Joe Biden Gets Lost Again… Thinks He’s in Vermont During New Hampshire Campaign Stops (VIDEO)

Trump thinks he can win by dividing Americans' up and making fun of Sleepy Joe's gaffes.

i've got some bad news for Trump. YOU'RE GONNA LOSE, BUDDY BOY!
You may not like Joe’s hair or his talk about the middle class backbone of America, but if you want to save this country from four more years of an evil dictatorship, he may well be our only hope! Vote blue no matter who.
Biden is a complete idiot. If he becomes president, somebody else will have to make all the decisions because he's too damn dumb.
Biden is a complete idiot. If he becomes president, somebody else will have to make all the decisions because he's too damn dumb.
That why Obama picked him. So he could have somebody who would never upstage him, and whom he could control at all times.
You may not like Joe’s hair or his talk about the middle class backbone of America, but if you want to save this country from four more years of an evil dictatorship, he may well be our only hope! Vote blue no matter who.
Are you feeling OK ? I mean really. :confused:

Probably his homo boyfried using his login posting alternate....again. Either that or this guy is 100% fruitcake schizoid? All over the map.
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I'll take Biden and his gaffes compared to Trump's 11,000 lies and counting. Let's make this liar and thief a one TERM President!
I'll take Biden and his gaffes compared to Trump's 11,000 lies and counting. Let's make this liar and thief a one TERM President!

Its all about running the USA, not about management styles.
Biden's management style looks like an escaped Alzheimer's patient, totally incapable of strategic thinking or managing the US economy.
You may not like Trump's management style, but even Chuck Schumer is cheering Trump on to get China to trade fairly.
(Biden is a serial liar, except his are called "gaffes")
I'll take Biden and his gaffes compared to Trump's 11,000 lies and counting. Let's make this liar and thief a one TERM President!

Its all about running the USA, not about management styles.
Biden's management style looks like an escaped Alzheimer's patient, totally incapable of strategic thinking or managing the US economy.
You may not like Trump's management style, but even Chuck Schumer is cheering Trump on to get China to trade fairly.
(Biden is a serial liar, except his are called "gaffes")
You don't get what's going on here.

Schumer is cheering Trump on in the trade war because he knows an escalation of the trade war will start to cause serious economic problems for the US, which will lead to a recession, which will derail Trump's re-election.

So by cheering on the trade war really he is hoping Trump collapses the economy, which will cause him to lose the election.
I'll take Biden and his gaffes compared to Trump's 11,000 lies and counting. Let's make this liar and thief a one TERM President!

Its all about running the USA, not about management styles.
Biden's management style looks like an escaped Alzheimer's patient, totally incapable of strategic thinking or managing the US economy.
You may not like Trump's management style, but even Chuck Schumer is cheering Trump on to get China to trade fairly.
(Biden is a serial liar, except his are called "gaffes")
You don't get what's going on here.

Schumer is cheering Trump on in the trade war because he knows an escalation of the trade war will start to cause serious economic problems for the US, which will lead to a recession, which will derail Trump's re-election.

So by cheering on the trade war really he is hoping Trump collapses the economy, which will cause him to lose the election.

So its like Trump cheering Joe Biden on? LOL!!
Trump knows that if the economy is still good he wins. The Fed has a lot to do with the economy in the next year, and they have room to cut rates. So Trump should win easily.
Nice <<<<<spin>>>>> on Schumer's cheering.
Everyone knows that China needs to be taken on, and Trump is doing what needs to be done. We'll see how it works out in 2020.
Creepy Joe is an embarrassment to this country. An idiot and a clown. A perfect candidate for the Party of Moon Bats.
This gaggle of Moon Bats running for President are the most insane group of politicians I have ever witnessed.
This gaggle of Moon Bats running for President are the most insane group of politicians I have ever witnessed.

2 of the objectively most qualified, Hinkenlooper and Inslee have already quit.

I guess D voters weren't impressed with Hinkenlooper taking his mom out to see XXX films in a theatre
All Trump needs to do is hope that Powell keeps lowering the interest rate, because inflation is low, and Trump wins in a landslide.
There is no democrat who can hold a candle to Trump, even with all his flaws. They are simply not presidential timber.
Haven't seen Steyer in action yet, maybe he can battle Trump if he throws enough money at the election? Then again he's a rich white guy, not a real democrat.

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