Joe Biden got one right.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.
We've been saying that for 40 years. Nice for Biden to come around. The Supreme Court doesn't make laws, Congress does. But in this case it's the states that make it. So he's wrong in that regard.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.
We've been saying that for 40 years. Nice for Biden to come around. The Supreme Court doesn't make laws, Congress does. But in this case it's the states that make it. So he's wrong in that regard.

Yes . . . we now live in a nation which has been divided into 10,000 micro-nations. What goes in one micro-nation can be worlds different from what is legal in any other. Roe will be taken apart. Abortion will make or break our civilization; it will become the issue of issues. I stand against it as do tens of millions of sane Americans. We'll see, someday, which side is willing to die beneath one of two banners: pro-life or pro child murder.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.

"The Roe v. Wade decision was supported by five Republican-appointed Justices. The five justices worked hand in hand to make the landmark ruling, with Harry Blackmun, a former counsel to the Mayo Clinic, drafting it. After a series of argument, Lewis Powell’s element of the viability of the fetus was agreed, this would become the most notable characteristic of the decision. The Justices used the three-part test in the decision which stated that a fetus could not be recognized as a person until viability. It was on this foundation that the decision was made. "

Roe v. Wade was decided by a court that was conservative, not liberal. (6 conservative appointees to 3 liberals)

This is why I don't get why all of America is so ignorant.

You are just like the rest of them.

IT is also why it will never be overturned.

stare decisis

The elites are playing all of you. The Republicans need this to get out their base in the same way the Democrats hold the promise of more gun control over their to get their base out.

It won't change, not going to happen.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.

"The Roe v. Wade decision was supported by five Republican-appointed Justices. The five justices worked hand in hand to make the landmark ruling, with Harry Blackmun, a former counsel to the Mayo Clinic, drafting it. After a series of argument, Lewis Powell’s element of the viability of the fetus was agreed, this would become the most notable characteristic of the decision. The Justices used the three-part test in the decision which stated that a fetus could not be recognized as a person until viability. It was on this foundation that the decision was made. "

Roe v. Wade was decided by a court that was conservative, not liberal. (6 conservative appointees to 3 liberals)

This is why I don't get why all of America is so ignorant.

You are just like the rest of them.

IT is also why it will never be overturned.

stare decisis

The elites are playing all of you. The Republicans need this to get out their base in the same way the Democrats hold the promise of more gun control over their to get their base out.

It won't change, not going to happen.

Your post was pointless and pretty much makes my point, Haven't you ever watched schoolhouse rocks?

Nothing there about SCOTUS making laws. Doesn't matter who sits on the court.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.
We've been saying that for 40 years. Nice for Biden to come around. The Supreme Court doesn't make laws, Congress does. But in this case it's the states that make it. So he's wrong in that regard.

Yes . . . we now live in a nation which has been divided into 10,000 micro-nations. What goes in one micro-nation can be worlds different from what is legal in any other. Roe will be taken apart. Abortion will make or break our civilization; it will become the issue of issues. I stand against it as do tens of millions of sane Americans. We'll see, someday, which side is willing to die beneath one of two banners: pro-life or pro child murder.

It does suck that we live in a nation where the government can plant abortion clinics in mostly black neighborhoods and encourage those black people to use abortion as birth control. That's why it needs to be struck down and go through the process of becoming the law.
For years people have been fighting over Roe vs Wade. For years its been an emotional election issue that politicians have promised they would protect. All this over an edict issued by a supreme court friendly to a particular political party. So we have a replacement who will overturn Roe. Good, this should be done. That way congress has to do its job and make a law. I agree with Biden on this. It would put everyone in their place, and it would truly give value to a persons vote. Biden got Trump good here. The supreme court has no business making law as they did here. I wish I could find a good link without all the political bedwetting, but I cant. On this I agree with Biden. Make it a law, and remove it as an issue.
Roe-V-Wade is too great of a 'Fear-Mongering' Tool for Democrats to get votes, justify packing the courts, etc..... Every time the democrats have the chance to make laws and resolve issues for good they balk at the chance, so when Republicans are in office they can demand THEY address it / ask why they haven't taken care of it.

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