Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden

All bs...Comey is the GOP swine who won the election...hilarious...
Comey did his best to get Trump out of office to make up for the fact he shafted Hillary.

While much of your ranting is true it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with Hillary’s personality or lack of it.

Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton, had personality and lots of it. That’s why he got elected President twice.
You can't tell a gd thing about her personality, super duper...try policies...
Comey did his best to get Trump out of office to make up for the fact he shafted Hillary.

Nobody knows if the dossier is true or not...Sounds like Trump for sure...


FBI: Fake Golden Showers sí, Real Biden Showers no

18 Apr 2022 ~~ By Drjohn

I saw the above picture elsewhere and it got me thinking.
The FSB is the secret police organization in Russia, whose job it is to protect Vladimir Putin and carry out various acts of intimidation and skullduggery. In the US, the FBI is an organization secretly dedicated to protecting democrat Presidents and undermining Republican Presidents.
The FBI engaged in a conspiracy with the Clinton campaign against Donald Trump. On January 6, 2017 James Comey attempted to intimidate Donald Trump with a phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign which was then released to Buzzfeed.
The FBI lied to the FISA Court 17 times to spy on Trump and his staff.
The FBI spied on the Trump campaign in 2016 and continued it into his Presidency.
When the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop was revealed the FBI first refused to accept copies of the hard drive, because they’d already seized the hard drive in 2019 and sat on it.
When then-DNI John Ratcliffe said the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation the FBI had “nothing to add.
The FBI raided Rudi Giuliani’s apartment in an effort to intimidate him. Contrast Giuliani’s treatment to the overlooking of Joe Biden’s extortion of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden be fired before US aid would be forthcoming.
Then the FBI lost the Hunter Biden laptop.
“Was I molested? I think so.”
I have long thought Joe Biden shares the same attraction to underage girls that his son Hunter enjoys. You can read about it here. Watch him pinch the nipple of an 8-year-old girl.
Hunter Biden lied to obtain a gun permit. His wife Hallie disposed of it illegally.
They buried it all. They won’t even bother to ask who “the big guy” is when the big guy is getting 10%.
The FBI did everything it could to undermine Donald Trump- going even so far as to conspire with the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Conversely, it does absolutely everything it can to prevent the truth about Joe and Hunter Biden from being known. The FBI has become a de facto arm of the democrat party. If anything should be defunded, it’s the FBI.
Phony golden showers . Real incest, no.

Indeed, the Federal Bureau of Investigation should perhaps change its motto of “ Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” to the motto of the Stasi in East Germany: “The Sword and Shield of the Party” Not the country. Not the people. But the Communist International PARTY that ran East Germany on behalf of Moscow. Not far off the modern FBI and the Democrats.
They've been caught openly running in entrapment, false flag operations and fake prosecution schemes against Republicans, they are pulling off hair-brained drug or gun running schemes with criminals threatening innocent victims.
Essentially the FBI has broken the "Basic Social Contract" with America.
Joe and Hunter Biden's penchant for pedophilia and incest has specifically been hidden by Progressive Maoist/DSA and the leaders inside the FBI.

FBI: Fake Golden Showers sí, Real Biden Showers no

18 Apr 2022 ~~ By Drjohn

I saw the above picture elsewhere and it got me thinking.
The FSB is the secret police organization in Russia, whose job it is to protect Vladimir Putin and carry out various acts of intimidation and skullduggery. In the US, the FBI is an organization secretly dedicated to protecting democrat Presidents and undermining Republican Presidents.
The FBI engaged in a conspiracy with the Clinton campaign against Donald Trump. On January 6, 2017 James Comey attempted to intimidate Donald Trump with a phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign which was then released to Buzzfeed.
The FBI lied to the FISA Court 17 times to spy on Trump and his staff.
The FBI spied on the Trump campaign in 2016 and continued it into his Presidency.
When the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop was revealed the FBI first refused to accept copies of the hard drive, because they’d already seized the hard drive in 2019 and sat on it.
When then-DNI John Ratcliffe said the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation the FBI had “nothing to add.
The FBI raided Rudi Giuliani’s apartment in an effort to intimidate him. Contrast Giuliani’s treatment to the overlooking of Joe Biden’s extortion of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden be fired before US aid would be forthcoming.
Then the FBI lost the Hunter Biden laptop.

I have long thought Joe Biden shares the same attraction to underage girls that his son Hunter enjoys. You can read about it here. Watch him pinch the nipple of an 8-year-old girl.
Hunter Biden lied to obtain a gun permit. His wife Hallie disposed of it illegally.
They buried it all. They won’t even bother to ask who “the big guy” is when the big guy is getting 10%.
The FBI did everything it could to undermine Donald Trump- going even so far as to conspire with the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Conversely, it does absolutely everything it can to prevent the truth about Joe and Hunter Biden from being known. The FBI has become a de facto arm of the democrat party. If anything should be defunded, it’s the FBI.
Phony golden showers . Real incest, no.

Indeed, the Federal Bureau of Investigation should perhaps change its motto of “ Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” to the motto of the Stasi in East Germany: “The Sword and Shield of the Party” Not the country. Not the people. But the Communist International PARTY that ran East Germany on behalf of Moscow. Not far off the modern FBI and the Democrats.
They've been caught openly running in entrapment, false flag operations and fake prosecution schemes against Republicans, they are pulling off hair-brained drug or gun running schemes with criminals threatening innocent victims.
Essentially the FBI has broken the "Basic Social Contract" with America.
Joe and Hunter Biden's penchant for pedophilia and incest has specifically been hidden by Progressive Maoist/DSA and the leaders inside the FBI.

FBI: Fake Golden Showers sí, Real Biden Showers no

18 Apr 2022 ~~ By Drjohn

I saw the above picture elsewhere and it got me thinking.
The FSB is the secret police organization in Russia, whose job it is to protect Vladimir Putin and carry out various acts of intimidation and skullduggery. In the US, the FBI is an organization secretly dedicated to protecting democrat Presidents and undermining Republican Presidents.
The FBI engaged in a conspiracy with the Clinton campaign against Donald Trump. On January 6, 2017 James Comey attempted to intimidate Donald Trump with a phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign which was then released to Buzzfeed.
The FBI lied to the FISA Court 17 times to spy on Trump and his staff.
The FBI spied on the Trump campaign in 2016 and continued it into his Presidency.
When the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop was revealed the FBI first refused to accept copies of the hard drive, because they’d already seized the hard drive in 2019 and sat on it.
When then-DNI John Ratcliffe said the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation the FBI had “nothing to add.
The FBI raided Rudi Giuliani’s apartment in an effort to intimidate him. Contrast Giuliani’s treatment to the overlooking of Joe Biden’s extortion of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden be fired before US aid would be forthcoming.
Then the FBI lost the Hunter Biden laptop.

I have long thought Joe Biden shares the same attraction to underage girls that his son Hunter enjoys. You can read about it here. Watch him pinch the nipple of an 8-year-old girl.
Hunter Biden lied to obtain a gun permit. His wife Hallie disposed of it illegally.
They buried it all. They won’t even bother to ask who “the big guy” is when the big guy is getting 10%.
The FBI did everything it could to undermine Donald Trump- going even so far as to conspire with the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Conversely, it does absolutely everything it can to prevent the truth about Joe and Hunter Biden from being known. The FBI has become a de facto arm of the democrat party. If anything should be defunded, it’s the FBI.
Phony golden showers . Real incest, no.

Indeed, the Federal Bureau of Investigation should perhaps change its motto of “ Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” to the motto of the Stasi in East Germany: “The Sword and Shield of the Party” Not the country. Not the people. But the Communist International PARTY that ran East Germany on behalf of Moscow. Not far off the modern FBI and the Democrats.
They've been caught openly running in entrapment, false flag operations and fake prosecution schemes against Republicans, they are pulling off hair-brained drug or gun running schemes with criminals threatening innocent victims.
Essentially the FBI has broken the "Basic Social Contract" with America.
Joe and Hunter Biden's penchant for pedophilia and incest has specifically been hidden by Progressive Maoist/DSA and the leaders inside the FBI.
Sure, make up all the crap you want, everybody not brainwashed thinks you're nuts now....
You get lied about and hated for no reason and see how you do...The New BS Giveaway to the Rich GOP is a total disgrace. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of baloney knows it....
There were plenty of reasons to dislike Hillary and no matter how hard you try one of the most important is her personality or lack of it.

The lies and malicious bss gossip are polarizing duh...Joe is fine duh.
Joe is fine? Even in his prime Joe was a disaster. Now that he is an old geezer with dementia he is like a tragic character from a Shakespearean play.
Joe is fine? Even in his prime Joe was a disaster. Now that he is an old geezer with dementia he is like a tragic character from a Shakespearean play.
What's your take on idiot Trump's babbling incoherent Easter message from yesterday?

Was he in or out of a straightjacket at the time?
There were plenty of reasons to dislike Hillary and no matter how hard you try one of the most important is her personality or lack of it.

31 years of that crap...
remnants of a stutter is not dementia, bfm. Babbling like Trump is lol...
There have been dozens of Veggie Joe clips posted here from long ago that prove he never had a stutter, Dumbass.

He is a vegetable at this point. Does a stutter make you turn to the right and try to shake the hand of an imaginary person, then shuffle around in a circle trying to figure out how to get offstage, Dumbass?
So the computer repair guy was lying too? All the people who have seen what is on the laptop are lying? Even the NYT says the stories are legit. You really have to either live under a rock or must be quite delusional. Wait, are you Peppermint Patty? :auiqs.jpg:
Or he is just your typical anti American Democrat that lies about everything . Everyone knows it is hunters laptop, I don't even think the Biden's ever denied it. Yet these lefties still stick up for Crack head . Amazing how dishonest a lefty can be.
Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden. Do your job as President and a father. Tell your son to quit taking jobs where you are doing nothing but playing on potential contact with your father. It is not appropriate. Joe Biden, do not make excuses for your son's unethical practices. Take him to the woodshed. If he chooses to not listen to you, that is on him.
Hunter Biden is acting like a Trump. No ethics or morals; totally self-serving.
It's not called pay for play for nothing.

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