Joe Biden Has Lowest Approval Rating of Any US President Since Jimmy Carter – But "81 Million" Votes

It's ALL about money. Dems funnel money into kickback schemes that both line their own pockets with money and fund getting them re-elected so they can keep the money flowing. Their policies are DRIVEN by this and if those policies hurt the poor and working class, they don't give a shit.

So jack up the price of everything with climate change policies. Yes that does hurt the poor and working class the most. But the money flows into the climate change kickback schemes so Dem politicians get their cut plus the campaign fund kickback cash. This is why Dem leaders blatantly abuse the very climate change policies they claim to support by flying around in private jets and buying up 3-4 giant energy gobbling homes. Because the don't really believe in climate change, it's just a money scheme.

Ever wonder why Dems don't go after the skyrocketing cost of education and massive student loan debt? Because it's a Dem money kickback scheme CASH COW that's why.
The rigor of your analysis is impressive.
It's clear the vast majority of the American people simply do not like Xiden or the Demafasict agenda...and it's obvious why, given the destruction caused by their policies. There obviously are a few cultist still holding on to the lies and hope of a Orwellian utopia
Biden's approval is already lower than Trump's. Imagine how bad it would be if the corporate media weren't carrying water for him 24/7.

That be true. Most Trump-haters don't really know what he's about or why they hate him. They're just feasting on what their media overlords are feeding them and passing it on, like some sick, disgusting human centipede.

You are a stupid, inbred, asshole.
ahhhh, did Ice Cube make you feel bad because he now hates the demfks and realizes only 61 million actually voted for creepy. When you go off on me merely posting another person saying something and treating as if it was me makes me laugh. You're pissed at me because I gave you a black guy who's had enough and you're blaming me!!!! You're off a rocker sir.
This explains the questions of this thread.

It is why the keep attacking Trump. They need to make Joe the lesser of 2 evils, plain and simple.

So Trump getting indicted 4 times on 70+ counts, including those having to do with illictly trying to subvert an election is....just an eleborate plot to make Biden lesser of the two evils?

No silly, you've got it ass-backwards, it is Trump's crazy, corrupt actions that are the cause of his legal problems and it's rightwingers that are desperately grasping for straws trying to distract and deflect to something about Joe Biden.

Problem is Trump's indictments are real, his convictions will be real and your half-baked Joe Biden fantasies are headed for rightwing bubble obscurity.
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It's clear the vast majority of the American people simply do not like Xiden or the Demafasict agenda
Because their agenda hurts vast majority of Americans. It's hard to get ahead when the Dem regime has their boot on your neck. Earn a bit more money, there's the Dems taking it in higher taxes, fees, tolls, price increases, all driven by their money schemes.
ahhhh, did Ice Cube make you feel bad because he now hates the demfks and realizes only 61 million actually voted for creepy. When you go off on me merely posting another person saying something and treating as if it was me makes me laugh. You're pissed at me because I gave you a black guy who's had enough and you're blaming me!!!! You're off a rocker sir.
Why elaborate?

You're a moron.

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