Puerto Rico as states just to add four more Democrats to the Senate? And that’s before you ask for any Democrat to make a criticism of the 1619 Project. I’m not aware of a single one yet who has done so. But remember: Trump’s tweets are mean!

This has a long history. People think the “Blame America First Democrats” was an invention of Jeanne Kirkpatrick in 1984, but it goes back much further than that. At the height of the urban rioting in the 1960s, Hubert Humphrey remarked that had he lived in a ghetto he could have led a pretty good riot himself—a remark he later came to regret and tried to walk back. In 1971 Walter Mondale remarked that “The sickening truth is that this country is rapidly coming to resemble South Africa.” Shirley MacLaine said in 1972 that “Right now the social soul of America is so sick that even the overthrow of a political regime may be insufficient.” I can go on with pages of statements like this from Democratic politicians, leading journalists, and, naturally, academics.

In other words, what we’re seeing today is the essential DNA of the modern Democrat Party coming to the fore amidst a crisis, and a lot of voters can perceive this clearly, which is why the polls are tightening.

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